Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1067 Divine Weapon

As the saying goes, there is no room for others to sleep soundly on the couch.

For more than half a month, Sakurawu Shanxiong has not had a peaceful sleep, because there is an elusive "ghost army" hidden in his bed.

It didn't matter that Zhang San couldn't be caught at the beginning, after all, there was only one person.

But now this army of several thousand people is as rampant as locusts in Dongzhou, and the generals who lead the army are still nowhere to be found.

Of course, to be precise, it cannot be said that it cannot be found, but that it cannot be caught after it is found.

In order to expand the scope of the siege and form a dragnet, it was natural for the Sakurabu family to divide the main force into several small groups and outflank them from different directions.

Depending on the terrain and environment, the number of troops per unit ranges from a few hundred to tens of thousands.

However, this "ghost force" within the territory seems to have the ability to predict the number of people who are about to be intercepted.

As long as the number of people did not exceed a thousand, it was a direct bloody battle with knives, leaving a pile of corpses and then disappearing into the snow-capped mountains and forests.

If the number of people exceeds their own, they will immediately change their marching route and start hide-and-seek.

After more than half a month, the casualties of our samurai have exceeded 20,000. What is terrible is that the casualties of the opponent are almost negligible, and the entire army still maintains a complete combat organization.

It was only then that the head of the family, Sakura Takeyama, calmed down from his anger and realized the seriousness of the matter.

The 20,000 people killed and wounded in our family had little impact on the war situation, but their impact on morale was extremely serious.

What's more important is that now all the big business owners and people in Dongzhou no longer fully support the Yingwu family, and some people have even secretly made plans to leave Dongzhou.

Senior grassroots are not just willing to fall on both sides. When the two sides are evenly matched and they are in an extremely embarrassing position, these "grassroots" will even run away directly in order to survive.

Now both Nishikawa and Dongzhou are in chaos, and the situation has changed from the Sakurawu family's advantage to the current confusing situation.

For businessmen seeking stability, the best choice at this moment should be to stay away from disputes, and the best place to settle is definitely Kamino Bay in the north.

In this way, within a few days, the Sakurawu family lost at least half of their business supporters.

The army's encirclement and suppression in the territory consumes a lot of money. If this continues, it may affect the subsequent general attack on Xichuan.

Sakuramuyama knew that his supply consumption was very large, but that army did not have any supplies at all. They moved so fast, so they must not have brought too many supplies.

More than half a month has passed since the encirclement and suppression began, and the rations carried by that unit must have been exhausted.

The reason why they still insist is because when they attacked the city before, they plundered the food and grass in the city, but now as the encirclement network becomes more and more tight, the army has been forced into the mountains and forests.

It's winter now, and with the heavy snow, it's hard to find food in the mountains and forests.

It is a miracle that a thousand-man army has held back hundreds of thousands of troops for so long, but this miracle will come to an end.

However, the pressure on the Sakurawu family is also huge now. In order to prevent any further accidents, Sakurawushanxiong decided to add insurance to this final blow.

Inside the Sakurawu family's mansion.

After listening to the soldier's report, Sakurawu Shanxiong turned sideways and looked at Sakurawulan who was sitting next to him.

"Alan, this army that has been running rampant in our Dongzhou territory for more than ten days is at the end of its strength. In order to pull out this nail as soon as possible, I finally ask you to take action and go into the mountains with the army."

During this time, the Sakurawu family was in a desperate situation. Sakurawu Shanxiong stamped his feet, but Sakurawulan, who was also a member of the same family, did not react at all.

The same is true now.

Ying Wulan was seen sitting with her eyes closed, her voice was calm and emotionless.

"What happens in Dongzhou has nothing to do with me."

Seeing that his brother always had this attitude, Yingwu Shanxiong finally couldn't bear it.

But at the same time, he also knew that Ying Wulan didn't care about his family's situation at all, there was only one person he cared about.

"Alan, aren't you looking for a decisive battle with Xia Feng? Now this army is obviously sent by him, you should take action!"

Sakura Wulan remained unmoved.

"The person I'm looking for is Xia Feng, not his subordinates."

"What if he is in that army."


Sakura Wulan denied calmly.

"Xia Feng is not in that army. He is still on the south coast. I trust my intuition."

"Alan, how long do you have to wait?"


Ying Wulan opened his eyes, and now his pupils had completely turned into a strange blue.

His voice was hollow, as if talking to himself.

"It's almost time. In a few days, my strength will reach the peak of this life. I will use my strongest posture to welcome the summer wind!"

Under Sakura Wulan's clothes, shocking Originium crystals were spread all over her upper body, even from her neck to her cheeks.

Obviously, the dark blue Origin Stone he was infected with was much faster than the normal Origin Stone in terms of disease progression.

The more severely infected the person is, the more receptive the body is to the Source Stone energy, and the corresponding Source Stone skills will be stronger.

At the same time, the stronger you are, the more fragile you are.

As the degree of infection continues to deepen, Sakura Wulan is getting closer and closer to death.

But he is not afraid of death at all. As long as he can achieve the ultimate showdown with Xia Feng before dying of ore disease, he will be satisfied.

In a remote mountain range in the hinterland of Dongzhou, Silver Gray's troops were temporarily stationed here.

The cold wind was howling in the mountains and forests, and the air was filled with flying snow.

More than half a month of high-intensity combat has pushed this elite force from Kjerag to its limit. At the same time, the serious lack of supplies has also made the soldiers feel even more stressed.

However, without Yin Hui's order, every warrior from the snow-capped mountains would not have any cowardice in their eyes.

In the tent, Jiao Feng handed a bowl of cold porridge to Yin Hui.



Compared with half a month ago, Yin Hui has lost a lot of weight, but his sharp eyes are still calm and composed, as if the desperate situation is still under his control.

But as a close confidant, Jiao Feng looked very worried.

"Master, we don't have much supplies anymore. According to the enemy's movements just reported from Penguin Logistics, we can no longer leave the mountains from the west this time. We can only continue to the east and penetrate deeper into the mountains."

Yin Hui nodded slightly.

"We will continue heading east and notify the brothers that the entire army will set off in an hour."


Yin Hui stood up, drank the porridge in the bowl, and then asked Jiao Feng.

"How many days can our supplies last at most? I mean at the limit."

Jiao Feng gritted his teeth and spoke word by word.

"Five days at most."

Upon hearing this answer, Yin Hui seemed to be calculating something silently in his heart.

Soon, he smiled.

"Well, five days is enough."

South coast of Nishikawa.

When Xia Feng was so worried about Yin Hui's situation that he wanted to go rescue him with a knife, finally, the scene he had been waiting for appeared on the sea level.

The evening sky was very dark.


Following the low whistle from the sea, a signal flare slowly rose into the sky.

Upon receiving this signal, all the lighthouses along the coast were turned on, and the entire dock was instantly illuminated.

On the sea level, large Originium-driven troop carriers appeared in sight so densely packed that it seemed as if the edges could not be seen at a glance.

The "one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers" from the other side of the sea finally arrived.

On every ship, the flag of the lion and the rose was flying high. Under this flag was the military flag of the Central Army of the Victoria Empire.

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