Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1177 I’m not kidding

In the middle hall, seeing Xia Feng's scary appearance as if crawling back from Shura Field, Lin Hong's face became paler and paler, and the body sitting on the chair subconsciously moved to the side.

The pungent smell of blood surrounded his nostrils, and Prime Minister Yan's expression was also very ugly.

Looking sideways at Xia Feng, his voice was calm and powerful.

"Governor Xia, what happened?"


Xia Feng tore off a strip of cloth from his tattered coat and rewrapped the exposed right eye socket, speaking in an understated tone.

"It's nothing serious. I encountered a robbery on the way here. I subdued the criminals."

Then, Xia Feng pinched his fingers, picked up the pieces of meat stuck to his body piece by piece, and flicked them to the ground like boogers.

"Hey, I thought the security in Yandong was very bad. I didn't expect the security in Fengyang City to be not very good either. But it doesn't matter. Fortunately, I didn't keep you and the governors waiting for a long time. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let’s get started.”

Seeing Xia Feng appear, Wei Yanwu straightened his back subconsciously, and Quinturiel, who was sitting on the edge, also looked like he wanted to laugh.

Lin Hong's face turned red and white for a while. He wanted to speak several times, but he held back the words when he reached his lips.

As for Zhou Qing, who was sitting next to Yan Guoxiang, he had lowered his head since Xia Feng came in, as if he was deliberately pretending not to see his scary appearance.

Xia Feng rubbed his shoulders. The blood hole punched by the Source Stone gun had completely healed. It was obvious that the blood on his body belonged to others.

Looking at the palace door that he had just pushed open, he greeted.

"Brothers of the guards outside, help close the door. It's a bit cold."


The door was closed, and the hall fell into the same silence as before.

Of course, the silence at this time will not last long, because the "protagonist" who doesn't like silence has arrived.

Xia Feng looked around at the governors at the same level as him.

"Why is no one talking? Aren't the five governors gathered in the imperial capital to discuss something important? Huh?"

Although Wei Yanwu remained silent, his eyes were always fixed on Lin Hong, as if urging him to "Speak, why don't you say anything?"

Faced with Xia Feng's questions, in the end, Yan Guoxiang could only answer the question in person.

"Ahem, Governor Xia, we are here this time."

The next second, Yan Guoxiang's words were ruthlessly interrupted by Xia Feng.

"Oh, I understand. You guys have too high a position and you all want to stay until the end, right? Well, let me, the new governor, make the decision first."

Looking at the entire Yan Kingdom, no one dared to interrupt Yan Guoxiang when he was speaking, but at this time, Yan Guoxiang did not have any intention of being angry.

In other words, he was not sure what Xia Feng wanted to do.

Sitting on his chair, Xia Feng put his left hand into his blood-soaked pocket and took out a stack of crumpled documents.

At this time, the document was somewhat incomplete and stained red.

Opening the first page at random, Xia Feng said in a flirtatious tone.

"Okay, let me report on my work first. Yandong's development has been pretty good recently. Okay, I'm done with the report."

After saying that, Xia Feng turned the document to the second page.

"The second thing I want to report is that the plan for the Victoria Colonial Area has been launched. In the next six months, 2 million infected people will come to Yandong. Oh no, it's not Yandong, it's the colonial area assigned to Victoria. It's harmful. It’s all the same anyway, it’s the same piece of land.”

Upon hearing this, the expressions of several governors, including Prime Minister Yan, changed drastically at the same time.


Yan Guoxiang's eyes widened and he looked at Xia Feng in disbelief.

"You agree? This is what you went to Victoria to talk about?"

Xia Feng blinked innocently.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Faced with this "bad news" level of news, Yan Guoxiang couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Why did you agree!"

Xia Feng closed the document in his hand.

"Huh, so that's what you're asking about. Okay, I'll tell you why I agree."

After saying that, he raised his arms high and threw the stack of documents into the air.

Blood-stained papers fell one after another, accompanied by the sound of Xia Feng.

"Prime Minister Yan, I want to resign. I am no longer the governor of Yandong."

Hearing these words, Yan Guoxiang was stunned, Lin Hong was dumbfounded, and Zhou Qing, who had deliberately pretended to turn a blind eye before, also raised his head with eyes wide open.


Quinturiel, who had been suppressing laughter since just now, finally laughed out loud.

Among the people, only Wei Yanwu, who roughly understood Xia Feng's intentions, sat firmly.

Faced with Xia Feng's sudden "resignation", Yan Guo's stable mentality finally wavered.

"Xia Feng, what do you mean?"

"That's what it means."

Xia Feng leaned lazily on the chair and spread his hands.

"I know that I am not capable enough, and I only got the position of Governor of Yandong because of my connections. To be honest, I have never been such a big official since I was a child. At the beginning, I really wanted to be a good governor and worthy of Yan Guo. Thank you for your trust in me."

Then, he sighed heavily.

"Hey, I didn't expect things in the officialdom to be so complicated. I know there are people who are jealous of me, doubt me, and even want to make things difficult for me, but I, Xia Feng, never thought that even Fengyang City, the capital of the Yan Kingdom, has such poor security. Bad, ha."

It was impossible for those present not to understand what Xia Feng meant.

At this moment, a man dressed differently from the guards opened the door and came in.

This person ignored all the rules and walked directly to Yan Guoxiang silently, whispering something in his ear.

Xia Feng could vaguely hear some words, "No one has survived the Yan Yang Zhen Origin Stone."

After the person who came to report left, Prime Minister Yan's expression was too complicated to describe in words, as if a symphony was being staged in his heart.

"Xia Feng, you."

Xia Feng raised his hand and interrupted Yan Guoxiang again.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. Hey, how should I put it? In fact, I was very tired of being this governor. It was only just now that I finally figured it out. Sure enough, I am not suitable to be this governor."

He took out the governor's token from under his blood-stained clothes.


Xia Feng threw it on the ground casually like throwing away garbage.

"No, it's boring. I'd better go back to my south coast to raise sandworms. It's more comfortable to bask in the sun. It just so happens that there are 2 million infected compatriots coming from Victoria, and I can also catch up with old friends."

Lifting his eyelids and scanning around, Xia Feng's last gaze rested on Lin Hong's face.

"Prime Minister Yan, hurry up and arrange for someone to replace me. I'll say goodbye after I hand over the work. Well, I think Governor Lin is a good fit. North China and Yandong are also close to each other. Governor Lin is very capable and can definitely do it at the same time. Take care of both areas.”

Looking at the governor's token thrown to the ground, Prime Minister Yan's fists clenched unconsciously.

"Xia Feng, you."

"Oh, I'm not kidding. Anyway, Yandong is remote and there is no army. Governor Lin will not be too tired. We all work together. If we encounter any trouble in the future, I can bring 200 troops from the Victoria Colony. Brother Wan Infected, come to Yandong to help Governor Lin deal with it, no need to thank me, this is what I should do."

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