Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1007 Become a billionaire from scratch using sandworms

The Haimen Group's cargo ship arrived successfully.

Reluctantly and tremblingly, the pier built by the villagers finally fulfilled its mission and unloaded all the cargo on the ship.

This is only the first ship agreed upon. After this, there are two other ships that have already set off from Victoria and are sailing on the sea at this time.

Haimen Group's "Guangming" is equipped with a professional crew of more than 300 people, in addition to another 300 people.

Half of these people were Kuroyu's former younger brothers at the eastern suburbs training ground. They were also temporarily sent from the Chamber of Commerce to assist at Xia Feng's request.

The other half are the professional engineers hired by Nancy from the north at a high price. To put it bluntly, they are here to participate in the construction.

These people know how to use large-scale engineering equipment and understand the drawings designed by Meier. With the addition of this professional team, the subsequent construction will take off in an all-round way and achieve unimaginable ultra-high efficiency.

[Guangming] sailed at full speed very fast, unmatched by the other two ships. Although the departure time differed by less than one day, its arrival was three or four days slower.

Using this time, the engineering team immediately launched deployment. The first thing they did was to reinforce and expand the shabby dock built by Xia Feng and the villagers.

With the support of efficient modern engineering technology, the villagers were dumbfounded. Within three days, the entire dock was completely new.

Within the next week, the remaining two cargo ships arrived one after another. At this point, the first batch of goods that Xia Feng needed had all been arrived.

The huge project is in full swing.

Regardless of day or night, it can be said that the earth is shaking as far as the eye can see, and construction is going on all along the south coast at the same time.

The Origin Stone Power Station is equipped with signal towers, medical rooms, large cold storages, feed processing workshops, fully automatic packaging lines, and several very large warehouses.

All facilities started construction at the same time, and buildings were built one after another, as if they were made by miraculous craftsmen.

As the only person in Nanno Village who knew architecture, Maruyama couldn't understand it at all this time. He couldn't figure out why that huge steel machine could dig up the hard soil as easily as tofu.

Yes, this is the power of Source Stone technology.

With the support of Origin Stone, both industrial production and land construction have risen to unprecedented levels.

This is also the reason why the national power of the countries in the world of Terra has exploded since the birth of Origin Stone technology.

For example, technologically powerful countries such as Colombia can, after thoroughly mastering a certain technology, leapfrog other backward countries by thousands of miles in a very short period of time.

To exaggerate, the speed of technological development is even faster than the speed of information dissemination in some small countries. This is the most terrifying thing.

Sandworm Island is currently in the construction stage, but now that the ship has arrived, there is no need to return to Victoria empty-handed.

Without the consumption of the huge sea monster, the sandworms on the Sandworm Island were overflowing. At Xia Feng's request, the villagers who were unable to get involved in the construction immediately went to the island to capture them manually.

Because the cargo ship was not a professional fishing boat and the snow and ice area on the ship was limited, we did not catch too many sandworms the first time. Only 5,000 sandworms filled the cold and snow areas of the three ships.

Standing at the dock, Xia Feng waved goodbye to the captain of the Guangming.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers. Go back and say hello to Brother Lin for me."

The captain was a middle-aged man with a big beard. Being a captain meant that he was naturally Lin Hai's trusted brother. At the same time, he also knew very well who Xia Feng was.

"President Xia, you're welcome. It's not hard. We are all brothers. We will go back now."

Xia Feng didn't mind the title "President", even though he was no longer the president.

"Well, have a nice trip!"


After all the crew members boarded the ship, the huge steel fortress was slowly launched, and the anchor chain was raised from the "Gadalda" on the seabed.


The low and melodious ship's whistle resounded throughout the sea.

These 5,000 sandworms were shipped back to Nancy by Xia Feng, not to Lin Hai. As for the freight charges of Haimen Group, Nancy would pay for him.

If these 5,000 sandworms were really given to Lin Hai as freight, he would probably laugh the old guy until he couldn't sleep.

Judging from the total number of sandworms on Sandworm Island, 5,000 doesn't seem like much, just a small fraction.

If formalized breeding is carried out with human intervention, the total number will become controllable.

To put it bluntly, how much you invest will produce proportional output, just like milking a cow. What you feed is grass, what you milk is milk, and the harvest is unlimited.

It sounds like raising sandworms is similar to raising chickens, but the value gap between the two is like brass and diamonds.

His current sandworm has not yet been priced, but combined with previous data, he can still make a rough calculation.

Taking Victoria as an example, an adult sandworm can be sold for 4,000-8,000 Terra coins, mainly based on its quality, that is, its freshness.

Of course, this is the retail price. If you make a compromise and calculate it as 6,000 Terra coins each, the 5,000 sandworms he shipped to Nancy would be 30 million.

Some people may think that compared with the initial investment of 650 million, 30 million seems a bit small.

However, if a complete breeding system is completed, according to Hemmer's calculations, 5,000 sandworms may only be enough to produce one or two days.

Based on the initial scale only and without considering subsequent expansion, at least more than 100,000 sandworms will be produced every month.

Moreover, it is the only designated general sales office that monopolizes the world.

This is a more terrifying number, but some people may ask, if sandworms are so expensive and the output is so large, will there really be so many people buying up all these sandworms?

If you answer from Xia Feng's perspective, the answer is yes.

Yes, it definitely will, and it will be sold out, with demand exceeding supply.

The desire for sandworms among people all over the world will not be reduced due to the large number of supplies flooding into the market, but will become more respected. At least in a few years, this situation is inevitable.

For example, in his original world, there was an ingredient called king crab, which can also be called a species that is very similar to sandworms in terms of edible value.

He remembered accidentally seeing on the news that the annual production of king crab, a rare seafood, in a certain area was 5,000 tons, and it still could not meet the market demand.

That's right, not 5,000, but 5,000 tons.

This is just one region, and king crab is just one of the high-end crab ingredients.

Of course, the population of his original world was much larger than that of Terra, but the reason was the same, because, at least among his relatives and friends, no one could eat king crab as a home-cooked dish.

It can be seen that using his sandworm island to supply the entire world of Terra, there is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to consume it.

If you are worried, it can only be said that you are looking down on the foodies around the world.

Whenever a major change in life is about to occur, the person involved will have some kind of premonition.

Of course, Xia Feng didn't feel anything about this, because money was just a tool to him. In this world, money only has advantages and no disadvantages.

But other than him, others were not so indifferent.

Especially the villagers in Nanye Village who watched him grow from scratch, from a seed to a towering tree.

To these people, Xia Feng seemed to have used practical actions to film an abstract TV series for them.

The name is called.

"Become a Billionaire from Scratch with Sandworms"

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