Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1035: Let others slaughter you

In the huge living room, Lin Hong and Xia Feng looked at each other from a distance. For some reason, the whole room fell into dead silence.

In a very depressing atmosphere, Lin Hong was the first to speak.

"Are you Victoria's Summer Breeze?"

Xia Feng replied calmly.

"I am indeed from Victoria. Is there anything wrong with Mr. Lin Hong?"

Lin Hong's eyes became more and more profound. He was not a businessman, so he didn't need to have any worries, so he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Why are you still alive?"

Hearing this question, Xia Feng looked around at the people around him.

Then he burst into laughter and said as if Lin Hong had asked an idiot question.

"Oh, what are you saying, Mr. Lin Hong? Everyone has only one life, why can't I live? And to say the least, we don't seem to be familiar with each other. To be honest, if the Ling family master hadn't invited me here this time, I wouldn't be able to live. I didn’t even know there was a person like you in the world.”

There was nothing wrong with Xia Feng's words, they were all the truth, but Lin Hong's face was very ugly when he was choked.

The red-robed guards standing behind Lin Hong couldn't help but take a step forward. Looking at this posture, they would coax Xia Feng out as long as Lin Hong gave the order.

Fortunately, at this time, the organizer of the "family banquet" appeared in time, and the slightly explosive conversation was ended.

Xi Gong Ling was dressed very formally today, a standard traditional Eastern gown, with her hair tied back, looking very energetic.

The front and back of the gown are embroidered with a clover pattern representing the Nishimiya family. The heart-shaped grass leaves are spread out in a triangular shape with a green background, which makes people feel peaceful.

Different from the dark red cherry blossom totem of the Sakurawu family, the Nishinomiya family's clover family totem is more approachable, as if it has a peace-loving and uncontested meaning.

However, this meaning is also a fatal weakness in the face of war, because in war, there is no mercy.

In front of the main entrance, Nisigong Ling, who walked in last, was followed by two people.

One is Nishimiya Hikoshi, who is also wearing a long robe, and the other is a middle-aged warrior in powerful attire. He must be a highly valued military commander by the head of the family.

Standing in front of everyone, Xi Gong Ling bowed deeply first.

"Every distinguished guest has come all the way to deal with the calamity of my Nishinomiya family today. You have really given me Nishinomiya Lingtian a great deal of respect. Regardless of the outcome of today's discussion, I am very grateful to you all."

No one made a sound, everyone sat quietly in their seats with expressionless faces.

Only Xia Feng raised his palm and patted it twice symbolically, which relieved the stiff atmosphere.

"Master Ling, you're welcome. If we have anything to discuss today, let's get started as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's get started."

Then, Xi Gong Ling bypassed everyone and sat on the main seat in the living room, next to Lin Hong.

After sitting down, the guard outside the door slammed the door shut, and this so-called strategic meeting officially began.

With the current situation of the Nishinomiya family, many things must be determined as soon as possible. To put it bluntly, there is no room for manipulation now, and they must be determined today, because this may be the last chance.

Everyone present understood this truth, so the meeting was saved from a lot of useless nonsense.

There are no temptations, no riddles, and no meaningless polite words. All words are to the point, and it can be said to be a battlefield without smoke.

First of all, the representatives of the Longmen Shihuaiya Family first listed almost all the logistical materials currently needed by the Nishinomiya Family, and made it clear that the Shihuaiya Family could completely monopolize the transportation to the East Country for a period of time.

Such as instant military rations, engineers' shovels, clothing, shoes and hats, horse armor, etc.

The intention of the Sivaiya family is obvious. They can provide the above-mentioned things on a monopoly basis, without the need to shop around or worry about insufficient supply.

At the same time, there is another meaning, that is, these things can only be provided by their Shihuaiya family.

Nishimiya Ling, who was sitting in the main seat, listened very carefully to the whole process, and Nishimiya Yanshi next to him was still taking notes.

After the representative of the Shihuaiya family finished speaking, he gently adjusted his tie.

“This is what our Sivaiya family can offer at the moment.”

Xi Gong Ling nodded solemnly.

"Okay, Your Excellency Shihuaiya, I understand."

Subsequently, many more people spoke, including Yi Nanxue, stating their abilities in matters other than conventional logistics supplies.

These people each performed their duties and expressed what they could provide in terms of close combat ice weapons, long-range crossbows, medicines, communication equipment, and even a certain degree of military support.

The person who is willing to provide military support is the man with the tattoo on his arm.

According to Yi Nanxue, this man is the mercenary leader who is entrenched in the area from Sargon to Longmen. His name is Kurda. He has about a hundred people under his command, as well as a dozen Originium guns.

After hearing what the big guys said, Xi Gong Ling's face was slightly happy, because these things were what he desperately needed.

However, there is no free lunch in the world.

Next, Xi Gong Ling's smile became less and less, until finally, his entire face became almost bloodless.

Everyone present is providing help in their own field that will benefit the war effort, but the help is not free.

In terms of price, it is almost the same as normal sales, only more expensive than cheap. Of course, money is not the point. The point is that if you have money, I will not sell it to you easily.

What these senior businessmen want to get from the Nishimiya family is far more than the money in front of them.

First of all, several major families have made requests to enter the Eastern Kingdom after the war.

They demanded that factories be built in large cities in Xichuan, using local materials, and allowing the people of the East to work for them for free.

At the same time, they also requested a three-year exemption from import and export duties, as well as priority use of ports.

As soon as this condition was announced, Xi Gong Ling's heart suddenly went cold, and he became a little unsteady on the spot.

Some people may not understand what this means. The three-year tariff exemption means that Dongguo has to pay taxes to other countries when exporting, but there is no need to pay taxes for domestic inflows and outflows.

The economy of the East Kingdom is very unequal to that of foreign countries. Under the control of major financial groups, within three years, almost everything of value in the East Kingdom can be emptied.

As for Yi Nanxue, he only asked for the exclusive sales rights for the drugs flowing into Dongguo. Drugs other than those from the Snow Emperor Group must obtain his permission, otherwise they will be banned.

In other words, Yi Nanxue does not allow a middleman to earn the price difference between Sami and Dongguo. If there is, the middleman also needs his permission, which means there must be a kickback.

This condition was made for Xia Feng's sake, so it was considered very kind.

However, other people in the room were not as "kind" as Yi Nanxue. As the meeting progressed, all kinds of unreasonable demands were flying in the sky.

Faced with the cold-blooded tactics of these senior businessmen, Nishimiya Ling looked pale at first when negotiating, but by the end, he was speechless.

He raised a question, and the other party stepped back and made two more demands. It was always the Nishimiya family who suffered.

From the angle where Xia Feng sat, he could faintly see Xi Gong Ling lowering his head and his shoulders trembling slightly.

If Nishimiya Ling really agrees to all these demands, it will be exchanged for the support of major foreign consortiums in this war.

So even if the Nishinomiya family wins in the end, they will be cannibalized and only a shell will be left.

For at least the next ten years, Nishikawa will be reduced to fodder and will never rise again.

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