Regarding sandworms, there is no research value at all to the former Rhine life.

Imagine that a group of the world's top scientists use the world's top biotechnology and the world's top scientific research equipment to study a crab-like ingredient.

This picture alone has a strong sense of dissonance.

No matter how delicious the sandworm is, it is just food. Apart from that, it cannot become a new energy source, let alone suppress ore disease.

This is like going to the field to cut wheat with a Qinglong Yanyue knife. It is such a waste of resources.

Of course, in addition to being edible, sandworms can also be sold for money, and they are very expensive, but this cannot be the reason for Rhine Life to expend energy on it, because Rhine Life is not short of money.

This belongs to the field of commercial scientific research, or it is called agricultural breeding technology. It is suitable for those wealthy bosses who spend a lot of money to hire a group of second-rate scientists to do it.

However, at this time, Hemer and others subverted common sense and seriously studied sandworms.

Because this is Xia Feng's wish.

This reason is enough.

In a simple laboratory on the plane.

Helmer, wearing a white coat, placed the collected samples on the experimental table, then turned his head and said to Xia Feng.

"Next, I will do a preliminary sample analysis and simulate the reproduction method of sandworms. If you feel bored, you can go home and wait."

Xia Feng really didn't understand and could only ask tentatively.

"About how long will it take?"

"Not necessarily, it will probably take at least three days."

"Ah, that's quite a long time."

Xia Feng thought about it.

"Is there anything I can do? As the sandworm lord, I can't just sit idle."

Helmer pushed up his glasses and said very seriously.

"There is indeed something you need to do."

"What's up?"

"Bring us food."

Helmer said that the analysis would take three days, and Xia Feng had no clear idea of ​​whether three days was long or short.

It was not until later that he realized that what Hemer spent three days researching might take outsiders three months, and they might not be able to understand it.

It can be seen that although it is wasteful to use the Qinglong Yanyue knife to cut wheat, the effect is great. We do not pursue cost-effectiveness, but luxury.

In order to help him realize his plan to expand sandworm breeding, Hemmer postponed his return to Victoria. To be honest, this choice has reflected Hemer's sincere friendship for him.

On one side is a world-class ore disease research experiment, on the other side is the dissection of sandworms.

Helmer chose the latter.

In the next few days, Rhine Life's plane parked at Sandworm Island, and Hemer stayed there day and night.

In addition to her, Mel, Magellan, and Ceria are also there.

Although the project was dominated by Hemmer's progress, Mayer and Magellan were also top figures in their respective fields.

The division of labor between the several people is as follows: Hemmer is responsible for the detailed and complex theory, Magellan is responsible for the accurate data, and Mayer is responsible for the final implementation.

As for Ceria, she can only be responsible for the safety of these scientific madmen. After all, this is an uninhabited island and still needs bodyguards.

In order to complete this plan as soon as possible, these friends who flew from Longmen to visit him became more tired than working. Among them, only Ifrit was the happiest.

Ifrit is an ADHD patient who can't sit still. When she was at the barbecue restaurant, in order to prevent her from acting recklessly, Hemer almost didn't allow her to go out alone.

Now at the vast seaside, the sealed husky is finally freed.

"Fengbao, drive, drive!"


On the coast, Ifrit rides Fengbao and gallops freely on the beach.

Sorata, carrying a small basket on his back, followed behind and gave a kind reminder.

"Slow down, hold on tight, be careful not to fall."

As peers, Ifrit and Sorata became familiar friends, but the personalities of these two children were completely different.

Sorata is a precocious type, not because he is born precocious, but because the living environment in the village forces him not to be too willful.

Looking back at Ifrit, there is no word "mature" in her dictionary. Maybe she will still be the same until she is 20, 30 or 40 years old.

The premise is that ore disease disappears from this world.

Of course, Ifrit never thinks about these pessimistic things. For her, any adversity will only really interest her when it is within reach of her.

Riding on Feng Bao's back, this girl smiled heartlessly.

"Hahaha, Sora is chasing me too fast. You can't catch me. Hahaha, Fengbao, speed up and charge!"

"Ifrit, be careful not to fall."

"Hahaha, how is it possible? I, Lord Ifrit, never ouch!"

The next second, Ifrit was thrown off, and her face came into close contact with the sand.

Although Feng Bao was big enough, after all, it was not a horse, and it was not suitable for riding. With a coquettish move, Ifrit was shaken down as expected.

Realizing that Ifrit had fallen into pieces, Feng Bao immediately stopped and turned around.

Sorata caught up behind him panting, and looking at Ifrit sitting on the ground in a panic with a face full of sand, he immediately asked with concern.

"Ifrit, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Ifrit held her nose.

"It hurts so good."

After Feng Bao came closer, he made an apologetic "wuwu" sound and licked her little face with his big tongue.


Ifrit had a Hermer put a band-aid on her nose, and she sat in a daze in the courtyard of Juyoro Sakurabu's house.

"Old man with white beard, how old are you?"

Juyoro Sakurabu stroked his beard leisurely.

"you guess?"

"Well, I guess you are 200 years old."

"Oh, if I could live to be 200 years old, I would become a sperm."

Juyoro Sakurabu didn't mind what Ifrit called him at all. On the contrary, in his eyes, this was the most natural state for people to get along with each other.

Sitting in the pergola in the yard, the conversation between the old and the young was very strange.

"Girl, how old are you?"

"I have no idea."

"Don't know? Don't you have parents?"

"I don't know if I have parents. I have no memory of my childhood. Some people in white coats once told me that I was a monster. Hey, since I am a monster, it makes sense to have no parents, right?"

If an ordinary person hears this, he will definitely think that this child has watched too many cartoons, but with Juyorozu Sakura's level, he can already faintly sense the power beyond the ordinary in Ifrit's body.

"Haha, you girl is quite optimistic. Even if you are treated as a monster, you won't feel lonely."

Ifrit sat with her legs crossed, her thin body huddled together very naturally, and she murmured.

"Actually, I used to feel lonely occasionally, such as when I couldn't see Hummer for several days. But later, Yo-Yo led me to meet many people, and since then, I have never felt lonely again."


"The yo-yo is Xia Feng. He used to always become bald for no reason. He looked very much like a yo-yo. It's funny to think about it, hehehehe."

Juyoro Sakurabu could tell that this girl's words were full of happiness.

Standing up, he said with loving concern.

"It's late at night, girl, are you cold?"

"I'm not cold. Oh, by the way, I can help you warm yourself if you are cold."

"Oh, no need, how can you, a kid, make a fire?"

"It's okay, it's very warm. If you don't believe it, look at it."

I saw Ifrit with a harmless expression on his face, stretching out his palm, and then the surrounding air suddenly trembled.


A beam of fire rose in her small palm, and the whole yard immediately became extremely warm.

The firelight reflected on Juyoro Sakura's face. He did not appear too shocked, but said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, this is a spell, you control it very well."

Ifrit was praised and immediately showed pride.

"Hmph, this level is too easy for me. Look, I can also make it bigger, Sheng!"

Following her words, the flames in her palms instantly grew stronger, leaping up to a height of more than ten meters, and then, as expected, lit up Juyoro Sakurabu's awning.

At this moment, Mr. Yingwu, who had always been leisurely and contented, showed a "shocked" expression for the first time.

"Smelly girl, my pergola! Stop it!"

Then, the old figure picked up the bucket and ran towards the stream outside the courtyard.

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