Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 992 A friend comes from afar

On the coast, a huge [Rheinland Life] special transport aircraft was parked on the beach.

"Hi, Yo-Yo, Hemo and I are here to see you, hehe!"

Hearing this familiar call and seeing the familiar figure walking out, Xia Feng was completely stunned.

He just stood there, staring blankly at one person after another walking out of the cabin.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Hui next to him poked his arm.

"Brother Xia Feng, why are you crying?"

"Did I cry?"

"Although the tears didn't come out, looking at your expression, it looks like you are crying."

Xia Feng brushed away the light moisture from the corners of his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Maybe it's because my invincible Charmander is here."


At this time, the first person to jump out of the transport plane was Ifrit, and it was immediately obvious that he was also this girl.

It had been more than half a year since I last saw him. Ifrit seemed to be a little taller than before, but her figure was still so skinny. When she saw Xia Feng, she immediately rushed over like a little buffalo.


After running closer, I saw her leaping up, doing a hungry tiger attack, and hit Xia Feng's arms directly.


The collision nearly broke Xia Feng's ribs on his chest again, but he barely managed to avoid falling over by pushing against his back heel.

After standing firm, looking at Ifrit hanging directly on him, Xia Feng asked in pain and happiness.

"Ancestor, why are you here!"

"Hahaha, the hide-and-seek is over, I found you!"

Seeing the extremely close relationship between the two, the villagers nearby also lowered their guard. It was obvious that this was an acquaintance of Xia Feng.

At this time, a rational voice came.

"Ifrit, come down quickly. Don't get stuck on Xia Feng. What a mess."


Xia Feng heard the sound and looked over. Hemo was wearing a white coat and was smiling under his glasses.


Homer nodded.

"Well, Xia Feng, long time no see, are you okay?"

Seeing these familiar people, Xia Feng was so excited that he could not speak coherently. At this moment, he saw three more people walking out of the cabin at the back.

It was Seria, Mel, and a little girl he didn't know.

Xia Feng was completely confused.

"Why is Ceria here too? Hey, how come you are together?"

Helmer pushed up his glasses and explained.

"It's like this. Although I have left Rheinlife, I was recently invited by the official to participate in an experiment on ore disease research by Rheinlife as a scientific advisor. Seria is the specialist in charge of connecting with me. and to protect my safety while participating.”

"Huh? Are you back to Rhine Life again?"

"It's not about going back, it's about being a scientific advisor."

After hearing this explanation, Xia Feng thought for a while before reacting.

Afterwards, Helmer briefly explained to him.

When he took everyone in Kuroba to Colombia to rescue Helmer and others who were taken hostage, he had a huge conflict with Rhine Life, and in the end, it ended with Kuroba's overwhelming victory.

After the incident, the person in charge of the Balrog Project and the Black Flame Experiment at Rheinland Life was removed from his post, the entire experimental facility was officially acquired, and a thorough internal overhaul was also ushered in.

Since then, former employees of Rhine Life such as Helmer, White-faced Owl, Mel, and Aina all went to Victoria and broke away from the organization. Only Seria stayed at Rhine Life.

As the person in charge of the Rheinland Prebiotic Origin Stone project, Helmer has left the organization, but the core technology and rich experience she has mastered are very important.

So this time, the Colombian government officially invited Hemmer to participate in Rhine Life's latest experiment.

Rhine life has been completely reorganized, and those dark experiments have been completely abolished, and with Seria as one of her own, she agreed.

At the same time, Hemmer also wanted to see how far Rheinland Life’s latest project has progressed. Colombia, as the world’s largest technological power, still has value to learn from.

After listening to Hemo's explanation, although Xia Feng understood it, he was still confused.

"So, how the hell do you know I live here?"

Helmer looked around at the coastline.

"It's a long story, Xia Feng. I heard that you have a new home here. Don't you want us to come and sit there?"

Only then did Xia Feng realize that besides him, there was also a large group of villagers who were also confused here.

Then, he turned around and waved to everyone.

"Everyone, please leave. These are my friends. Don't worry, they are best friends. There is no danger."

After hearing his words, the villagers dispersed one after another, but some people still couldn't help but peek at the huge transport plane while walking.

Among the crowd, only Xiao Hui seemed to be muttering unhappily.

"Hey, they are all women."

After the villagers dispersed, Ceria and the others also walked to Xia Feng.

There was no change in Ceria, she was still as serious as before, but when she saw Xia Feng, she still showed a smile that she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Xia Feng, long time no see."

"Oh, long time no see."

Mel clasped his hands behind his head and looked around.

"Xia Feng, you are quite good at choosing a place. You can hide it deep enough. Well, the scenery here is not bad."

Ifrit, on the other hand, had no restraint and shouted directly at the top of her voice.

"I'm hungry, Yo-Yo, let's go home quickly."

This girl doesn't care about anything. In her eyes, Xia Feng's home is her home.

Xia Feng glanced at the super large plane parked on the coast.

"It's no problem to go home. The plane is placed here. It won't be washed away by the sea water when the tide rises at night. Don't let it get soaked.

Helmer showed his reassuring eyes and explained with a smile.

"No, there are still five RheinLife staff on the plane. They will take care of the plane."

Later, Xia Feng learned that this plane was the product of Rhine Life Technology. Of course, he was no stranger to it because he had been lucky enough to fly on it.

During the Mandel City incident, he was brought from the natural disaster area by Hemmer on this kind of plane, and he received emergency treatment for ore disease on the plane. Later, he was transported back to Colombia by plane.

At this moment, this aircraft is obviously an upgraded version.

According to Helmer, this plane is equipped with pharmaceutical equipment, experimental equipment, exploration equipment, efficient communication equipment that ignores geography, and can even complete small and medium-sized surgeries.

It can be said that this is a professional aerial mobile laboratory of Rheinland Life.

After hearing Hemo's explanation, Xia Feng gave a thumbs up.

"I'm a turtle, I'm really strong."

Mel looked around impatiently.

"Stop chatting and go home quickly. I want to go to the toilet."

Ifrit also yelled willfully at the top of her voice.

"I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I want to eat, ahhhh!"

Facing these two guys, Xia Feng responded repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, my home is in the cherry blossom forest not far ahead. Let's talk while walking."

Then, under the leadership of Xia Feng, everyone walked towards the cherry blossom forest.

Helmer walked to the back, put his hand on the shoulder of the little girl who had never spoken, and smiled.

"Magellan, let's go to Xia Feng's house for dinner."

The girl known as Magellan wore thick Rheinland Life overalls and carried a small toolbox in her hand, as if she had to carry it with her wherever she went.

Hearing what Hemo said, she nodded.

"Dr. Hemmer, Evefu seems to be very happy. Is that person the Xia Feng you mentioned to me before?"


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