Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1043 Reaching the Peak

In Xiao Yunye's life, this was his second visit to the Eastern Kingdom.

The first time was 50 years ago.

Xiao Yunye doesn't think it's ridiculous for Ying Wulan's persistence in winning, because he was the same way when he was young.

When he first came to the East Kingdom, he was still an arrogant young man. Because the blood of the Xiao family flowed in his body, he was extremely talented and mastered the entire set of Qingyun Sword Techniques when he reached adulthood.

The Xiao family has inherited an irresistible family motto from generation to generation. Whenever the eldest son reaches adulthood, he must go to the Xiao family's ancestral grave in Dongguo to perform the first and last ancestor worship in his life.

This rule was established by Xiao Li, the ancestor of the Xiao family. The Xiao family does not need descendants to worship every year, once in a lifetime is enough.

Because this only worship represents the beginning of the journey. From this day on, the eldest son of the Xiao family will embark on a journey to find that adult with Xina.

This journey will continue until the end of life, and finally, the bones will be buried back to the starting point by the adult next generation.

In other words, the Xiao family will only return to their ancestral graves twice in their lives, once when they reach adulthood and once when they die.

And, of course, there’s the generation-only third time.

If the Xiao family returns to the ancestral grave before death, it means that his generation has finally fulfilled the agreement that has been passed down for hundreds of years and helped Xina find the adult.

50 years ago, Xiao Yunye broke this rule for the first time.

When he reached adulthood at the age of 18, he and Hina buried his deceased father in the Xiao family tombstone. However, he did not immediately start this journey to find someone.

Standing in front of his ancestor's tombstone, he asked Xina to borrow 10 years because he wanted to become the first swordsman in the Yan Kingdom.

Xina agreed.

Xiao Yunye also did it.

Ten years later, he met Hina again at the tombstone in the cherry blossom forest.

At that time, he had already achieved great success. After him, no one dared to claim to be the best in the world.

The Sakurawu family's residence.

Next to the collapsed banquet hall, there were corpses chopped into two pieces by [Blood Dance Instant Kill].

The guests who were lucky enough to escape had already escaped from the mansion. The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, and the entire courtyard was in dead silence.

This move was so shocking that all the samurai guarding the academy were instantly killed.

As the head of the family, Yingwu Shanxiong took two steps back unconsciously and stared at Xiao Yunye in horror.

However, this is Dongzhou Prefecture. If there is such a big noise, soldiers from the surrounding areas will definitely come one after another.

However, Yingwu Shanxiong did not dare to move at all, let alone turn around and run away, because he had no doubt that the sword in Xiao Yunye's hand would run faster than him.

Under the moonlight, an old voice slowly came out.

"Xiao had no intention of killing, but things are unpredictable. Since he decided to kill others, it proves that he is ready to die."


After a brief surprise, Ying Wulan, who was standing in the distance, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and the smile he showed was so excited that it was a little distorted.

"Okay, hahaha, okay, I am worthy of being the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom, and worthy of being the person with the pinnacle of swordsmanship, hahahaha!"

Xiao Yunye's Qingyun Sword had been sheathed. He turned sideways and looked at Ying Wulan in the distance again.

"Do you want to continue?"

Ying Wulan clenched the Sakura Knife in her hand without any fear.

"Of course, the people who interfered with us have disappeared, and the real showdown has just begun."

"All right."

After saying that, Xiao Yunye put his hand on the hilt of the sword behind his back again.


The ancient Qingyun Sword was unsheathed again.

Without much communication, a light flashed in the eyes of Ying Wulan in the distance. The next second, his whole person had turned into an afterimage, and his movements as fast as lightning came to Xiao Yunye in an instant.

This time, Xiao Yunye no longer shows mercy. People like Ying Wulan are unafraid, or in other words, what he desires is the person who scares him.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The Sakura Knife was too fast for ordinary people to capture. In a flash, dozens of knives had already been slashed out.

However, these dozens of swords failed, and Xiao Yunye's seemingly unpretentious body skills allowed him to dodge them all.


The Qingyun Sword swept out, and the surging sword energy instantly stirred up the stone bricks in the courtyard. Facing the overwhelming rubble, Ying Wulan did not avoid it.

The blade flew in a dazzling manner, and all the stones were instantly turned into dust by him.

After clearing the obstacle between the two of them, Yingwulan stood firm after landing, with his upper body bent down lightly. At the same time, Yingwulan carried the Yingwu sword to his side, making a gesture to draw the sword.

This is a unique skill passed down from generation to generation by the Sakura Warrior family, the sword drawing technique.

Empty and selfless, the man and the sword are one. This killing sword technique, which eliminates distracting thoughts and has been refined for decades, can increase the lethality to the limit.

Seeing the starting position of Ying Wulan, Xiao Yunye narrowed his eyes slightly and changed the Qingyun Sword from his left hand to his right hand.

Decades ago, Juyoro Sakurabu also used this sword technique to fight against him. Although he won in the end, he did not win that battle easily.

Xiao Yunye's old face was fully focused on this unique skill of the Yingwu family, raising his concentration to the extreme.

Obviously, he did not intend to dodge, but to face off against Sakura Wulan's ultimate sword drawing technique!

——dead silence——

The two were about ten meters apart, and the air seemed to freeze.

This silence lasted for at least 2 minutes, during which Ying Wulan's hawk-like eyes never left Xiao Yunye's body.

Every breath, every micro-reaction of the pupils is all in his calculations.


As Ying Wulan exhaled, the gravel beneath his feet began to tremble slightly, and an unparalleled sense of oppression spread.

Ying Wulan has locked Xiao Yunye firmly, and this sword will not fail no matter what.

However, just when this sword-drawing technique was brewing to the critical point, Xiao Yunye on the opposite side closed his eyes.

It was this move that made Ying Wulan's pupils shrink instantly. He didn't know what Xiao Yunye meant, but based on his performance, he felt that he was being underestimated.


The strong air flow exploded on the spot, and all the surrounding sand and gravel were blown away.

Sakura Wulan charged forward like an evil ghost from hell. The power of this sword drawing technique far exceeded that of all the strong men in the Sakura Warrior family in the past!

The two figures who were only ten meters apart instantly overlapped. At this distance, there was no way to hide.


Hot blood splashed out and splashed on Xiao Yunye's face, and a large wound was scratched on his neck by the cherry blossom knife.

However, the momentum that had just been brewing for Ying Wulan, who was very close to him, completely disappeared.

Xiao Yunye tilted his head to one side without moving his body, but he avoided the vital point, and the simple Qingyun Sword in his hand had already penetrated Ying Wulan's shoulder.

The blood on his face belonged to Ying Wulan.

The entire courtyard returned to deathly silence.

Xiao Yunye held the Qingyun Sword, and the blade penetrated deeply into Ying Wulan's right shoulder.

With his strength, this sword has made it impossible to lift Ying Wulan's entire right arm.

"Ying Wu Lan, you lose."

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