Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1073 The Battle of Dongmo

Huo Yu Xia Feng is a person who is not threatened, and has been like this since the establishment of Black Feather.

During Victoria's most chaotic period, he never compromised because of any threats, because he understood a truth.

If you are forced to look forward or backward due to threats, you may lose more.

His character and style have always been such that perhaps some of his choices seem foolish or even suicidal.

But it is precisely because of this that he has been able to survive until now.

Like a person blocked by a snowy mountain in a bitter cold land.

If you want to cross the snow-capped mountains, you have to bear the harsher natural environment and face the risk of being trapped in the mountains by snowstorms.

If you choose to stagnate and live a cold and hungry life at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, you don't have to take this risk.

How would you choose?

In fact, there is no right or wrong between these two choices, they just vary from person to person.

The former obtains high risks and high returns, while the latter seeks stability and lives an ignoble existence.

If crossing the snow-capped mountains goes smoothly and you find the Pure Land of Bliss on the other side of the snow-capped mountains, then the first choice is the right one.

If something unexpected happens while crossing the snow-capped mountains and you are flooded by a storm, then the second choice is the correct one.

However, what Xia Feng is facing now is not such a simple multiple choice question.

The snow-capped mountains in front of him at this moment were not static, but an avalanche that was about to destroy everything.

Even the foot of the mountain is not a safe place.

That's right, no matter whether he faces Sakura Wulan or not, he has to bear the risk. The only difference is that it directly affects himself or others.

In this case, Huo Yu Xia Feng's answer is obvious.

He doesn't want to die, but he is not afraid of death either. He has always firmly believed that only by having the courage to face death can one survive.

Are the black and white twins very strong? No.

To put it bluntly, it is just the user's weapon, and the weapon is just a tool that can be controlled by the user's mind.

A truly strong person is not subject to any threats, nor is he bound by any factors. No matter whether it is body or mind, he has no weaknesses. This is true strength.

Of course, he claimed that he had not yet reached such a state, nor was he an unparalleled strong man in the world.

But at least this time, Huo Yu Xia Feng gritted his teeth and had to put on a show, otherwise, he would never be able to defeat Ying Wu Lan, who was willing to give up everything.

In this way, Xia Feng came to the Nishinomiya family's mansion.

As the attacker's rear area, it is theoretically very safe in a short period of time.

In the next few days, while staying in the mansion, he received battle reports from the front line one after another. As expected, the entire East Continent turned into a chaotic battlefield.

Victoria's military operation this time was in the name of crusade. In order to demonstrate its national strength and serve as a "killing of chickens to scare monkeys", the powerful Central Army did not even accept surrender.

The only principle of the Central Army is not to massacre civilians.

With the perfect coordinated operation of various arms, the army attacking from three directions at the same time was like three giant steel dragons, easily tearing apart the defense line left by the Sakura Takeshi family on the border without any suspense.

Of course, facing the Victoria Army with such terrifying combat power, the Sakurawu family had no intention of surrendering.

Faced with the sudden pressure of the army, the head of the family, Sakura Takeyama, was briefly caught off guard and immediately made a fierce response.

The "ghost troops" that had been encircling and suppressing them for several days were at the end of their game and were forced deep into the mountains, unable to move.

After a short decision, Sakurawu Yamao decisively gave up the army to enter the mountains to encircle and annihilate, and chose to leave a force of 5,000 people to continue the confrontation. The remaining people immediately returned to the front line to intercept the Victoria Army.

This time it is no longer Dongzhou attacking Nishikawa, but Nishikawa's direction is mainly to rely on foreign aid to counter the enemy. Under the huge pressure of the family's survival, Sakurawu Shanxiong no longer cares about anything.

Under the death order of the family master, the entire Dongzhou entered a state of forced conscription during wartime.

All men in Dongzhou, regardless of age, as long as they can handle a knife, must be ordered to assemble and go to the battlefield!

In addition, except for lactating women and bedridden patients, all Dongzhou people in each household must give food and grass to their fate.

In this way, under the death order of the family master, the entire Dongzhou was forcibly transformed into a true military force.

All the people were soldiers, a situation that the Victoria Army had long anticipated.

However, the people of Dongzhou were able to execute such an extreme order so quickly, which surprised the commanders of the Central Army.

In the early days of the crusade, the first six divisions of the Central Army that arrived in the East Kingdom had only 120,000 troops. With the troops divided into three groups, each army had only 40,000 troops.

However, Dongzhou's army returned to the front line from the interior, with 400,000 troops, and following the frantic conscription order issued by the family leader, a steady stream of militiamen entered the battlefield from all directions.

These forcibly recruited soldiers had no training and were not even equipped with weapons. Some had spears, some had wooden sticks, and even hatchets and stones.

