Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1039: Giving a beloved gift to the stranger you

A bloody and brutal civil strife broke out in Xichuan 20 years ago.

After the old head of the family died of illness, his three sons started competing for the position of head of the family, including Nishimiya Ryuhei.

At that time, all the military commanders understood that Nishimiya Ryuhei's original intention was not to fight for the head of the family, but to resolve the civil strife. He had been in the army all his life, was not good at politics, and thought he was not good at being the head of the family.

However, he thought so, but his two brothers did not think so, because Nishimiya Ryuhei held military power.

Although this battle for power was not as grand as Victoria's, the process in the middle was even more cruel.

Siblings kill each other and use whatever means necessary.

In the end, perhaps because his heart was not vicious enough, Nishimiya Ryuhei was deprived of his military power and was forced to flee his family after being seriously injured.

Because of the chaos, he could not take care of his wife and children, but arranged for his close military commanders to take his wife, son and daughter and escape abroad by boat.

This is necessary. His descendants are also a threat. In order to eliminate future troubles, the two brothers will definitely kill them all.

In this way, Nishimiya Ryuhei withdrew from the battlefield and was separated from his wife and children. That year, his son was 7 years old and his daughter was only 2 years old.

As for the result of the subsequent internal fight, a man named Nishimiya Yasuhei won, and this man was Nishimiya Ling's father.

Nishimiya Yasuhei defeated his two brothers and successfully succeeded as the head of the family.

However, like retribution from God, 5 years later, Nishimiya Yasuhei became seriously ill and bedridden.

The disease worsened very quickly, and before his death, he passed the title of head of the family to his son, Nishimiya Rei, who was only 13 years old at the time.

Unlike his father, Nishinomiya Ling is a very upright person who cares about family ties.

A few years later, when he had grown up, he personally recruited his uncle, Nishimiya Ryuhei, who was living alone in the mountains and forests.

In this way, Nishimiya Ryuhei returned to the Nishimiya family as the number one military commander of the family.

Leading troops to fight and guard the frontier, everything is as if it never happened.

However, since then, Nishimiya Ryuhei has never found out about his wife and children.

He didn't know which country his wife and children had fled to after leaving the Eastern Kingdom, or even whether they were dead or alive.

Until now, 20 years later.

The story of Nishimiya Hikoshi is over.

After hearing what General Long Ping went through, even an outsider like Xia Feng couldn't help but feel a little sad. To be honest, even TV dramas wouldn't dare to act like this.

He was forced to get involved in the battle for the head of the family, and because of his soft-heartedness, he lost his military power, and his wife and children were separated and they fled.

A few years later, the dust settled and his former enemies were no longer alive. He forgot the resentment in his heart, returned to his family, picked up the samurai sword, and guarded the border.

Just because his surname is Nishimiya.

Nishimiya Ryuhei regained military power, but he did not attack his nephew. Although his murdered wife and children were separated, he did not transfer his hatred to the next generation.

No wonder Nishinomiya Yanshi is so awe-inspiring, this man is truly a man of both loyalty and righteousness.

Of course, this thing sounds bizarre because outsiders simply don’t understand some of the details of what happened at that time.

At the same time, Xia Feng had no doubt about the authenticity of this matter, because he had also heard about a similar version of the Nishimiya family's civil strife from another person.

Uncle Nanye once said that many years ago, there was civil strife in the Nishimiya family, and a group of defeated soldiers ran to the south coast.

Due to lack of food and grass, he was forced to become a bandit and wanted to attack the isolated Nanye Village.

Later, he was killed by Juyorozu Sakura who lived in seclusion in the cherry blossom forest.

Now that I think about it, that team should be Nishimiya Ryuhei's other defeated brother.

The teller of the story has finished speaking, and the listener has also finished listening. The night wind blows slowly and cools his heart.

Nishimiya Hikoshi straightened up, rubbed his face vigorously, and then said to Xia Feng apologetically.

"I'm sorry, it's really annoying, Sir Xia Feng, to listen to me, an old guy, talking about these old things that are not worth mentioning to you."

"It doesn't matter."

After listening to this story, to be honest, Xia Feng was still not too touched, and could not change what Yi Nanxue asked him to "understand".

All he can do is reach out and pull within a certain range, that's all.

"Mr. Yanshi, I will add another 4 billion to the 4 billion military expenditures promised before. When I go back, I will send someone to your previous Longmen account."

"Your Excellency Xia Feng, you."

"It's not necessary if you want to thank me. There's only so much I can do. Again, let the samurai of the Nishimiya family fight hard and try to defend Nishikawa."

After saying that, Xia Feng tightened the scarf around his neck.

"I'm leaving, Mr. Yanshi. I wish the Nishinomiya family good luck in martial arts and hope we can meet again."

Walking out of the Nishimiya family's mansion silently, Xia Feng went alone to the wasteland where the helicopter was parked.

This is the capital of Xichuan. Even at night, the streets outside the mansion are very lively and the lights are still bright. However, every pedestrian on the street has sorrow on his face.

At this moment, Xia Feng accidentally saw a little girl playing with her butt stuck out on the roadside.

Unlike adults, perhaps only innocent children can show a sincere smile at such moments.

Feeling Xia Feng looking at her, the little girl straightened up and ran towards him with her short legs.

"Big brother~"

Maybe it was because Xia Feng's clothes were weird compared to ordinary people, but the little girl blinked her big eyes curiously and kept staring at him.

Xia Feng reached out and touched her head.

"It's getting late, go home quickly."


After saying that, the little girl showed him a flower-like smile, then raised her little hand and handed him a rough object in her hand.

"Big brother, here~"

"Is this...given to me?"


Seeing Xia Feng take over, the little girl seemed very happy, turned around and jumped away.

Xia Feng stared blankly at the little girl's back until she disappeared at the end of the street.

The thing he just received from the little girl was a rough paper pinwheel.

“Weng weng weng weng weng weng!”

Black Steel International's helicopter started up and slowly rose into the black sky.

Through the plane window, Xia Feng took one last look down at the Nishimiya family's mansion and remembered this family that existed in the history of the Eastern Kingdom in his mind.

Perhaps, this was the last time he saw this mansion, because, regardless of whether he won or lost this dispute, the Nishimiya family's downfall was doomed.

If they lose, the Sakurabu family will replace the Nishimiya family. If they win, the Nishimiya family will be cannibalized into a shell by foreign consortiums in the next three years, destroying themselves.

Sitting on the helicopter, Xia Feng exhaled heavily. After leaving the mansion, his mentality also changed a bit.

Yi Nanxue is right. The fate of the Nishinomiya family is not the first in this world. It is only inevitable in the advancement of history. The weak will eat the strong and the fittest will survive.

There is no excuse for being pitied. Everything is just because he is not strong enough.

But for some reason, he kept holding the dirty pinwheel in his hand and did not throw it away.

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