Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1045 Not Just a Knife

Xiao Yunye stood upright, holding his sword. Under the ruthless crushing, Ying Wulan fell to the ground.

Xiao Yunye glanced at him one last time.

"Ying Wulan, for your grandfather's sake, I will spare your life today."

After saying that, the Qingyun Sword flashed with cold light, and the blood stains on it were thrown to the ground and sheathed again.

In the courtyard.

The collapsed building, the broken corpses on the ground exuding a strong smell of blood, and Sakura Wu Lan who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, formed a very strange picture.

The reason why it is called weird is that the cause of all this is just an old man who came here lightly.

He came gently, but did not leave gently, because someone's behavior touched his bottom line.

Today, Xiao Yunye never cares about being "number one in the world". Compared with such a false reputation, in his later years, he cares more about things that can be seen and touched.

For example, the companions in the barbecue restaurant were as close as family, and the person named Xia Feng who reached out to him that night and invited him to join the barbecue restaurant.

Some people say that the more something is missing in life, the more it will be cherished.

For Xiao Yunye, fame and fortune are a thing of the past. He has no offspring, no friends, and only travels with Xina all over the world.

In his twilight years, he fulfilled the promise passed down from generation to generation by the Xiao family's ancestors, and at the same time, he also lost everything.

The encounter with Xia Feng allowed him to regain possession of luxurious treasures.

From the time we have known each other until the end of our lives, we are accompanied by warmth and warmth, and this is home.

And home is a place that needs to be protected with life.

Xiao Yunye defeated the undefeated myth of Ying Wulan, the sword god of the Eastern Kingdom, and at the same time seemed to have shattered the Ying Wu family's fighting spirit to march into Xichuan with great momentum.

At the most critical moment of the war, someone actually came to our mansion and beat the soul symbol of our warriors into a dead dog with three punches and two kicks.

This is equivalent to a LOL ranked game. You have taken the baron and are preparing to team up and go to the opponent's high ground, but the opponent's top laner is tearing down your front teeth. You all return to the city to defend, but the opponent's top laner takes it under the front teeth. Got five kills.

In this case, even if the opponent's top laner does not continue to remove crystals, after resurrection, do you still dare to leave the house?

Ying Wulan lost. He lost in the art of swords. In the collision between swords, he was no match for Xiao Yunye.

If it had been a few months ago, he would have been like his grandfather who lost to Xiao Yunye, and would have been unable to recover, or even died in depression.

But now, the showdown in his mind is far from over.

He lost to Xiao Yunye's sword, but now he has more than just a "sword".

Ever since she felt the mysterious and strange power in Xia Feng's body that day, Ying Wulan had woken up.

That night, a mysterious man in black robe said.

The reason why Xia Feng is so powerful is because he took a shortcut, so Ying Wulan was relieved.

If he also chooses the shortcut, then this duel will still be fair.

All he wants now is to win, and it doesn't matter what method he uses.

Under the moonlight, Ying Wulan, who fell to the ground, showed a twisted smile again.

The stabbed shoulder was bleeding profusely, but he was still smiling. Then, seemingly seriously injured, he stood up on the spot.

At this moment, Xiao Yunye, who was about to leave, stopped. An extremely deep and cold breath came from behind, making his whole heart tremble.

Turning around, he saw Sakura Wulan who had stood up again.

By the moonlight, Xiao Yunye could clearly see that under the clothes that had just been shattered by his palm, there were several terrifying Originium crystals scattered on Ying Wulan's chest.

In this state, one is undoubtedly a severely infected person!

The dark blue octopus pendant hung around Ying Wulan's neck. Combined with his twisted smile and the cold aura emanating from his body, it was extremely strange.

Xiao Yunye is not an infected person, but at his level, he can already use his breath to release most of the Origin Stone skills and spells.

But at this moment, the aura exuding from Ying Wulan's body was slightly different from those infected people who mastered the Origin Stone skills.

For example, Frost Star, Red Knife, and Lapland, these people are all severely infected, and they are also powerful masters of Origin Stone skills. However, no matter how powerful the Source Stone skills they master, the power they exude as an infected person The breath is the same.

Just like a glass of wine, no matter how low the alcohol content is, it emits the smell of wine and not other flavors.

However, the Sakura Wulan in front of him at this moment has obviously exceeded the category of "wine".

"Yingwulan, you"

For some reason, Ying Wulan's pupils were emitting a faint blue light, and there was a strange pendant hanging on the Originium crystal on her chest.

He looked at Xiao Yunye with a twisted expression, and his voice was also slightly hollow.

"The winner is always right, and the loser has no position to speak of. I will become the best in the world, and for this, I will do whatever it takes."

After saying that, Yingwu Lan put his left hand into his pocket and took out a crystal object the size of an egg.

After staying in Black Feather for so long, Xiao Yunye recognized what it was at a glance. There was no doubt that it was an Origin Stone.

However, unlike the normal Origin Stone, this Origin Stone was actually dark blue. Throughout his life, he had never seen an Origin Stone of this color!

As Ying Wulan held the Origin Stone in his hand, the wounds on his body that had just been traumatized underwent subtle changes.

The sword wound on the chest was covered with a layer of dark blue scales, the penetrating wound on the shoulder stopped bleeding on its own, and the broken shoulder bone was reconnected with a special dark blue crystal.


With a crisp sound, the entire right arm regained its mobility.

Sakura Wulan smiled ferociously and moved her right hand that was reattached to the bone, and a hollow voice came out of her mouth.

"Xiao Yunye, I admit that you are better than me in swordsmanship, but unfortunately, I am no longer obsessed with the field of swords. I will not lose this duel."

The right palm opened, and the Sakura Knife that fell to the side was pulled by an invisible force and flew back into Sakura Wulan's hand.

He stared at Xiao Yunye, and the cold aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

"After defeating you, the Sakurawu family's army will conquer Xichuan. At that time, I will start the final mythical battle with Xia Feng!"

Feeling the strange aura emanating from Ying Wulan's body, Xiao Yunye's old face became more dignified than ever before.

"This is an Origin Stone skill, Sakura Wulan. For the sake of your obsession, you actually deliberately became a severely infected person!"

Sakura had no worries about becoming an infected person.

Raising the Sakura Knife, he pointed the blade at Xiao Yunye again.

"There is a price to pay for gaining power. For me, a meaningless life, even if it lasts for a hundred years, is no different from an ant. If I can achieve the goal in my heart, even if it is only for a moment, this life will be enough."

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