Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 999 Xiao Yin hides in the forest

Helmer's proposal was that he would build an airport and a port on the south coast.

How should I put it? It’s really simple and crude.

Airports and ports, both of which are huge engineering-level facilities, if they coexist, I am afraid it will not be "unnatural".

Looking around, let alone Xichuan and Dongzhou, there is not even a regular airport in the entire Dongguo.

Anyone with a normal brain circuit would probably think that Hemo was joking when they heard this suggestion. However, Xia Feng fell into deep thought.

It's not because his brain circuit is abnormal, it's because he feels it.

If most people in the world think that something is impossible but only you think it is possible, then it does not necessarily mean that you are abnormal.

It's also possible that the whole world is abnormal and only you are normal.

Some people say that there is only a fine line between genius and madman.

Helmer is obviously a genius. As for himself, I can't say whether he is a genius or not, but he is not a madman.

Well, probably not.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is the ultimate answer to see through the appearance to the essence. With Helmer's eyes, he must have seen at a glance that this is the only solution.

If we sail the ship to the west port of Xichuan and then transport the things to the south coast, I am afraid it will take more energy and financial resources.

Although it is not as troublesome as building a port yourself in a short period of time, over time, this shortcoming will become larger and larger. To put it bluntly, this is the difference between having a computer at home and walking 2 kilometers to go to an Internet cafe to access the Internet.

The same goes for building an airport.

Air freight and sea freight are basically the same in form, except that the speed of air freight is much higher than that of sea freight, and the relative cost will be greater.

If possible, it would be most appropriate to have both, so that you have ample options.

Those who are nearby are transported by sea, those who are far away are transported by air. Those who are not in a hurry are transported by sea, and those who are in a hurry are transported by air.

After figuring out the pros and cons, Xia Feng made an immediate decision.

"It's decided, let's build our own Internet cafe."


"Oh no, build a port and add an airport."

After hearing his decision, Mel next to him came over with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I knew you would decide. Look, I've made all the engineering design drawings."

Looking at the complete design that Mel carefully prepared based on the south coast environment, Xia Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion in his heart.

This design drawing is definitely not something that can be done by just writing and drawing. If he had not accepted Helmer's proposal, Mel's drawing would have been in vain.

But Mel had no such concerns, and she knew he would definitely agree.

Just as he knows these companions very well, they also know him very well. No matter how the situation changes, his thinking pattern will not change.

Although he never said it, his companions understood his original choice.

He chose to leave Victoria because he wanted to kill Frey, and he didn't want to return to Victoria because he didn't want his presence to affect Victoria's international situation.

He is the leader of the infected, and it is with his presence that Vina can complete the ultimate comeback and win the throne. This is an indisputable fact.

Of course, based on personal feelings, it was his wish to leave Victoria because he was tired.

He no longer wants to participate in the complicated royal politics because he has no suitable position.

After the entire country has gone through the dark age, if Xia Feng still has the right to speak, he can only represent three parties.

1. Infected persons.

Two, Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

Three, King Vina.

He cannot speak for the infected, because this would lose the "equality" that New Victoria strongly advocates.

At the same time, he cannot represent the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, because the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce led by him is a gang, and the New Victoria Empire does not allow gangs to exist, which will also lose "equality".

Even if he gives up all gangster industries, infected people will believe it, but ordinary people will not believe it, because in the eyes of ordinary people, he is not a hero.

As for representing Vina, it is even easier for people to misunderstand. This misunderstanding does not refer to the country, but the entire world.

Because in this case, politicians from other countries will subconsciously suspect that King Vina is being controlled by him, being used by him, and being used as a puppet by him.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. If you are in a certain position, everything is out of your control.

Therefore, he wanted to escape in exchange for some peace and quiet.

That's right, he came to Dongguo just to do what he wanted to do. He didn't represent any position, only himself. There was no gain or loss, he just wanted to have a clear conscience.

He wants to live the life he longs for, but the life he longs for does not mean a poor life. The reason why he is poor is because money is not so easy to make.

At the same time, what everyone yearns for will also change over time.

By killing Frey and disappearing in Victoria, he has fulfilled the responsibility contained in the name "Summer Wind". For the rest, he can live however he wants.

Making money is nothing to be ashamed of.

Many people who think they are noble always say that money is an external possession, that others smell like copper, and that money has gone to their head.

But if a box of banknotes is really thrown at his door, he will immediately become disgusting and say from the bottom of his heart, "It's good to have money."

If a practicing person really shows strong resistance to money, it can only be said that his practice is not deep enough, because in his eyes, money is still "money", and noise is still "noisy", rather than a part of the universe.

People who truly give up everything will not care about changes in the environment at all.

Just like Sakura Takejuyorozu who lives in seclusion deep in the cherry blossom forest.

In the courtyard of Juyoro Sakurabu.

Xia Feng picked a cucumber and said to the old man while chewing it.

"Master Ten, I plan to build a port and airport near Sandworm Bay. What do you think?"

Juyoro Sakurabu leaned on his chair without even opening his eyes.

"My old man doesn't understand this."

"I mean, will it disturb your peace?"

Faced with this problem, the old man replied with a very profound statement.

"If worrying about me being disturbed becomes an obstacle for you to do things, then it also proves in disguise that my existence itself has caused trouble for you. As a person, I don't like to cause trouble to others, especially this kind of thing. Imposed trouble.”

Xia Feng was confused when he heard this.

"Then you are not afraid of being disturbed?"

"The little one hides in the forest, the big one hides in the city, Xia Feng, just do what you want, even if the entire coast is turned upside down, I won't have any problem, because I am just a passerby, or in other words, everyone They are all passers-by.”

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up unconsciously.

"Master Shi, be open-minded."

Juyoro Sakurabu smiled kindly.

"Oh, you are not arrogant and waste your youth. Your life has just begun. I have known for a long time that how can a person like you be willing to live in seclusion in this cherry blossom forest? Even if you are willing, God will not agree."

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