Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 990 Ecological Balance

The landing operation on Sandworm Island was a great success, with countless spoils and no moles.

1 hour later.

After Xia Feng and Nanno Shimoda confirmed that there was no danger, almost all the young people in Nanno Village boarded the island in small wooden boats.

Although the excitement had subsided a lot at this time, Xia Feng still looked radiant, as if he had become the richest man in the world.

The villagers in Nanye Village were also very happy, and everyone kept looking back and forth near the landing location.

Xiaohui's brother Maruyama, carrying a big net, approached Xia Feng and asked.

"Fuutarou, there are so many sandworms, it's so inexhaustible that the whole village won't be able to eat them all in 100 years."

Xia Feng said with a red face.

"If you still eat for 100 years, whether you can live to be 100 years old is a question."

Maruyama smiled innocently.

"Oh, we definitely won't survive. By the way, let's not go in vain this time. Let's catch a few and take them back. The whole village will eat sandworm meat tonight."

Xia Feng touched his chin and smoothed away the stubble that was not there at all.

"Maruyama, you think things are too simple."

Maruyama was stunned.

"Ah? Can't we eat the sandworms on this island?"

"Of course you can eat it."

"That's alright. We came to the island just to catch the sandworms and eat them."

Xia Feng smiled mysteriously.

"No, besides eating, this island can do wonders."

After saying that, Xia Feng clapped his hands and summoned all the young people nearby.

"Come on, come on, gather at home, I will arrange the work."

After hearing his words, everyone gathered over without knowing why.

These young people were all stupid, some were carrying nets, some were carrying hoes, and they asked him puzzledly.

"What other jobs are there?"

"Catch a few and go back. My mother asked me to collect the dried fish in the afternoon."

"That's right, I can't finish it if I bring too much. I'll catch it next time if I want to eat."

Xia Feng raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then cleared his throat.

"Comrades, you will listen to my command from now on. I, Fuutarou, I, Xia Feng, guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future. As long as you follow my arrangements, you will no longer have to risk your life to go fishing in the sea, and you will no longer have to take the fish away. Just go to the town and exchange for things, and from now on, you will be my veteran employees."

A young man with a turban on his head raised his hand.

"What do you mean by a veteran? I'm only 21 years old today. I'm not old at all."

Xia Feng pressed his hand down.

"You won't understand even if I talk too much. I will just say one thing. As long as you believe in me, just follow me and do whatever I ask you to do. I promise that no one will suffer."

Seeing that the villagers were still a little confused, Xia Feng could only raise his right hand.

"It seems you still don't trust me. Well, I, Xia Feng, swear to God, if I"

Maruyama next to him immediately grabbed him.

"Okay, okay, we believe in you. We are all our own people, so don't act like this."

Seeing Xia Feng's vow, Nanno Shimoda, an elder in the village, also nodded.

"It doesn't matter, Fuutarou, as long as you are sure, then we will listen to you. The worst thing you can do is waste some time. Hehe, we have plenty of time anyway."

Although they didn't know what Xia Feng wanted to do, the simple villagers believed in him.

Afterwards, Xia Feng began to assign work to everyone, trying to grasp the relatively accurate situation on the first day.

Starting from noon, the villagers divided into several small teams and prepared to explore the map of Sandworm Island from several directions. At the same time, they roughly counted the distribution of the sandworm groups.

Maruyama is a carpenter, and his professional drawing skills must be good. Therefore, he was given paper and pen. His task was to draw a rough map of the island starting from the place where he landed on the island.

The weather today is good, the sun has risen to the highest point in the sky, but it is already late autumn, so it is not hot.

In this way, the whole island was busy.

Until the sun gradually sets in the west, the setting sun dyes the sea surface red.

After working hard all afternoon, and seeing that the sky was about to get dark, Xia Feng collected the work everyone had completed today, and then waved his hand.

"It's OK today, brothers, go home!"


Before leaving, everyone grabbed a dozen sandworms. The whole village will have to improve their food tonight.

After returning to the village, Xia Feng declined Uncle Nanye's invitation. He was not in the mood to go to the village for dinner. He just wanted to return home quickly and analyze the collected data to see if it was what he expected.

Catching the last rays of the setting sun, Xia Feng returned to the small yard at the edge of the cherry blossom forest.

"Wind treasure."


After taking a look at Feng Bao, who was crawling in the kennel and taking care of the house, Xia Feng walked up and touched its head.

"You must be hungry."

"Woof woof!"

"Bear with me a little longer, I still have a job!"


After entering the house, Xia Feng lit the oil lamp and compiled the data collected by the villagers.

At the same time, estimates are also being made in the brain.

According to Uncle Nanye, this sandworm island has existed for at least a hundred years. In other words, for a hundred years, sandworms have not become extinct. Instead, they have crowded the entire island.

Obviously, the previous sea monster used this island as a free cafeteria.

Sandworms have extremely high nutritional value, move slowly, and are very easy to prey on.

Judging from the size of that sea monster, it was definitely over-fed.

Afterwards, Xia Feng made a rough calculation based on the results of the villagers' investigation during the day.

With the huge size of that sea monster, I am afraid it must eat at least several hundred sandworms every day.

If calculated based on 500 animals, that would be 15,000 animals per month and 180,000 animals per year.

In other words, the sandworms on Sandworm Island can still maintain the reproduction of the population despite the accidental death of 180,000 adults every year.

Moreover, this is without human intervention, that is, in a pure wild state.

As we all know, the biggest threat to the survival of oviparous marine animals such as sandworms is not the predation of adults by predators, but the survival rate of the eggs.

Lobsters, for example, can lay about 1,000 eggs at a time, 3-4 times a year. In a wild environment, the final survival rate of these eggs may be less than 10%, and most of them are difficult to survive as adults. eaten.

Of course, the ecology of nature is balanced.

If all these eggs survive, there will be a severe shortage of corresponding food, eventually causing the population to starve to death and return to its original number.

However, if human intervention occurs, the results will be completely different.

To put it bluntly, it is breeding.

By formulating special feed to meet the huge reproduction speed and increase the number exponentially, this is traditional breeding.

Although Xia Feng doesn't understand farming, he also understands that this is definitely not a question of 1 plus 1 equals 2.

Rather, it is an infinite superposition of 1 times 1 times 2 times 3 times 4.

To put it bluntly, as long as your site is large enough and there is enough feed, you can even fill the world with sandworms.

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