Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1185 It’s too late

Autumn, year 1095 of the Terra calendar.

In the past six months, Yanguo and Ursus have been entangled in border issues, and have even had more than ten conflicts, large and small.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Yanguo did not announce the news of the conflict, and only attributed the dead and injured soldiers to border security incidents.

However, Yan Guo's repeated forbearance resulted in Usas's intensification.

The Ursus infected person eradication team was ordered by their superiors to continue driving infected people to the border, with the purpose of causing these infected people to flow into the interior areas of Yan country.

If you can't bear it anymore, you don't need to bear it anymore. If you don't break out in silence, you can only perish in silence.

In response to this, Yanguo's senior officials finally couldn't sit still.

On that day, no one in the Ursus military knew exactly what happened. They only knew that the infected elimination team that had been lingering on the border of Yan Kingdom disappeared.

This 2,000-strong clearing force, which had experienced hundreds of battles and was well-equipped, was not defeated, captured, or died, but simply disappeared out of thin air.

Afterwards, the Ursus Military Command sent professionals to track down the whereabouts of this infected team.

However, the last traces left by this team are the pits left by the iron hooves.

The land was red, but there was no obvious blood stain, as if it was dyed red by a substance smaller than blood.

In the end, the Ursus military ruled out the Origin Stone skills, natural disasters, and sneak attacks from the Yan Kingdom, and could only attribute it to a mysterious disappearance that was temporarily unknown.

It was precisely because of this strange incident that Ursus temporarily stopped the elimination of infected people that had lasted for half a year.

At this point, the border area between Ursus and the Yan Kingdom ushered in a brief period of stability.

After the crisis with Ursus was resolved, Yanguo's senior officials could finally turn their attention from the border back to the country, because the "cancer" in Yandong had deteriorated to an extent that could not be ignored.

In the past six months, Yandong has ignored almost all the secret orders issued by Yanguo's Ministry of Internal Affairs. Whether it was inquiries, instructions, or the highest-level orders, they all fell into the sea without a reply.

Moreover, Yandong's plan to contain infected people has been continuing, and no one knows how far it has developed.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

Because of the rapid economic development, Yandong has exerted a huge influence in the world. Just half a month ago, the Sami Kingdom announced that it had officially signed an international trade treaty with Yandong.

It was this treaty that completely violated the bottom line of Yanguo's senior officials, because it meant that Yandong had already shown signs of independence in the international arena.

Because of the tense situation with Ursus, the top leaders of Yan Kingdom had no intention of intervening. Now, Yan Kingdom can no longer condone Yandong's independence. This is a matter of principle.

Because if this continues, Yanguo will completely lose the significance of establishing the Yandong Special Zone in the first place.

Yandong, the capital is Yandong City.

The weather in early autumn is very comfortable. The office window is open, and a piece of withered yellow leaf drifts in with the wind and falls on Xia Feng's desk.

When Xia Feng learned about the strange disappearance that occurred on the northern border between Ursus and Yan Kingdom, the last batch of infected immigrants from Victoria had arrived successfully.

At the same time, all 100 infected communities in Yandong have been completed.

Within half a year, Xia Feng's face grew fine stubble, and his whole person became much more mature.

Although his age has not increased much, everyone who sees him now no longer thinks of him as a young man as before.

The Shenyue Sword lay quietly on the desk. In the past six months, the blade had hardly been unsheathed once. However, sleeping did not affect its sharpness.

At this time, Zhou Liang walked into the office again. Different from his previous reporting work, his expression was a little solemn.

"My lord, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has sent another secret order."

Xia Feng's voice was understated.

"Same as before, throw it away."

Zhou Liang did not follow the instructions, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a deep meaning in his voice.

"Sir, this time may be a little different."

"Oh? What's the difference?"

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated in the secret order that it requires you to return to Fengyang City immediately. It said that there are important matters to discuss, and"

"And what?"

Zhou Liang replied cautiously.

"And I added a sentence at the end. This secret order must not be ignored or refused, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

Hearing Zhou Liang's words, Xia Feng burst into laughter.


He laughed heartily and staggered around, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

After laughing loudly for a while, he finally stopped laughing.

He raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the withered leaves outside the desk window, and murmured.

"It's useless, it's too late."

As someone who has personally witnessed the development of Yandong from a backward place to what it is today, Zhou Liang certainly knows what Xia Feng means by "it's too late".

It's not that the governor went to Fengyang City to return to his life in time.

Rather, it was too late for Yan State to intervene in the Yandong region.

A few days later.

Because they did not receive any reply from Yandong, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had no choice but to jointly issue an ultimatum with Dayan's army.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated in a secret order that Governor Yandong needs to be suspended for investigation due to his lack of communication skills with the interior. From now on, Yandong is required to lift the blockade and allow the North China Military Region to take over.

Seeing this ultimatum, Xia Feng was very pleased.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was able to suppress the words "Governor Goyong's lack of ability", which seemed to still save the last dignity for both parties. Unfortunately, he did not feel that he had done anything "wrong".

Communication is mutual and equal, just like walking on the road, and suddenly someone wants to sing "Confession Balloon" with you. At this time, whether you accept or reject it, it is normal.

If you want to sing, you can sing. If you don’t want to sing, don’t sing. Because I rejected you, you say that I lack communication skills?

Sorry, in this case, he can only prove that he may lack more than just communication skills.

The ultimatum from the Ministry of Internal Affairs was issued jointly with the North China Military Region. The Yan State adopted a military-political integration system. In other words, the most powerful officer in the North China Military Region was the Governor of North China, Lin Hong.

Of course, at this point, neither Prime Minister Yan nor Lin Hong wants to resolve this matter through force.

To be honest, Yandong belongs to the Yan Kingdom. If force is used in this matter, it will be considered a civil strife. No matter what the result is, it will always be Yan who loses. It may even cause Ursus to take advantage of the situation and stir up trouble again. .

Therefore, the mobilization of the North China Military Region is just to show an attitude.

The general meaning is [Governor Xia, it is best for everyone to give each other a step down and advise you not to be autistic anymore, otherwise the North China Military Region will forcefully enter Yandong and cause too much embarrassment].

However, Xia Feng's reply was.

【You can come over and try】

As the second largest military region in the Yan Kingdom, the North China Military Region has a permanent troop strength of up to 300,000, and a reserve force of up to 500,000 in wartime.

After several unsuccessful communications, Lin Hong could only follow the highest order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and mobilize 300,000 troops to the border area between North China and Yandong.

The 300,000-strong army is ready to enter and take over the Yandong region at any time.

However, when the troops were finally assembled and waiting for further instructions, Lin Hong received the latest report from the scouts.

After hearing this information, the sword that Lin Hong had been playing with fell to the ground with a clang.

At the same time that the 300,000 troops of the North China Military Region were massing on the border of Yandong, Yandong, which theoretically did not have an army, also completed the massing of troops.

As for how many people there were, the scout turned pale and stammered for a long time without giving an accurate number.

Ultimately, his answer was.

"The troops assembled on the Yandong border are at least 10 times the size of the entire North China Military Region!"

Upon hearing this number, Lin Hong's legs softened and he collapsed on the ground.

He kept repeating it in his mouth.

"10 times. 3 million troops?"

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