Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1071 Winter Rain

Mr. Xiao would never be pushy and pushy. If he said it was okay, it would be okay.

Just like what he said, the battlefield situation is chaotic, and with him as the final insurance, Ifrit's risk factor will also be reduced.

After all, a dropped nuclear bomb not only needs someone to drop it, but also someone to recover it.

In the courtyard.

After arranging everything, Xia Feng looked at Xi Gong Ling.

"Master Ling, let's go."

Xi Gong Ling was stunned when he was called.

"Where to go?"

"Go to your home, Xiye Mansion."

"Ah? Why are you going to Xiye Mansion? Aren't you going to the front line?"

Xia Feng replied very worriedly.

"It's the same with or without me on the front line, and I don't understand military affairs. Going there will only cause chaos."

"Then you won't stay here to take command?"

Xia Feng shook his head.

"I will keep people here, but I don't need to stay here. It's too remote here. I want to go to a place where it's easier to be discovered. After all, I don't want the south coast to be affected by someone."

At this point, Xia Feng has basically completed what he can do about this dispute.

The Central Army does not need his command, including supplies and subsequent support arrangements.

In a few days, the reinforcements of Sami and Sargon, who are strategic allies, will also arrive, but they will not need his support either.

This time, in addition to the army, Victoria also accompanied a large number of diplomatic officials and administrative staff. These people will handle all subsequent matters.

Of course, Xia Feng also had some foreknowledge of the other purpose of these people coming here.

In addition to spiritual comfort, war also requires substantial gains. This is an eternal truth.

Although Victoria still continues to be a monarchy today, Wei Na does not have the final say on many things alone, especially on such major matters that determine future development.

After all, New Victoria still had a National Assembly.

Ken was able to achieve unification in such a short period of time and send troops to fight the disputes in the Eastern Kingdom. Vina had done the best she could, but after that, the empire needed to gain something. This was necessary.

Even if an international military operation of this scale is a complete victory as expected, the military expenditures during the process will be astronomical.

Moreover, although it seems to be a good move, this kind of domineering behavior will still cause some potential troubles internationally.

It would be too whimsical to ignore him afterwards, pat him on the butt and leave after a spanking.

Even if Vina agrees, the National Assembly, including the entire empire's top brass, and even the citizens of Victoria will not agree. After all, military spending is every taxpayer's money.

Of course, this is something to talk about later. Xia Feng doesn't have the time to think about these formal things yet.

Although the Sakurawu family's army looks very backward, the samurai spirit advocated by the people of the East is not so easy to break.

Of course, faced with a huge gap in combat power, the Sakurawu family would not surrender so easily.

Moreover, the Central Army currently only has the first batch of soldiers on the battlefield. In terms of numbers, the Sakura Takeshi family still has an absolute advantage.

But Xia Feng is not worried about this.

Looking at the battle situation from an objective perspective, the Central Army's final victory rate was as high as 90%. As for the only 10% uncertainty, it was the Sakurawu family's last support, Sakurawulan.

And his final task is to clear this last obstacle.

At the same time, it is also his own battle.

A few days later.

The Sakurawu family's residence.

The "ghost troops" that had been plaguing Dongzhou for several days and nights were finally forced into a canyon with no retreat by the Sakurawu family's encirclement and suppression army.

Upon hearing the news, Yamashio Sakurawu in the main hall waved his hand excitedly and gritted his teeth.


The warrior who delivered the order leaned over and said.

"Master, all the enemy's retreat routes have been sealed. If we continue to besiege them, they will eventually starve to death. If we launch an attack on the canyon, although they will definitely be annihilated, we will also suffer losses."

Ying Wushanxiong's eyes widened and he shouted.

"What are you afraid of? Are our soldiers of the Yingwu family still afraid of death? Kill, fight in and quickly annihilate this rat-like army!"


Faced with this cruel order, the warrior who delivered the order finally asked.

"Master, do you need to be kept alive?"

Sakurawu Shanxiong thought for a moment.

"Well, originally I wanted to capture the opponent's commander and torture him, but it has been delayed for too long now. The general attack on Xichuan cannot be delayed. Forget it, let's just kill them all."


After issuing the order to annihilate all, Sakura Takeyama was in a good mood.

In his opinion, although he didn't know where this force was the reinforcements the Nishimiya family had brought from, it should be the Nishimiya family's last struggle.

With the reputation of the Sword God, only non-Eastern troops dared to act recklessly. After the last obstacle was eliminated, the entire Xichuan would be captured easily.

Picking up the teacup on the table, Yingwu Shanxiong took a sip, and then smiled at Yingwu Lan who was sitting next to him with his eyes closed.

"Alan, although there have been many twists and turns, the outcome of this dispute should be decided. If you don't kill that Xia Feng, he will probably get away with his tail, hahaha."

At this moment, a dull thunder suddenly came.


Before I knew it, the sky outside had become terrifyingly gloomy.

With this muffled thunder, after the previous heavy snow, winter rain actually started falling in Dongzhou.

"Crash, la, la, la, la, la!"

The downpour fell on the land of Dongzhou without any warning, and the courtyard of the Yingwu family's mansion was completely washed away by the rain.

Holding the tea cup, Sakura Takeyama stood up from the chair in the main hall.

He walked to the door with his hands behind his back, stared at the heavy rain falling from the sky and complained.

"This winter has been really unpredictable. Heck, it's been snowing and raining."

The door to the main hall was opened, and along with the surging raindrops, the damp and cold air gradually filled the entire room.

Ying Wulan kept her eyes closed and raised her eyebrows slightly.

From the damp and cold air brought by the heavy rain, he seemed to detect a strange smell. Perhaps it was just his sixth sense.

Standing at the door, Yingmu Shanxiong was holding a tea cup and giving instructions to his servants.

"Keep the doors and windows closed to prevent moisture from entering the house."


Just when the hall door was about to close, in the heavy rain, a soaked warrior walked through the courtyard and rushed in with a panic expression.


This person staggered into the house, and the rainwater dripping from his body immediately fell all over the floor.

Seeing the embarrassment of the samurai, Sakurabu Yamao scolded him loudly.

"Why panic? It's useless!"

Being hit by the freezing rain, the warrior's lips turned white and his whole body shivered.

"Master, there is an urgent report from the border!"

"What's the urgent report? Did the Nishimiya family send someone to surrender?"

"No it's not."

2 minutes later.

When Yingwu Shanxiong heard the urgent report from the front line, his whole expression froze.


The tea cup in his hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

What the warrior reported was the intelligence of Victoria's six reorganized divisions launching a massive attack on Dongzhou from three different locations.

Because of the ghost troops that penetrated into the hinterland, most of the troops that had been gathered on the front line were withdrawn to encircle and suppress them.

At this time, these three well-equipped steel divisions directly ran over the border defense troops without any negotiation. According to time calculation, the entire army may have crossed the border by now.

In the emergency report, it was clearly stated that this army of more than 100,000 people was not the Nishimiya family's army, and the marching military flag was not a shamrock pattern.

That military flag is the Lion and the Rose.

"Lion. Rose? What's going on? What's going on?"

After hearing the bad news, Yingmu Shanxiong took a few steps back with a pale face, and his whole body fell into shock.

On the other side of the main hall, Ying Wulan, who had never spoken a word, still had no expression.

It was raining heavily outside and there was thunder.


With another dull thunder, he slowly opened his lightly closed eyes.

There was no anger or fear in his pupils, this deep look seemed to be saying something.

【That man really did not disappoint me】

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