Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1061 No comparison, no harm

In Ying Wulan's heart, the ultimate showdown between him and Xia Feng was far more important than anything else.

He didn't care at all about his family's casualties on the main battlefield, or even whether Dongzhou would be captured by a counterattack.

As long as Xia Feng is willing to take action, he will be satisfied.

Ying Wulan now wished that Xia Feng would lead his troops and fight all the way to his hometown, gain the upper hand and force him into a desperate situation.

In this case, his victory will be more fulfilling.

Sakura Wulan regards Xia Feng as the ultimate goal to defeat, but Xia Feng's heart is not as narrow-minded as his.

The first thing Xia Feng had to do was to completely block the Sakura Takejia's attack on Nishikawa before the Victoria Army arrived in the East Kingdom.

As for Ying Wulan, of course he will not let it go, but it is his personal matter.

On the coastline, the cold wind blows.

Captain Rota of Black Steel came to Xia Feng wearing a fully armed combat uniform.

"Xia Feng, the previous night air raid was very successful. The enemy obviously has no experience in dealing with it, and the Origin Stone skills of Frost Star and Miss Ifrit are really amazing."

Xia Feng, who was wearing a coat, nodded.

"Brother Luota, thank you for your hard work."

"It's no hard work. After all, you are our strategic partner of Black Steel, and we also received the money, haha."

"Heh, that's right."

Captain Lotta continued.

"Xia Feng, the previous surprise attack was very effective. If you want to launch another one in the next few days, I can let the brothers investigate in advance."

Xia Feng thought for a while, but still didn't agree.

"No, one air strike is enough, otherwise it may be dangerous."

"Danger? Does the opponent have efficient anti-air weapons?"

Xia Feng did not make alarmist remarks, but replied seriously.

"There should be no anti-air weapons, but there may be someone in the opponent's camp who is superior to any weapon. That person can even cut open the sea."


Xia Feng was not afraid of Ying Wulan, but he had never underestimated this Eastern Sword God.

He was not sure to what extent Yingwu Lan was willing to provide assistance to his family, so he would not let Black Steel carry out the same air raid in the same area in a short period of time.

If the plane is shot down, everyone will not be able to receive follow-up support and will face a siege by tens of thousands of troops.

But judging by the time, Yin Hui's troops should be arriving soon.

Standing on the coastline, Xia Feng called Xiao Hui.

"Xiao Hui, fill the warehouse with sandworms, there is no need for packaging."

Xiao Hui already knew Xia Feng's decision, and she also felt the chill in the air recently.

"Brother Xia Feng, won't we export the goods?"

"Not recently."

"okay, I get it."

From this day on, the sandworm breeding farm was completely shut down, and everyone was preparing to accept Victoria's huge army.

Given the span between the two countries, it is most efficient for the army to "land on the beach" from the south coast. However, even if all the ships in Victoria are mobilized, it will be difficult to transport hundreds of thousands of troops at one time.

But it doesn't matter, the terrain at the junction of Dongzhou and Xichuan is complicated, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the interaction between towns is extremely poor. There are almost no large-scale battles that require several divisions and hundreds of thousands of people to cooperate.

As soon as the first batch of troops arrives, they can immediately enter the battlefield and fight step by step.

The Sakura Takeshi family seems to be powerful, but in reality they are strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

As long as follow-up support continues, one will ebb and flow, no matter in terms of weapons and equipment, soldier quality, tactical planning, and logistical supplies, our own side will be able to throw the Sakura Takeshi family off the map.

No matter how ferocious the hyenas bark, they will never be able to make the lions give up their territory. The so-called numerical advantage is actually just a bluff.

As time goes by, the gap in hard power will become more and more obvious, and the bloodline will be suppressed and irreversible.

In recent times, the Nishimiya family, which has tightened its defense line, can be said to have spent every day in fear, and only in fear.

As time went by, the ceded border cities were not occupied by the Sakurawu family. For unknown reasons, the Sakurawu family's general attack was repeatedly postponed.

It was only then that Xi Gong Ling and Xi Gong Long Ping realized that Xia Feng had already done something secretly.