Moreover, half-grown children and elderly people were mixed in the team, which made it impossible for the attacking Central Army to tell whether they were facing civilians.

War is cruel and ugly.

During the attack, the villages that sometimes passed by rose up in resistance. After a bloody battle, the samurai seemed to have killed them all, but those who looked like civilians rushed over the second the soldiers lowered their weapons.

As long as there is one samurai alive in the crowd, in the eyes of the Dongguo people with deep-rooted class ideas, all civilians will obey orders and take up arms.

In this way, the real and cruel crusade began.

Burning villages, muddy land, streams of blood, and corpses scattered all over the mountains and plains.

From east of the border, this bloody and brutal scene fills every corner of the land.

Gradually, the concepts of justice and evil become blurred in the conflict of positions, and the beliefs of crusade and protection become confused in the killing.

From the subjective perspective of everyone in this war, they have the power to support their actions.

The Central Army was not at fault, they were just the Sakurawu family who had committed crimes in their own country before being ordered to crusade.

The people of Dongzhou were not wrong, they were just following the orders of their family master to protect their homeland.

The Sakurawu family is not wrong. When faced with life and death, they must do whatever it takes to survive, because in the land of the East, it is not just them, but the rulers of all generations are like this.

However, the confusing battle situation soon became clear, and the balance of victory and defeat began to gradually become unbalanced in the gap between "advanced" and "backward".

Sophisticated equipment, complete medical care, efficient communications, and military command that is accurate enough to have an overview of the battlefield have enabled the Central Army to regain the status it should have as a trump card division.

The mission of crusading for the country finally defeated the guilt of the massacre.

Once upon a time, similar dark scenes occurred in their country.

And what they are doing now is to use the weapons in their hands to completely end that heavy history.

Facing the fierce offensive of the Victoria Army, Sakura Takeyama was on the verge of collapse.

The Sakurabu family has an army of 400,000. Even if they failed to hold the defense line for some reasons in the early stage, the subsequent emergency mobilization did not cause a theoretically irreparable disadvantage.

Moreover, the Sakurawu family fights locally and is very familiar with the environment of Dongzhou.

According to the investigation of intelligence personnel, although the enemy army appears to be fierce, its number is only more than 100,000.

With a numerical advantage and home field advantage, our generals should withstand the pressure and annihilate all the invading enemies in their positions.

But a week passed.

There was no good news from the front line, only news that each unit was defeated due to loss and several generals died heroically.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

No matter how much Sakuratakeyama shouted, the defeat could not be reversed.

Just like a dam that resists floods, as long as there is a gap, it cannot be stopped.

Ten days after the start of the Victoria Central Army's all-out crusade against Dongzhou, a heavier external force came to bear on the Sakura Takeshi family who was struggling to hold on.

On the southern coast of Nishikawa, the Sami and Sargon coalition forces as allies arrived.

Also arriving with the coalition forces was the second batch of landing troops from the Central Victoria Army, totaling 150,000 troops.

At this point, the number of expeditionary troops setting foot on the Eastern Kingdom’s land has reached nearly 300,000.

Fresh troops joined the battlefield, and the Central Army's depleted combat effectiveness once again increased to its peak state. Finally, the ragtag group of soldiers and civilians of the Sakurawu family could no longer compete with the so-called samurai spirit.

Inch after inch of land was given away, and one city after another was captured. In retreat, not only the position was lost, but also the most important supplies.

The land that the army had rolled over was littered with corpses. The shocking scene was unbearable to look at. Even the generals of the Central Army who had experienced hundreds of battles still looked pale.

However, the pace of attack will not stop because of this.

They can only blindly believe that the way forward is to completely stop this war.

It was late winter in 1094 in the Terran calendar.

Dongguo, which was once forgotten by all the countries in the world, broke out in a full-scale war that attracted the attention of the whole world.

This unequal war, fought with a high profile by the Central Army of the Victoria Empire, was called the [War of the Eastern End] by later generations, which means the final end of the Eastern Kingdom.

A few years later, a famous historian in Victoria wrote this in the book "Postscript to the Dark Ages".

[The explosive rise of Originium technology has brought huge advantages to the countries that are the first to grasp the essence of this development. However, those countries that are self-proclaimed and have outdated rulers' ideas are destined to be ruthlessly run over by the wheels of history. Victoria's Crusade is just an accident of necessity. No one can stop the development of civilization. This is a powerful driving force that cannot be resisted. For the dead soldiers, this may be a tragedy, but for the people in the Eastern Kingdom and the descendants who will continue in the future, This is a blessing. The last winter of 1094 in the Terra calendar is destined to go down in history, because it was the last trace of the Eastern Kingdom in the world of Terra. When the old was gone and the new was welcomed, and the cherry blossoms bloomed again, there was no Eastern Kingdom in the world. 】

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