"He guarantees you in this capacity. As long as you choose to join the Knights Association, no one will dare to say anything. Even if there is, there will be other ways to suppress it, because you did not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

The immortal man was silent, and his evaluation of that master was even higher.

He dared to gamble so much for the Immortal, not for the powerful knight, the Immortal, but for the group he represented in this game.

Those independent knights who fight alone.

The Knights Association wants all independent knights to see that they are supporting the independent knights and that they want to stand with the independent knights.

But, it's a pity.

"I gotta go."

The undead man said as he turned towards the direction he came from.

"Huh?! What? Go? Where?"

Blood Thorn didn't even realize what the undead man was saying. In his opinion, this was the best way to calm the situation, and the undead man would agree to it anyway.

"Leave, Casimir."

The undead man went straight to the iron gate to the south, which he pushed open with his own hands.

"Help me, thank you, that master."


Bloodthorn took two or three steps to catch up, he stretched out his hand and shouted.

"There are people out there who are targeting you. If you go out now, you are seeking death!"

It is true that the undead are very powerful. But how can the power of an individual be compared with that of half a country?

Before joining the Knights Association, the Knights Association had no reason to aid the undead.

Li Li and the others are not here to protect the undead, but to protect the game from being disturbed.

The master who was affiliated with the Knights of War also used this excuse to make the various knight inspectors controlled by the Business Alliance remain silent for the time being.

If the immortal walks out of this door, he will not have a choice in front of him.

Not only does he belong to the Business Alliance, but if the Immortal does not join the Knights Association, the killings he has done before will also become grounds for his arrest.

"You have to think clearly! Go out and stand in front of you, the entire Business Alliance and most of the Knights Association!"

Young Sakaz was truly worried about the undead.

"You are already the most powerful knight, why do you raise your sword against the Knights Association again?"

Such a warrior should not die in the shadow of intrigues and interests.

He should have become a legend, standing tall.

The knight of sword and shield stopped. He looked back at the persuader, and a voice came from the armor.

"I don't intend to raise my sword against anyone. Nor do I intend to give birth to a fight."

The business alliance targets the undead, and they affect more than just the undead.

Zofia experienced life and death with the undead twice, and Maria firmly believed that she was right as a teacher.

Then how could he swallow his anger and swallow this humiliation into pieces?

Even in the age of gods, he did not succumb to the gods!

"I want it for my friends and my disciples."

Bloodthorn was speechless, he already knew that the purpose of the immortal was not revenge.

He wanted to stand up for his beliefs and face the despicable people who despised nobility and honor.

He wants to use his sword to let everyone understand.

Honor does not depend on the approval of others, but depends on your own creed.

Even if you die in battle, you still fall on the road to achieve your goal!

So the noble man took a step towards the door.

Maria and Zofia had already taken advantage of the chaotic audience to rush out and sneaked backstage to find the immortal.

When they found the undead man, he had just walked out of the arena.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

Maria ran over in two or three steps, she said worriedly.

"There are all knights outside, and the leader said that you have violated Casimir's laws, and now they want to take you back!"

The undead stretched out his hand and gently stroked Maria's head.

This was the first time he had physical contact with this disciple. The soft hair squeezed in through the gap in the mail, making the undead feel the softness and faint warmth.

"No, leave them alone."

The immortal man said softly to Xiao Linguang.

"Maria, you are very, very good. So, don't stop and exercise."

How could Maria not know that the undead were leaving? She had just heard these words that sounded like parting words a few years ago.

But right now, people from the Business Alliance are outside, and people from the Knights Association are waiting for the immortal's choice.

If he really doesn't give anyone face, as soon as he goes out, I don't know how many weapons will be swung at him!

This time, the situation is more dangerous than that of my sister. The Business Alliance is ready to kill the undead!

Maria was so anxious that tears almost oozed out. She reached out and grabbed the teacher's hand on her head.

"Teacher! Just agree to Sister Li's request. As long as you join the Knights Association, you will be safe!"

The immortal stroked his disciple's blond hair again, and he looked at Zofia beside him.