Of course, in their understanding, all Xia Feng can do is to "strike a thousand pounds with four ounces", using hundreds of highly efficient and modern elite troops to contain the enemy's main force and disrupt the rhythm of the attack.

Apart from this, they couldn't think of any other tricks that Xia Feng could use. Could he also bring sandworms to bite people?

But soon, this superficial understanding was shattered.

On this day, Xia Feng took the initiative to contact Xi Gong Ling.

Xia Feng asked them to give up the west coast port closest to Longmen to receive a force that landed late at night.

After responding to this matter, Xi Gong Ling rushed to Xigang Port in person.

Although he can only rely on Xia Feng now, as the head of the Nishinomiya family, he must know clearly who the incoming troops are.

Late at night, it snowed again.

At the western port of Xichuan, dozens of large troop carriers quietly appeared on the sea level under the cover of snowflakes.

According to Xia Feng's instructions, the Nishinomiya family samurai did not stop them, but gave way to the harbor parking area. Everyone cooperated as much as possible.

After the ship docked, on one of the largest ships, a tall, silver-haired man wearing a black coat walked out first.

Behind this man, there were more than ten close followers.

After getting off the boat, Yin Hui looked up at the falling snowflakes in the night sky and said to himself.

"Sure enough, compared with Kjerag, the air here is not cold."

Seeing this person's natural and powerful aura, Nishimong Ling stood upright unconsciously.

Based on his intuition, this silver-haired man was obviously not at the same level as the Longmen boss he had hosted that day. If he had to describe it, this man's eyes were somewhat similar to Lin Hong's.

Although he was not as old as Lin Hong, his domineering attitude was more restrained. To put it bluntly, although Lin Hong was the governor of North China in the Yan Kingdom, he was still under one person by Dayan.

But the man in front of him at this moment had no worries in his eyes, as if he was the king in his "world".

He is a ruthless warlord, a wise ruler, and at the same time, he is also a true king.

As dozens of troop transport ships docked one after another, Nishimong Ling felt a deep coldness spreading in the night sky, whether it was an illusion or not.

Surrounded by Nishinomiya Yanshi and his guards, he quickly stepped forward and nodded slightly to Yin Hui.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency. I am the head of the Nisigong family, Nisigong Ling. I don't know about you, Your Excellency."

Yin Hui's cold voice interrupted Xi Gong Ling.

"Xia Feng didn't tell you."

"Your Excellency Xia Feng just asked me to meet you at the port. He didn't go into too much detail."

"Okay, I'm Enxiodis Shivaash, you can also call me Silver Ash."

Before Xi Gong Ling could respond, Yin Hui's tall body passed him directly and headed straight for the exit of the port.

"Young head of the family, my troops are going to land now. Your mission is to take me to find Xia Feng. Do you have any questions?"

Xi Gong Ling turned around and responded immediately.

"Your Excellency Yinhui, no. No problem."

Unlike the self-proclaimed Sakurabu family, as a member of the East Kingdom region that actively interacts with Longmen, the Nishimiya family still has a certain understanding of the international situation.

Looking at Yin Hui's tall figure leaving surrounded by guards, at this moment, Nishimiya Ling finally remembered the meaning of "Enthiodis Shivaash".

His pupils flashed and he muttered to himself in shock.

"Enthiodis, Lord of the Snowy Mountains of Shiva Ashchelrag, Silver Ash!"

As dozens of large troop transport ships docked with the port, this secret force from the snowy mountains set foot on the land of the Eastern Kingdom.

Thick snow boots, gray-white combat uniforms, and each person is equipped with at least more than three standard weapons.

Sabers, spears, daggers, crossbows, shields.

There were even several large boxes of precious finished Origin Stones shipped together from the ship.

While marching, this troop of thousands of people exuded a strong murderous aura that did not need to be deliberately created.

Thousands of people landed at the port at the same time. There was no sense of chaos in the formation. There was not even any unnecessary communication or abnormal noise. There was only the sound of low footsteps in the air.

Looking at this truly elite army, Nisigong Ling swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

Not only him, but everyone in the Nishimiya family was dumbfounded.

There is no harm without contrast.

Compared with this snow-capped mountain army, the Nishimiya family's soldiers with samurai swords instantly turned into elementary school students with fire sticks.

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