Death is not scary, what is scary is the passage of time, because it will take away many things, not just life.

When a person begins to care about invisible and intangible time, it means that he begins to realize that this is what he lacks most.

Yes, the things that people care about most are often the most important at the moment.

It is precisely because of the lack that it is precious, and it is precisely because it cannot be stopped that it is necessary to go all out.

Terra calendar year 1095, late autumn.

All projects in the Yandong area were completed, and Originium Technology exploded in this land, subverting everything.

In less than a year, the population of Yandong has increased to 8 million, more than half of whom are infected. There is no discrimination or oppression, no contradiction or resistance in this land.

This kind of public sentiment is difficult to imagine, and even Victoria, who has regained her sight, is beyond her reach.

Since it was out of reach, there was no need to pursue it. For this reason, Xia Feng once again went to Victoria as the governor of Yandong.

Different from before, although his identity is still the governor of Yandong, Victoria's attitude has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Londinium, meeting room of the administrative building.

Xia Feng sat in the middle of the conference room, and sitting side by side with him was the current king of Victoria, Wei Na.

When all the proceedings of the meeting were coming to an end, Xia Feng pushed the document, which was as heavy as a mountain, in front of Wei Na.

"Your Majesty, this is the situation. Now more than half of the members of the parliament have passed it. Please sign it."

Wei Na turned her face sideways and stared at Xia Feng with complex eyes.

Picking up the pen, the pen tip stayed on the paper without moving for a long time.

This agreement is a letter of authorization regarding the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Yandong Colonial Zone. Of course, in a more popular term, it is a concession agreement.

As long as Wei Na signs this agreement, it means that from now on, the colonial area on the south coast will be leased to the Yandong Special Zone, the army needs to withdraw, and all administrative rights will be cancelled.

In the past half year, under the rapid development trend of Yandong, this result has been foreseen by the National Assembly.

The development of the colonial area was completely led by Yandong. The Yandong Military Region established was a useless decoration. As for the transferred infected citizens, almost all moved to Yandong.

In this case, the original significance of establishing the colonial zone has been completely reversed, or in other words, to a certain extent, it can be realized through another more worry-free way.

That is to transfer all administrative power of the colonial area to Yandong and turn that coast into the Yandong Concession.

In this case, the Victoria Empire would no longer have to worry about it, and those infected people who immigrated to the past would not need to return. In return, Yandong would pay all the investment costs for previous development in one go.

This is equivalent to selling a completely unprofitable restaurant to the chain store next door at once. From now on, everything has nothing to do with me. I only need to collect the rent.

Of course, that's what they say, but for those members of the National Assembly who have more than half of the votes in favor, although this is a relief, it is also a kind of helplessness.

Victoria itself is too far away from the colonial area. According to the current development trend of Yandong, if we don't "rent" at this time, we may not have the opportunity to "rent" in the future.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Xia Feng's call reached her ears, and Wei Na, who was in a trance, reacted, and her hand holding the pen tightened unconsciously.


Xia Feng kept smiling, but this smile was inexplicably unfamiliar to Wei Na.

"Your Majesty, you only need to sign. Leave the rest to me."

Under the gaze of the entire conference room, Xia Feng raised his hand and gently placed it on the back of Wei Na's white hand.

This intimate gesture, which was obviously inappropriate in public, instantly made everyone stunned. Wei Na felt as if she was electrocuted and immediately broke away from Xia Feng's hand with large movements.


The leader of the Tyreg Army, standing behind Vina, warned with a cold face.

"Governor Xia, pay attention to your actions. I don't want it to happen again."

Xia Feng retracted his hand, slightly embarrassed.

"Sorry, I just want your Majesty not to be too nervous."

Because of this offensive move, the atmosphere in the conference room instantly became a little subtle.

Even Chief Yaerlin, who was kind and friendly to Xia Feng in the past, couldn't help but say with a straight face.

"Even if more than half of the National Assembly agrees to this matter, Your Majesty still has the right to veto. Governor Xia, please do not interfere with His Majesty's judgment."

Xia Feng lowered his head humbly.


However, when he looked at Wei Na, he still maintained the same smile as before.

