Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1018 Collection

The generals of the Nishimiya family came to him to collect food?

After hearing Lang Da's report, Xia Feng felt that it seemed reasonable but also very unreasonable, combined with Xichuan's current situation.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lapland, who was slumped on the rocking chair like a lazy dog ​​just now, jumped up instantly, followed Xia Feng with a pair of knives in his hands, and an excited look on his face.

"Hey, hey, here it comes, something interesting is coming."

After leading everyone out of the cherry blossom forest, Xia Feng felt no tension or anxiety, but instead felt an inexplicable sense of relaxation.

To be honest, with the current situation in the East Kingdom, some things will come sooner or later. If they never come, I will always feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Xia Feng walking in front without speaking, Lang Da felt that he was a little unhappy, so he followed a few steps and spoke.

"Brother Feng, if you find it troublesome, don't come forward. I will lead Black Feather's brothers to drive those people away."

"Drive away?"

Langda lowered his face and made a killing motion.

"If they don't leave, I will take people to kill them and throw them into the sea."

This suggestion made Xia Feng look disgusted.

"Brother, stop it. We are no longer a gang. How can we kill people casually?"

Lang Da also felt that it was too violent.

"Yes, then just listen to you, Brother Feng. If you need to take action, just give me a look."

5 minutes later.

Xia Feng and others rushed to the dock near the coastline.

Sure enough, a group of men dressed as standard Eastern Kingdom warriors gathered in the open space. It was visually estimated that there were more than 40 people. The leader was a burly man who was talking to Xiaohui.

Because the distance was too far, Xia Feng couldn't hear what Xiao Hui was saying. At this moment, several villagers from Nanye Village and staff from the breeding department were standing behind her.

Judging from Xiaohui's expression, she seemed to be embarrassed.

"Master Takeda, I really can't make the decision on this kind of thing."

The man called Lord Takeda was the leading military general. He spoke condescendingly and with a domineering look on his face.

"The war in Xichuan is tense now. This is the order of the head of the family. You must understand that I am not negotiating with you."

"But, this."

Nanye Village, which has lived on the south coast for generations, rarely communicates with the inland, and rarely has any food confiscated by the family owner.

However, as long as the people of the Eastern Kingdom are concerned, their deep-rooted thoughts cannot be shaken, and that is the fear of military commanders.

In the Eastern Kingdom, famous generals could even find excuses to kill civilians they didn't like.

At the pier, facing dozens of men carrying samurai swords, Xiao Hui was so nervous that she almost cried. At this time, she suddenly saw Xia Feng and others walking towards this side.

"Brother Xia Feng!"

At this moment, Xiao Hui was not happy because Xia Feng came to rescue her, but her eyes were filled with deep worry, because she knew that the other party was a general of the Nishimiya family.

Xia Feng walked to her side.

"It's okay, I'll handle it."

After that, he pulled Xiaohui behind him.

The man who was just called Takeda raised his eyebrows and glanced up and down at Xia Feng's thin body.

"Who are you?"

Xia Feng looked at him calmly.

"I am the person in charge of this sandworm farm. You can also understand that I am responsible for all the people on this coast, including the villages. My name is Xia Feng."

Upon hearing this self-introduction, Takeda and the accompanying samurai next to him looked at each other with a hint of mockery.

"Oh, you are responsible for everything. You are so polite. Okay, in this case, then things will be simple."

"I don't know what's going on?"

Takeda puffed out his chest and spoke loudly and condescendingly.

"I am a military commander personally awarded by the head of the Nishinomiya family. My name is Takeda Masakazu. This time, I am ordered by the head of the family to collect the food and grass needed for the war. All the people of Nishikawa are not allowed to refuse to pay. Anyone who violates this will be killed."

When Takeda said the last three words "violators will be killed", Takeda specifically raised his voice and stared at Xia Feng's eyes carefully.

But what surprised him was that Xia Feng didn't have any mood swings, especially the look of panic he expected was completely absent.

Not only Xia Feng was missing, but also the few people following him were missing.

Faced with these unexpected remarks, Xia Feng replied calmly.

"Sorry, I'm not from Xichuan, I'm from Victoria."

Takeda raised his voice domineeringly.

"I don't care where you are from. As long as you are standing on the land of Xichuan now, you belong to the people of Xichuan. It has nothing to do with where you came from before."

After saying this, Takeda glanced at the nearby facilities.

"If you don't admit that you are a citizen of Xichuan, then leave Xichuan within one day. After one day, I will confiscate everything you left behind, including those who did not evacuate. The men will be used as troops and the women will be used to transport food. "

After hearing these words, Xia Feng seemed to understand something.

Obviously, this group of people who call themselves the Nishimiya family samurai did not find this place by accident, but came prepared.

Although the south coast is remote, the sandworm incident may have leaked out a long time ago.

Looking back now, the activity he held in the town had already been targeted by inland businessmen.

After that, he carried out extensive construction on the coastline, various facilities were built, and various ships plied here and there.

No matter how stupid they were, the Nishimiya family, as the rulers of the entire Nishikawa region, could not be completely ignorant. The reason why they did not come to the door at that time was because of changes in the war with the Sakura Takeshi family.

But now, the two-level reversal of events can no longer be reversed. All the Nishimiya family can do is bite the bullet and mobilize the power of the entire territory to fight.

Then, it was finally his turn to be put down before.

After figuring out the whole story, Xia Feng sighed helplessly.

"Okay, peace is the most important thing in doing business. Whatever you want to levy, I can cooperate to the best of my ability."

Seeing Xia Feng relax, Takeda smiled proudly.

"That's right, you're a wise guy."

After saying that, he touched his chin and scanned the entire coastline, and finally stopped in the direction of the dock.

"I heard that you are selling something called sandworms here. You should be making a lot of money. In this way, I will collect 5,000 gold coins first. Don't tell me that you don't have them. If you don't have them, you have to collect enough for me."

"Then what?"

"Then, we will also requisition your ships. Recently, due to the needs of the war, the ships traveling between West Port and Longmen have been very tight. We need to transport medicines and weapons. We have requisitioned all four of your fishing boats."

Xia Feng continued to ask expressionlessly.

"Any more?"

Seeing his nonchalant look, Takeda thought his appetite was too small.

Turning his eyes, he thought for a moment that if the head of the Nishinomiya family knew that he had conquered so many things on the barren south coast, he would definitely be rewarded heavily, and he might even appoint him as a first-level military commander and become a master.

Takeda pretended to be thoughtful.

"Ahem, of course. This war is very tense. It concerns the safety of all the people in Xichuan. Everyone must help with all their resources. In this way, I will add 5,000 gold coins. In addition, you will have to provide 500 men. Ding, follow me back to the interior to send troops."

Takeda was very satisfied with these requests that he had thought of at the last moment, but just when he was proud, he heard a faint laugh.

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha."


Lapland tilted his head back in laughter.

Wolf Da had a mocking look on his face, as if he was looking at an idiot.

Even the serious Hong Dao looked sympathetic.

Takeda was furious at the unserious laughter.

"What are you laughing at! You, you, and the one with the big gray butt, all of you, come back with me and join the army!"

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