Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1041 The flow of wind

"My surname is Xiao and my name is Yunye."

With the short six words floating out of the mouth of the old man in plain clothes, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

Xiao Yunye, this is a name that is very characteristic of the Yan Kingdom. It is similar to Li Tianye, the famous name of Ergou.

Of course, no one cares about Ergou's name. Similarly, the name Xiao Yunye is also very unfamiliar in developed countries such as Victoria.

Wulin? Martial Arts? Jianghu?

This kind of thing is very far away from advanced countries full of modern technology and economically developed countries.

Perhaps only from the mouths of those down-and-out people from the Yan Kingdom, you can occasionally hear things that match it.

That's right, the former number one swordsman of the Yan Kingdom has long been forgotten by the world. Even at the time when he was most famous, he was rarely heard from the Yan Kingdom.

However, for the warriors of the Eastern Kingdom who also respect martial arts and fight with swords, as long as they still remember the name Sakurawu Juyorō, they will not be unfamiliar with Xiao Yunye.

This name represents the person who was once the number one swordsman in the Eastern Kingdom and was undefeated in his life.

In the main seat of the banquet hall, Yingwu Shanxiong looked at Xiao Yunye standing at the door in disbelief.

His pupils were flickering, as if he was trying his best to identify this person's identity.

But it was a pity that he had only heard about Xiao Yunye's deeds from his grandfather Juyoro Sakurabu when he was a child, but he had never seen it himself.

"Xiao Yunye?"

Xiao Yunye's expression did not change at all. He just stared at Ying Wu Lan sitting next to Ying Wu Shanxiong.

Ignoring Yingwu Shanxiong, he looked directly at Yingwulan and said.

"In this room, your aura is the only one worthy of the title of Sword God of the Eastern Kingdom. Young man, you must be Sakura Wulan."

Although Ying Wulan is already in his 40s, he is indeed considered a young man in front of Xiao Yunye, and he is also in his prime for a warrior.

Faced with the question, Ying Wulan responded solemnly.

"I am."

Xiao Yunye didn't even glance at the sword-wielding warriors gathered behind him, he just stared at Ying Wulan quietly.

"Okay, I want to ask you some questions."

"Excuse me."

"Have you been to Victoria before?"

"Been there."

"Are you looking for a person named Xia Feng?"

"Yes, but I have found him. He is on the south coast of Xichuan."

A flash of light appeared in Xiao Yunye's pupils.

"Why are you looking for Xia Feng."

"Because I want to beat him."

"Why defeat him."

Faced with this question, Ying Wulan's answer seemed very naive, but at the same time, she did not dare to doubt his persistence on this matter.

"Because I want to be the number one in the world recognized by myself."

At this time, Sakura Wulan was a bit thinner than before. She still wore the same blue gown, still carried the cherry blossom sword around her waist, and still had the same pair of wooden clogs at her feet.

But on his neck, there was an accessory that was not there before.

It was an octopus-shaped pendant.

At the same time, the aura exuding from his body was no longer pure. In addition to the oppressive feeling of reaching the peak of his sword skills, there was also a cold and disturbing aura.

After hearing Ying Wulan's answer, Xiao Yunye closed his eyes gently and muttered to himself in a complicated tone.

"Is it number one in the world?"

In this banquet, although Yingwulan was the most popular protagonist, Yingwushanxiong, the head of the family, was the real talker.

Seeing Xiao Yunye ignoring him, Yingwu Shanxiong immediately became angry.

Clenching his fists, he yelled loudly.

"Don't be deceived by this old guy. Xiao Yunye from Yan Kingdom has disappeared for decades and is probably dead long ago. Who are you? How dare you break into my Yingwu family's mansion today. If Without an explanation that satisfies me, there is no way I can leave safely!"

After saying that, Yingwu Shanxiong waved his hand.

"Come here, tie up this old guy first!"


After receiving the order from the head of the family, the hundreds of warriors gathered in front of the hall drew their swords and prepared to step forward and capture this man.

At this time, Xiao Yunye turned his head slightly and glanced at the warrior behind him indifferently from the corner of his eye.

At this moment, all the warriors who had drawn their swords stopped at the same time, and a heartfelt fear instantly enveloped their whole bodies.

As martial arts practitioners with keen insight, they truly felt that even though the old man's back was turned to them, even though the old man didn't even draw his sword.

But as long as they take one step closer, they will lose their lives in an instant, no matter how many people there are, there are no exceptions.

The banquet hall that was bustling just now was completely silent. The guests were holding wine glasses and could not get up or down. Because the atmosphere was very strange, no one dared to make a sound.

These guests are businessmen, not warriors. To them, Xiao Yunye's intimidating power only remains in rumors, just like a topic of conversation after dinner.

Their views at this moment are almost the same as Sakurawu Shanxiong. This person is definitely not the legendary Yan Kingdom's number one swordsman Xiao Yunye.

Seeing that the samurai did not obey the order and take action, the guests all turned their attention to Sakura Takeyama and were at a loss.

The superior Sakurawu Yamao stared and shouted loudly.

"Are you all deaf? I asked you to tie up this old man. Why is it that a man from the Yingwu family is afraid of an old man of unknown origin?"

Wind, the flow of wind appears.

It was obviously indoors, but for some reason, a breeze blew.

This gust of wind was neither wild nor threatening. The red cloth on the dining table was lifted up by the wind and fell down again.

But in this moment of confusion, Yingwu Shanxiong was surprised to find that the old man who called himself Xiao Yunye was missing!

The next second, an old voice came from less than half a meter away from Yingwu Shanxiong.

"The head of the Yingwu family, Xiao has killed countless people in his life, but now, I am tired of meaningless killings. When I come to visit today, I just want to talk to Yingwulan, the so-called sword god of the East. I hope outsiders will not Obstructing Xiao."

Sakura Takeyama's neck was stiff, his eyes widened, and he turned his head sideways like a robot.

At some point, Xiao Yunye was sitting between him and Ying Wulan.

The distance between the three of them is that they can almost touch each other by raising their hands!


Sakura Takeyama felt as if he had seen a ghost. A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and goosebumps stood up.

However, Sakura Wulan next to him did not panic at all. On the contrary, he let out a string of arrogant laughter.


Ying Wulan's eyebrows were filled with excitement.

"Today is really a happy day in my life. I didn't expect that I would meet the Yan Kingdom's number one swordsman. If I had known you were still alive in this world, I wouldn't have had to look for that Xia Feng."

Ying Wulan turned her head and grinned at Xiao Yunye, who was close at hand.

"In my mind, that Xia Feng is not even half as good as you, Senior Xiao!"

Seeing Ying Wulan's excitement, Xiao Yunye just closed his eyes gently.

"Then it's best. After today's discussion, you no longer need to trouble Xia Feng."

The sound of the blade cutting across the scabbard was heard. Ying Wulan slowly pulled out the Sakura Knife from his waist and displayed it in front of Xiao Yunye.

"Senior Xiao, you should talk about it this way."

Xiao Yunye opened his eyes, and his old face showed a serious look that he hadn't seen in a long time.


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