Realizing that Xia Feng's position was a bit awkward, Wei Na, who was sitting next to him, took a deep breath and helped him out.

"It doesn't matter. I agree with this. Dividing the colonial area into the Yandong Concession and handing it over to Governor Xia for full management is the most beneficial decision for the empire."

After saying that, Wei Na pursed her lips and decisively signed the agreement.

End of the meeting.

Chief Ya'erlin stood up, shook hands with Xia Feng on behalf of Victoria's highest administrative body, and said very officially.

"Governor Xia, happy to cooperate."

Xia Feng nodded modestly.

“A pleasure to work with.”

The sky outside was a little gloomy, and it seemed like it was going to rain.

After the meeting, Wei Na remained seated and did not get up, and so did Xia Feng.

I don't know how long it took, but everyone in the conference room had left. Tyrege also stood outside the door waiting, but the two of them still didn't say a word.

After a long time, Xia Feng was the first to break the silence.

"Vina, you seem to have a problem with this matter. Did I do something wrong?"


"what's on your mind."

Vina lowered her head.


Turning sideways, Xia Feng stretched his palm towards Weina's face, but even if Weina did not dodge this time, his hand stopped in mid-air before touching it.

Because Wei Na's expression at the moment didn't seem to allow him to do this.

Withdrawing his hand and standing up, Xia Feng picked up the concession agreement on the table.

"Weina, time is urgent, I will go back to Yandong first. Take care of yourself and contact me anytime if you need anything."

After that, he decisively took a step toward the door.

The next second, Vina's call came.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Feng stopped in place.


Wei Na raised her head and stared at him with eyes that were too complicated to describe.

As if she had been thinking seriously for a long time, she pursed her lips and said in a deep voice.

"Xia Feng, now I regret letting you become the Governor of Yandong. I feel like you have changed."

"I have changed?"

Wei Na stood up and silently walked to Xia Feng, her voice inexplicably low.

"In the meeting just now, the look you showed unintentionally scared me. It was a look that used any means to achieve a certain goal. Of course, I know you won't target Victoria, but I just feel scared."

Raising his arms, Xia Feng gently hugged Wei Na into his arms.

"I haven't changed, it's just you who are too worried."

Letting Xia Feng hold him, Wei Na put her face against his chest and murmured.

"Xia Feng."


"It's enough, you can stop. Both Victoria and Yandong are now strong enough to protect themselves. Really, it's enough. Come back, come back to me, let me see you every day Are you OK."

However, Veena's affectionate plea was rejected.

Xia Feng's voice was very soft.

"No, we can't stop yet. It's not enough yet."

After hearing his words, Wei Na suddenly raised her head, as if she had been suppressing it for a long time, and her emotions suddenly became excited.

Holding Xia Feng's sleeves, she couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Why isn't it enough? Xia Feng, what else do you want? Do you want to say it's for me? No need, I don't need it now. I just want you to stay with me, okay?"


Vina's pupils flickered.

"Why, do you want to replace the Yan Kingdom? Make the entire Yan Kingdom a colony of Victoria? Or do you want to challenge Ursus? Make the whole world surrender to you? So that you can sit back and relax with me? "

"why not."

Upon hearing this answer, Wei Na loosened her grip on Xia Feng's sleeves.

She took a few steps back in a daze, and then she mustered up her last courage, and her voice changed from sharp to pleading.

"Xia Feng, don't be naive. The new rule is formed by the accumulation of corpses. Don't you still understand this truth until now? Believe me, we can't change this world."

Xia Feng's expression was always calm, but when faced with Wei Na's last words, he subconsciously clenched his fists.

"I know."

The next second, he unclenched his fist.

His brows relaxed, and he showed a bright smile to Wei Na.

In such a serious atmosphere, his words were completely unexpected by Wei Na.

With what seemed like the happiest smile in the world, Xia Feng grinned and said loudly.

"Vina, when I change the world, let's get married."

At this last moment, with tears running down her cheeks, Wei Na seemed to understand what Xia Feng was insisting on.

Because she unintentionally pulled Xia Feng's clothes, she finally noticed.

The Originium crystals on Xia Feng's neck had begun to spread downwards, and the skin under the red scarf was shocking.

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