Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1059 The Sword Points to the East

Year 1094 of the Terran calendar, late winter.

The Victoria Empire faced the world. It was jointly approved by the Imperial General Military Headquarters, the Imperial National Council, and the Imperial Royal Family, and announced an international strategic announcement to the outside world.

[From now on, the General Military Headquarters of the Victoria Empire will launch a war against the Eastern Kingdom, the ruler of the Eastern Continent, the Sakurawu family. This move is in line with the international strategic agreement and is not a wanton invasion. I hope all allies around the world will know it]

This announcement clearly stated that Victoria's international military operation was not an invasion, but a crusade.

In the subsequent detailed announcement, the origin of the move, the purpose of the strategic crusade, and sufficient evidence were clearly explained.

The announcement stated that Frey, the former Imperial Chief of Military Affairs, was convicted of treason and used his power to reach cooperation with the Togoku Sakuramu family on the condition of international strategic support.

During the Victorian Civil War, Frey repeatedly used elite assassins trained by the Sakurawu family to carry out assassinations in Victoria.

The Communist Party of China successively carried out multiple assassinations on Xia Feng, President of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, Gleason, Commander-in-Chief of the Border Military Region, Aumen, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Military Region, and others, resulting in many casualties, which was indeed a major crime.

Now, former Chief of Military Affairs Frey has been hunted down and executed by the Imperial Military, but he is not the only culprit.

For this reason, the top leaders of the Victoria Empire unanimously decided to never forgive the enemies who committed crimes in the dark ages, and to give justice to the soldiers who died for this.

At the end of the announcement, a line of large characters is particularly eye-catching, which also expresses the strong national power of Victoria today, as well as the irresistible majesty and determination of the ruler.

[Anyone who offends me, Victoria, will be punished no matter how far away! 】

Wei Na agreed to Xia Feng's request and decided to intervene in the dispute in the Eastern Kingdom in the name of the empire.

Of course, this couldn't be considered a request, because Xia Feng didn't even say a request on the phone that night.

He just told Wei Na about it from an objective perspective.

As for what Vina will choose in the end, the answer is obvious.

No matter what position she is in, Wei Na will unconditionally support this military operation, or in other words, this is the opportunity that Wei Na has been waiting for.

Yu Gong, as the new king of Victoria, it is necessary for her to launch an opportunity to demonstrate the strong rise of the new empire and the powerful military force it currently possesses after quelling the civil strife.

At the same time, it also serves as a wake-up call to neighboring countries that are still waiting and watching.

No matter what Victoria has been through, when the Lion King stands up again, his enemies will not be able to escape pursuit.

As for Yu Zi, she also sincerely wants to help Xia Feng, and she is also helping herself.

Although Wei Na was not from Black Feather in name, she knew why Black Feather existed and why Xia Feng came to Victoria in the first place.

Therefore, in a sense, Black Feather is her umbrella, shield, sword, and the last resort that she will never abandon in desperate situations.

For Aguang's death, Weina has always felt deeply guilty and surrounded by deep self-blame.

She will never forget the expression on Xia Feng's face after learning about A Guang's death in Shengdi City.

At the same time, she also felt self-loathing about what she said at the time about "putting the overall situation first."

Yes, people cannot be resurrected after death. She knows that Xia Feng knows this better than anyone else.

As long as Xia Feng lives, Victoria will be cut into a bright light by him, but not everyone can see this bright light.

So now, when she learned that Xichuan was Aguang's hometown, Wei Na made the promise without hesitation.

"Xia Feng, I will protect Aguang's hometown with you. Not only will I protect it, I will also make the enemy pay a heavy price."

the next day.

Victoria's official announcement was made.

What is surprising is that this international military operation not only received no questioning or interference from many neighboring countries, but also received some support.

Among them, diplomats from the Sami and Sargon governments were the first to take action and supported the crusade as international allies.

Not only moral support, but also military support.

Among them, the Sami military voluntarily sent a support army of 20,000 people to participate in this international crusade, while Sargon sent a symbolic 5,000 people.

With Victoria's current strong national power, it does not need the support of its allies at all. It is just a crusade against the Eastern Kingdom, and it is not a hard fight against Ursus.

As for why Sami and Sargon had to shamelessly send troops to support them, I can only say that they all understand.

To put it bluntly, the important thing is participation.

It's like a colleague in the company suddenly got promoted and became the general manager. At this time, the new general manager, who is the most popular general manager, wants to plan a project. So, as long as you want to get some light in your future career, We must definitely support it.

As for the degree of support, it depends on how much light you want to take.

As for those colleagues who don't want to flatter others, most of them will not rebel at such moments, and at most they will keep their acquiescence.

Because if you dare to object, the next project planned by the general manager may be "How to get rid of you from the company."

In this way, under the personal supervision of the king, the Victoria General Military Headquarters launched operations at the speed of light.

Among the four major military regions, the North and South Military Regions will remain stationary, while the Border Defense Military Region will guard the border. This operation will all be completed by the Central Army.

The first echelon, six reorganized divisions, with a total of 120,000 elite soldiers of the Central Army quickly assembled and launched a march on the distant Eastern Kingdom.

At the same time, Xia Feng, who was far away on the south coast, dialed Yin Hui's phone number again.

Although the equipment and combat effectiveness of the hundreds of thousands of Sakura warriors are not at the same level as those of Victoria's regular army, they are not vegetarians either.

Besides, Victoria is too far away from the East Kingdom.

The Central Army is not that fast, so before that, he needs a strong regular army to withstand the pressure first.

And Boss Yin's secret army couldn't be more suitable.

During the phone call, Xia Feng did not describe the incident in too much detail, but firmly expressed his position.

Just like the previous scene, Yin Hui didn't care about the reason, he only cared about Xia Feng's own thoughts.

"Xia Feng, have you really decided?"

"I made a decision."

"It's not a hot-headed thing, it's not based on impulse, and you won't regret it?"

Xia Feng's voice was calm.

"Yes, I'm calm, this is what I have to do, my allies, please."

Yin Hui laughed on the phone.

"Since we call it an ally, then your business is my business, so what else can I ask of you?"

"Heh, when things settle down, I'll treat you to a drink."

"Okay, it's settled."

Putting down the phone, Xia Feng looked to the east outside the window.

At this time, the surprise attack by Heigang, Ifrit and others on the Sakurawu family's supply points has ended, but judging from the span of the battle line, this attack cannot completely eliminate the enemy's offensive intentions.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough as a "delay measure".

Huge forces are gathering, and the sharp sword thousands of miles away is already pointing to the east.

At this moment, the Sakurawu family, which had ruled Dongzhou for decades, had no idea what they were about to face.

Thanks to the deep sea admiral poi for the 1W reward. It will be great if Chizi graduates. Poi touches his head (ω)

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