Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1065 Disaster is always one step behind me

Now, the Nishimiya family can only count the days in a confused mood. In a sense, this cannot be called a bad thing.

In contrast, the Sakurawu family's situation is even more exciting.

Since a month ago, the Sakurawu family has been preparing for a full-scale attack on Nishikawa. However, actually taking this step seems to be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

For the first time, the number one swordsman of the Yan Kingdom attacked the family's mansion at night, disrupting the original plan to launch a general attack on the Ghost Festival.

For the second time, more than ten material reserve points on the front line were taken away overnight, and the general offensive was forcibly interrupted again.

Some time after this, Sakurawu Yamao issued a death order, the supply line was reinforced with soldiers and horses, and a 100-meter radius was alerted day and night.

The general attack must be launched immediately. Under the order of the family master, only a small number of garrison troops and the family's guarding warriors were left in the entire interior of Dongzhou. All the remaining troops were pulled to the front line. This time, no matter what, we must attack!

However, in addition to happening again and again, weird things happened again and again.

Sakura Takeyama was like a child having a tantrum, demanding that the generals on the front line must launch a full-frontal attack on Nishikawa no matter what happened.

But soon, he was slapped in the face, and the person slapped in the face was none other than himself.

Just when the large troops on the front line of the Sakura Takeshi family had just moved no more than 5 kilometers to the west, the generals received an emergency order from the family's mansion.

Sakura Takeyama's command was, "Come back, everyone, come back, there is someone behind you!"

At this moment, the military generals on the front line may not be facing a multiple-choice question, but a profound philosophical question.

The previous order from the head of the family was that no matter what happens again, a general attack must be launched.

And now the head of the family calls them back.

So the question is, should I reply or not?

Or, in other words, does "no matter what happens again" include the current incident?

Of course, most of these generals have been practicing martial arts since childhood and have never gone to school. They basically cannot understand this problem of infinite matryoshka dolls.

When they understood the reason why the family leader ignored the "slap in the face" and asked them to return to defense this time, this issue no longer needed to be thought about.

According to an urgent report from the Dongzhou inland garrison, a well-equipped mysterious force appeared out of thin air somewhere in our own inland area!

From the moment of discovery, this thousand-man force was overwhelmingly powerful, capturing several towns in succession. Judging from the route, the goal should be to go straight to Dongzhou Prefecture!

To the generals on the front line, this was outrageous.

If it hadn't been for the order given by the head of the family himself, they would have even thought it was a bad joke.

In recent months, they had been gathering on the front line. At this time, a thousand-man force suddenly appeared from the rear area in the interior.

It would be fine if they were bandits, but according to the intelligence, they were actually well-equipped regular troops. This was simply scarier than being haunted in broad daylight.

Faced with this situation, they had no choice. As long as they were sure that this information was true, they had to return to defense.

Attack Nishikawa? What a waste of offense.

There's a fire in your backyard and you're still in the mood to go to work? Even if you lose your job, you must put out the fire first.

Without any hesitation, the generals on the front line directly issued orders to return to defense.

"Withdraw, withdraw all troops and return to the interior of Dongzhou to encircle and suppress the enemy!"

south coast.

After hearing the latest information from Penguin Logistics, Xia Feng knew that Yin Hui's containment was working.

Of course, this is not something to be happy about. He knows very well what a dangerous situation Yinhui will face from the moment the Sakurawu family returns to defense.

Hundreds of thousands of troops encircled and suppressed a thousand-man army. To put it bluntly, it was a matter of time.

Next, every step Yin Hui takes will be on thin ice, and any mistake in judgment will lead to the abyss.

According to the strategic goals, Yin Hui and his troops can neither disappear out of thin air nor be blocked in a blind corner.

What he needs to do is to take the "four-and-one-point push" tactic to its extreme.

In the next few days, Xia Feng was on tenterhooks every day, fearing that some bad news would come.

However, Yin Hui proved to him with practical actions that what it means to be bold is to play with heartbeat.

This diversionary guerrilla war allowed Yin Hui to practice the art of war under the eyes of the Sakura Takeshi family.

Within a few days of its emergence, this "ghost force" directly swept through seven or eight cities in the interior of Dongzhou with its advanced equipment and numerical superiority.

The Sakurawu family mobilized all their main forces to the front line. There were only a few hundred garrison troops in each city. They were completely unable to resist the thunderous force.

In fact, it cannot be entirely blamed on the garrison being too weak. To be fair, anyone would be stunned by this.

My family is launching a general attack on Xichuan from the front. At this time, enemy troops suddenly appear in the rear. Who would have thought of this.

War has always been ruthless. Except for civilians, Yin Hui did not spare any warriors in the city and killed them all neatly.

The whole process took no more than an hour, and a city was completely cleared.

Then, under the cover of the black steel armed helicopter, the entire army immediately rushed to the next city.

When the frightened people hiding in their homes came out, the buildings were "empty of people." Except for the corpses of warriors stationed outside the city, it was as if nothing had happened.

A few days later, the army that was ordered by the family leader to defend and suppress the enemy gradually returned to the interior.

The first batch of troops that came back were led by military generals, and with the limited intelligence they could gather from the wind and shadows, they began to encircle and kill this "ghost force".

At the same time, Dongzhou received a heavy snowfall that was rare in decades.

The entire Dongzhou turned white.

To be fair, a force of 8,000 people is no longer considered a small force, and the march must be huge.

However, since the beginning of the encirclement and suppression operation, the army led by this general has strangely never encountered Yin Hui's troops.

It would be fine if they just deliberately avoided it. At the same time, Yin Hui attacked several medium-sized towns and killed all the garrisoned samurai.

This behavior of hiding, killing, and singing while walking completely pissed off Yamashio Sakurawu.

Although he still didn't know where this mysterious force that appeared in Dongzhou came from, with the current strength of the Sakurawu family, it was only a matter of time before they were surrounded and killed.

Anyone who knows something about military affairs knows that as time goes by, the movements of this unit will become easier and easier to capture.

In the mansion, Yingwu Shanxiong gritted his teeth and said.

"When I catch the general leading this team, I will tear him into pieces!"

However, until half a month has passed, more than 15 cities in Dongzhou have been attacked, but this "ghost force" still has not successfully contained them.

Under the cover of Penguin Logistics and Black Steel International, Yin Hui managed to stay one step ahead of the disaster.

Not two steps, not three steps, just one step away.

Just like the relationship between a goddess and a spare tire, it not only makes you feel desperate when chasing, but also reveals some hope to you in despair.

Sometimes it disappears and sometimes appears, and sometimes it disappears.

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