Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1023 Xi Gong Ling’s Vision

The Nishinomiya family has maintained close contact with Longmen in recent years, but very few people know that the trade between Longmen and the Nishinomiya family is only assigned by "above".

And this "above" comes from the interior of Yan Kingdom.

In the courtyard of the cherry blossom forest.

Faced with Nishimiya Yanshi's persistent pursuit, Xia Feng had lost patience.

"Let me say it one last time, I don't want to get involved in this matter, so don't drag me into the water."

Nishimiya Hikoshi will never give up easily.

"Your Excellency Xia Feng, if the Yingwu family really comes to attack, do you know how many people will die?"

"How many?"

"The Nishimiya family has about 100,000 standing troops in various city positions, but in order to cope with the war, the current force recruited by the family leader has reached 400,000, and the vast majority of them are civilians."

"Oh? That's actually the case."

"That's right, it's absolutely true."

"But what does this have to do with me?"


Xia Feng moved closer to Nishimiya Yanshi and lowered his voice.

"Don't think I don't know. These 400,000 people were not recruited temporarily. As early as a few months ago, the Nishimiya family was forcibly recruiting troops because you planned to attack Dongzhou."

At this moment, Nishimiya Yanshi seemed to have been greatly wronged and denied it repeatedly.

"Your Excellency Xia Feng, you really misunderstood. The head of the Ling family never planned to attack Dongzhou from the beginning to the end. The previous gathering at the border was just to put pressure on the Yingwu family. Please listen to me slowly about this matter."

Xia Feng's face was extremely gloomy.

"I don't want to hear you talk slowly. I'll give you 1 minute to finish your explanation."


Later, Nishimiya Hikoshi explained the Nishimiya family's previous military behavior in extremely concise words.

In recent years, the Nishinomiya family has been conducting trade interactions with Longmen, and some products that are different from the inferior quality of the locals have slowly entered the Eastern Kingdom.

However, for the developed Longmen, the market in Dongguo is still too small, so small that even some large chambers of commerce are unwilling to deal with it.

There is no way, the Nishinomiya family can only control the Nishikawa area, not the entire Dongguo. Moreover, the Dongguo area is lacking in resources. The only things that are valued by Longmen are fish, gold, and grains with slightly higher quality.

Under the condition of unequal resources, this is very disadvantageous, because this kind of trade will lose the right to speak and be squeezed to the extreme by others.

Faced with such disadvantages, the young head of the Nishimiya family finally came up with a solution.

By collecting information and understanding the world structure, a hard currency resource circulating around the world broke into the Nishimiya family's sight.

This thing is the source stone.

Like any country in the world except Kjerag, the Eastern Kingdom will also be favored by natural disasters.

But because it is an island country and its land area is small, the frequency of natural disasters is very small. Even the people who have seen it think it is a terrible natural disaster, or it is related to the punishment of the gods.

Natural disasters destroy the land.

The land will breed source stones.

Source stones can also cause people to suffer from mineral sickness.

However, in the Eastern Kingdom, where bandits were rampant and wars were raging, the terrifying impression of ore disease was minimized.

To put it bluntly, in areas where basic survival guarantees are not available, no one will care too much about a chronic fatal disease.

Therefore, the Nishimiya family only valued the middle point, [the land will breed Origin Stone].

Source Stone is in short supply in the world of Terra, especially in the world's powerful countries. Trading of Source Stone is prohibited. It is impossible for any country to sell Source Stone mined in its own country for money.

However, the backward Eastern Kingdom did not have Origin Stone technology, and the Origin Stone could not exert its due value in their hands.

In this case, the best way is to sell it in exchange for capital for national development.

Nishimiya Hikoshi didn't say much, but his explanations were easy to understand.

To put it simply, Nishimiya Rei, the head of the Nishimiya family, wanted to learn how to mine Origin Stones and introduce Origin Stone processing technology, but the Nishikawa area was too small and he didn’t have enough money to go through all the trouble.