"I know what I should do, you don't need to tell me."

Zofia did not speak out to persuade the undead. She knew that if she could persuade the undead, the undead would not appear here today.

"Maria will become a true knight, I promise."

The undead man nodded slightly.

He knelt down again and looked into little Kuranta's worried eyes.

"Maria, your staff."


Maria was still concerned about the safety of the undead, and she didn't even realize what the undead was saying.

The undead man directly picked up the portable staff hanging from Maria's waist, turned it over, and saw the Origin Stone embedded at the bottom.

He held the staff in his left hand, and a gentle ball of light rose from his right hand.

It was not just light. Under this seemingly soft and warm light, there were countless small thunder and lightnings, which were intertwined and blended.

The undead's right hand pressed on the Source Stone, and the originally calm and stable Source Stone immediately began to tremble. It did not calm down again until the light disappeared.

But if you look carefully, there are already tiny golden branches in this source stone.

The undead handed the portable staff back to Maria's hand.

"This is the last lesson before goodbye."

he said calmly.

"Maria, listen."

Maria clenched the staff in her hand, her eyes filled with tears and her breath trembling slightly.

"Yes, teacher, please speak."

From the moment she met the undead, from her first words, Maria revealed her yearning for the noble knight.

But what she yearned for was never the noble status of a knight.

What she yearns for is the spirit of those noble knights who are not afraid of suffering, move forward resolutely, and pursue justice and glory, represented by Margaret in her heart.

Maria always had complete trust in her teacher, and she believed that her teacher was right.

She believed that the reason why the teacher became a competitive knight was not for ordinary and simple interests.

As a teacher, the Immortal firmly believes that she has the obligation to let her disciples know what justice and glory she pursues and desires.

There was unbreakable determination in the undead's tone.

Almost every word, but inadvertently made his words more shocking.

"Honor is tainted by despicable people. Knights are obscured by interests. It shouldn't be like this."

Just like Maria's sister, Margaret once said to her sister before she was forced to leave her homeland:

The so-called knight is a noble person who lights up the entire land.

The immortal also has his own opinions, and this opinion must be shown to his disciple so that she can remember it in her heart.

"Knight, resist despair, break the shackles, and dispel the darkness."

"Lend a helping hand to those in need. Keep your faith and never waver."

"You are the Burner of despair. You are the Evangelist of hope."

He preached softly and engraved his words into young and noble hearts.

"You want to be a lightning bolt. You want to be the sun."

This is not only about the honor that Maria longs for, but also a comprehensive explanation of the beliefs she has learned from following the immortals.


The blond little Kuranta looked at the teacher who was about to leave before her, and she spoke with choked sobs.

"Teacher, I remember!"

The undead man praised with satisfaction.

"very good."

He raised his eyes and looked at the door behind little Maria.

After that, a military formation composed of countless knights was waiting for him.

That is the hostility spawned by the darkness called profit and money.

As long as they are around and as long as the business alliance remains unscrupulous, there will never be a day when the independent knights will come forward.

In this battle of interests, the immortals play the role of independent knights who abandon interests.

No matter which party it is, no one wants independent knights like the Undead to exist. As long as he is still there, as long as he openly fights against the Business Alliance, he is the enemy of the Business Alliance!

But the immortal will not retreat, just because this is not what he likes.

The blood-stained knight's armor stood up and took steps towards the door.

No one can suppress his rise, and no one can stop his departure.

Just like the sun rising and setting, it never stops.

The knight left his disciple and friend. In their worried eyes, they walked towards the enemy who wanted to stop him.

The female knight had already seen the undead man, but she had already seen the answer from Zofia's solemn eyes.

Li sighed lightly and chose the most difficult path.

When the master asked Bloodthorn to help deliver the message, Li was also present.

After Bloodthorn resigned, the master was silent for a long time. Thinking about it, the master had already predicted the immortal man's final choice at that time.

Since he chose to come, there was no reason to compromise.

"let's go."

Li put away the short knife in his hand and whispered to his companions.

"He didn't agree."


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