Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1069 Even if you are far away, you will be killed

As one of the most powerful countries in the world today, it is extremely controversial for Victoria's imperial military chief to actually leave his own country and go to other countries to supervise wars.

Of course, this is understandable if you think about it carefully.

This is Victoria's first international military operation since the civil strife in the Dark Ages. In order to show the importance of the General Military Headquarters and the majesty of the royal family, it is completely possible to "make a fuss out of a molehill."

However, this is just the superficial understanding of outsiders.

The real intention of this move was not to give face to the Sakurawu family, nor to show any royal majesty.

The Chief of Military Affairs personally accompanied the army to supervise the battle, just to give Xia Feng face.

Some of the past events are rarely known.

Once upon a time, the current Chief of Military Affairs of the Empire fought side by side with Xia Feng from the top floor of a casino all the way to the first floor with bare hands in the Notting City neighborhood at night.

At that time, they both left their backs to each other.

Today, the Freddo Chamber of Commerce in southern Victoria has become buried history, and the identities of both parties have changed dramatically.

But that sincere brotherhood will never change.

After the troops landed, the entire coastline was illuminated by the lighthouse.

Under the gaze of more than 100,000 Central Army officers and soldiers, and surrounded by senior generals accompanying the marching army, Nanfeng, wearing a black military coat, walked towards the direction of Xia Feng.

During the process, Nanfeng gently raised his hand to signal, and the officer next to him immediately shouted on his behalf.

"The Royal Knights do not need to continue accompanying them, they will stay where they are!"

Leaving the royal guards behind, Nanfeng and his group of seven or eight people walked straight to the master of the south coast.

Standing still in black military boots, the eyes under the brim of Nanfeng's hat are very deep, and the powerful aura of the superior is so oppressive that it makes you breathless.

Many of the employees at the Sandworm Farm are from Victoria. They never imagined that they would be lucky enough to meet the Chief of Military Affairs of the Empire.

Xiao Hui, Maruyama, Uncle Nanye and other original villagers were like little chickens who dared not even breathe.

As Dongguo people, they had no idea what etiquette they should use when facing members of the Victorian royal family.


At this time, Xia Feng, who was standing at the front of the crowd as a representative, of course needed to make a presentation first.

With a slight cough, he took two steps forward and stood in front of Nanfeng.

"See Mr. Chief!"

After that, he gave a very awkward-looking Victoria military salute with a very serious expression.

Seeing Xia Feng's actions, Bagpipe standing next to him immediately became nervous.

Although she had left the Northern Military Region, when she saw the top military officer she had served for, she still felt that she should salute him.

Moreover, even Xia Feng, who is not a soldier, is so serious. She should show a serious attitude, even if she is not taken seriously.

In an anxious mood, Bagpipe pursed his lips and walked out of the crowd.


A capable standing at attention, a standard Victorian military salute, and a heroic bagpipe voice.

"Report, my name is Bagpipe, I used to belong to the Special Forces Brigade of the Northern Military Region of Victoria. Hello, sir!"

The clear sound of the bagpipe was very loud in the silence.

——A complete silence——

Seeing the bagpipes maintaining a saluting posture and serious expressions, Xiaohui and Maruyama next to them were hesitating at this moment whether they should also salute in the same way.

Even if they don't know how to salute at all.

Among the crowd, only the Wolf Team, the Snow Monster Team and others covered their faces, looking like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and looked at Bagpipe with great sympathy.

Suddenly being saluted so seriously, Nan Feng's sharp demeanor instantly collapsed, looking very embarrassed.

Raising his hand, he actually saluted the bagpipe in return.

"Ah, Miss Bagpipe, right? I heard my sister mention you. You're welcome. Don't be polite. You're all one of our own."


Seeing Nan Feng's embarrassed look, Xia Feng next to him couldn't help laughing.

Turning his head, Nanfeng kicked him on the butt.

"Smile, you're laughing your ass off, why are you pretending to be with me here?"


The serious atmosphere of the meeting was broken. Seeing that the relationship between the two was so close that they were like brothers, everyone was relieved when their nerves were tense.

All the accompanying military generals also chuckled.

As soldiers who had experienced the Dark Ages of Victoria, they certainly knew that the relationship between the current Chief of Military Affairs and Xia Feng was unusual.

When they met today, it seemed that this relationship was even more unusual than they imagined.

The atmosphere relaxed and everyone laughed.

Only Bagpipe, who had just saluted seriously, turned red like a dragon fruit.

The war had started nearly a month ago, and Silver Gray's troops were still struggling behind enemy lines, so they didn't have much time to prepare.

Without meaningless greetings and introductions, Nan Feng took a sword from the accompanying officer and handed it to Xia Feng.

"Here, Nancy asked me to bring this to you."

"Well, thanks."

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and took the sword.

The heaviness of this sword far exceeds that of any material. The sword is broad and thick, and the entire body is dark red.

After taking the sword, the Shenyue Sword at his waist seemed to sense something. The white blade actually emitted a faint silver light. At the same time, red lines also appeared vaguely on the sword's body.

Noticing the instinctive response between the sword and the sword, Xia Feng muttered to himself somewhat melancholy.

"Shenyue, Red Demon, I'm sorry to have separated you for so long."


The sword pointed at the sky, Xia Feng's eyes showed cruel killing intent.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

As brothers who have lived and died together along the way, Nan Feng naturally clearly felt the emotions that Xia Feng had been suppressing.

At the same time, he had already known that this was A Guang's hometown.


Raising his black military coat, Nan Feng took out the golden saber from his waist and held it up side by side with Xia Feng.

Facing the more than 100,000 soldiers gathered on the coastline, the Imperial Military Chief's voice was loud and resounded throughout the world.

"The Central Army is the sharp sword of the country. Soldiers, the dignity of our Aslan family needs you to protect it. Victoria's hatred needs you to crusade. We must use the baptism of blood to make foreign enemies remember that those who offend the majesty of our empire will be remembered even from afar. He must be punished and killed!”

The roar of mountains and tsunamis came from the mouths of more than 100,000 generals.

"Those who offend the majesty of our empire will be punished and killed no matter how far away they are!"

Early the next morning, Nishimiya Ling, the head of the Nishimiya family, came to the south coast in person, surrounded by guards.

After seeing Victoria's international announcement in Longmen Weekly a few days ago, he could no longer sit still.

If it was true, he would have to come and discuss detailed preparations with Xia Feng. In order to cooperate as much as possible, he had even asked his subordinates to clear out the West Port area.

However, when Nishimong Ling finally arrived at the south coast, the scene in front of him almost shocked him.


After a night's rest, six reorganized divisions of the Central Army, totaling 120,000 combat soldiers, immediately launched a crusade against Dongzhou.

In the sky, several helicopters roared.

Along the entire coastline, heavily armed soldiers looked like a long steel dragon.

At a moment when the Nishimiya family, the ruler of Nishikawa, was completely unaware, this elite division from Victoria had completed its assembly.

The sword of the country, which is so firm that it cannot be resisted, has been pointed at Dongzhou, which is regarded as the enemy.

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