Therefore, Nishimiya Ling wanted to negotiate with the Sakurawu family to vacate the natural disaster area left by Dongzhou, and allow the Nishimiya family to enter the Dongzhou area to mine source stones, and then everyone would prosper together.

It's just that what you say is one thing, and what others hear is another thing. After all, people's ideas cannot be generalized.

The head of the Sakurawu family, Sakurawu Yamayu, perfectly inherited the closed-mindedness of the older generation. He didn’t understand Origin Stone technology. He just thought that the Nishimiya family was looking for an excuse to invade Dongzhou.

In other words, the Nishinomiya family was used by Longmen and the Yan Kingdom behind them, or in other words, everyone except the Yingwu family was in a group, and the purpose was to slowly erode the Yingwu family's power over Dongzhou in this way. rule.

Sakurawu Shanxiong and the entire Sakurawu family think so.

After listening to Nishimiya Yanshi's explanation, Xia Feng curled his lips and said nothing more.

This reason is quite reasonable, and it also proves that Nishimong Ling is a bit far-sighted and a revolutionary.

In this way, the Nishimiya family's previous behavior of putting pressure on the Sakurawu family seems to be normal.

It's like, there is a treasure buried in your own land, but you didn't dig it, and then you didn't let others dig it. Now someone else has to dig it for you, and they will share it with you in half, but you still don't agree.

If you think that others are harming you and planting landmines in your yard, this is persecution delusion.

No wonder Xi Gong Ling couldn't help but want to use troops. In fact, this was a political method.

Under the pergola, Nishimiya Hikoshi sighed again.

"Your Excellency Xia Feng, this is what happened. The head of the Ling family has never thought about actually breaking into Dongzhou. Even after all the good words, the Yingwu family still won't let go. It is helpless to put pressure on the border."

"Oh, I understand."

Xia Feng understood this matter, but did not comment because it was just a one-sided statement.

To be honest, at first he didn't want to get involved at all.

Whether the Nishinomiya family fights against the Sakurabu family, or the Sakurawu family fights against the Nishimiya family, he doesn't care who wins and who loses, who dies and who gets hurt, and he has no interest in knowing.

But as this matter invisibly got closer and closer to him, he couldn't help but become curious about another thing.

"Mr. Yanshi, I heard from the previous general that in order to prepare for the war, you have been conducting transactions with Longmen at the West Port?"


"What are you trading?"

Nishimiya Yanshi didn't hide anything and replied truthfully.

"They are basically needed during wartime, including medicine, food, clothing, boots, lighting and heating equipment and other supplies."

"Oh? They're all shipped from Longmen?"

"It's shipped from Longmen, but there are many sellers at the source, such as the big families in the interior of Yan country and the big pharmaceutical manufacturers from Sami."

Hearing this, Xia Feng became even more curious.

The strategic materials shipped from Longmen, even if they are old and obsolete goods, are definitely ahead of the average level of the Eastern Kingdom.

The medicines must be highly effective trauma medicines, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and bandages.

The food must be instant dry food, such as compressed biscuits or canned food.

As for other equipment, it is definitely hundreds of times better than what is provided in the Eastern Kingdom.

This doesn't make sense.

Xia Feng frowned.

"Mr. Yanshi, this is wrong. The head of your Nishinomiya family is not a fool. Before you dared to put pressure on the border, you must have measured the military capabilities of both sides."

Nishimiya Yanshi nodded.

"Yes, a few months ago, our Nishinomiya family's overall strength completely surpassed that of the Sakura Takeshi family, and we have obtained important information."

"What information?"

"A famous general recruited by the Yingwu family from abroad was assassinated in public at the family head's birthday banquet. This situation has given us more confidence to put pressure on him."

Xia Feng's eyebrows twisted into knots and he couldn't wait to continue asking.

"If that's the case, what's going on now? It's only been a few months, why are you suddenly unable to defeat them? Your supplies were supported by Longmen, but the SEALs can't defeat the militia?"

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