Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1195 Golden Stone

According to legend, the flames of the Balrog can burn the entire land, including mountains and rivers.

Of course, this is just a legend and is obviously exaggerated. However, the flames released by Ifrit through the power of the Balrog are indeed no ordinary fire.

Although it still draws energy from the Origin Stone, this kind of fire is completely different from the high temperatures produced by the Origin Stone technology and industrial equipment.

Xia Feng didn't know how high the flame of the Balrog could reach in its extreme state, but based on his experience, if a nuclear bomb exploded, it could instantly create a high temperature of up to 50 million degrees Celsius, which is higher than the temperature of the sun. Even higher.

Of course, Ifrit is not a nuclear bomb, and Laopu does not need a high temperature of 50 million degrees, but based on experience, Ifrit's flames can obviously meet the demand.

Just like that, after assuming this glorious mission, Ifrit rolled up her sleeves and followed Lao Pu back to the Origin Stone Processing Factory.

At first, Helmer was extremely opposed to Ifrit becoming a "tool man" and participating in this subversive experiment, but later, she chose to acquiesce.

Afterwards, Xia Feng did not actually observe the specific experimental process because he had too many things to be busy with on a daily basis.

Until one day.

The sky was gray and white, and all the leaves outside the window of the Governor's office had fallen.

The summer wind raised its head, and a crystal snowflake drifted in from the open window, which meant that winter had arrived.

He quietly watched the snowflakes fall on the windowsill, and unconsciously recalled the smile blooming in the ice and snow in his mind.

Before I knew it, a year had almost passed.

After a while, Xiao Kong walked in.

"Sir, it's snowing outside. Can I close the window for you, sir? Sir?"

Xia Feng came to his senses.


"I asked you to close the window. What are you looking at?"

Xia Feng withdrew his gaze from the window sill.

"Oh, it's nothing, just close it."


The room temperature in the office was a bit cold, and the water in the cup was also cold. Xia Feng sat quietly behind the desk, still a little lost in thought.

At this moment, Lao Pu rushed into the office excitedly.

"Xia Feng, we succeeded!"

Hearing this shout, Xia Feng's dull eyes suddenly brightened.


At this time, Mel and Helmer came with Lao Pu. It was obvious that this subversive experiment had produced results.


Lao Pu placed a large metal box on his desk and said excitedly.

"Xia Feng, it's done, this is it!"

Xia Feng looked at the large metal box and said with some uncertainty.

"Is this... a box made?"

"No, just one."

"One, so big?"

Mel said proudly with an excited and mysterious smile.

"Hehe, it may not look big in size, but compared to the energy it contains, it can be said to be very small."

Xia Feng stared at the big box with wide eyes.

"What do you mean, I don't quite understand."

"Hey, it's really awesome anyway."

"What's so great about it?"

In the end, as the relatively calm one among the three, Hemmer gently pushed up his glasses and gave a professional explanation.

"Is such that."

According to Helmer's explanation, the contents of the box are the final product of this experiment.

Of course, there are still many flaws in this so-called finished product, and it does not meet the standards compared to the records in "Earth and Wind". However, this is already the limit of what can be achieved with current technology.

First of all, what is in the box is a "golden stone". Hemer temporarily calls it the Origin Stone Crystal. As for why it is packed in a metal box, it is because this Origin Stone Crystal has super strong Source Stone energy radiation and Very high pathogenicity to ordinary people.

Later, after dispersing some of the staff of the Governor's Mansion to ensure safety, Xia Feng opened the box and took a look.

Similar to what was recorded, the "stone" inside is indeed closer to gold, but slightly turbid. Overall, this round stone is about the size of a basketball.

However, its greatness is not in its appearance.

In terms of volume, this "Origin Stone Crystal" is more than ten times larger than the ordinary S-grade finished Source Stone, but the energy density it contains is far more than thousands of times that of ordinary Origin Stone!

To explain it in a simple and crude way, the energy supply of the "Origin Crystal" in front of you is almost equivalent to 5000-6000 finished Origin Stones.

But at the same time, if explained in a more professional way, then this is definitely not a question of addition and subtraction, but a typical quantitative change causing a qualitative change.

Xia Feng didn't understand Hemo's professional terminology very well, but based on his own understanding, he could probably figure it out.

The difference between "Origin Stone Crystal" and ordinary Source Stone is not in the amount of energy, but in the output power. If you want to support the operation of a power-consuming device, it must reach a certain power. Otherwise, no matter how much "quantity" is used, It's no use either.

But now, the power of this semi-finished "Source Stone Crystal" has far exceeded the original upper limit of this world, which is ordinary Source Stone.

Under such conditions, theories that were previously restricted by the framework will have the possibility to be realized.

In other words, the basketball-sized stone in the box at this time may be the beginning of a revolution, that is, the second Originium technology revolution.

The end point of the revolution is the city in the sky depicted in "Earth and Wind".

This is an exciting result and has cross-epochal significance.

But despite being excited, Xia Feng did not become more optimistic.

He is not a professional in Originium Technology, and it is precisely because he is not professional that he has some irrational fantasies.

He had always thought that if this experiment succeeded, he could change something.

However, the reality is cruel.

The success of the experiment was also the moment of disillusionment. He knew what Mel was happy about. For scientists, what matters is not the present, but the future.

From the birth of a theory to its perfect application, there is still a long way to go, and he doesn't seem to have that much time.

Putting aside the output power of the "Origin Crystal", if we just talk about the quality, this experiment has no practical significance for the current development.

Because, the birth process of this "Origin Crystal" containing the energy of 5,000-6,000 Origin Stones consumed more than 20,000 Origin Stones.

Although Yandong has sufficient resources, he is not rich enough to exchange 20,000 for 5,000 casually.

If the sky battleship designed by Meier is built now, it will take at least several years to complete. By then, the application of new energy sources will still require various experiments, and it may take several years, or even decades.

Of course, Mel's enthusiasm will not fade, even if she doesn't see that day, it doesn't matter, this is what she insists on.

But Xia Feng himself did not live to leave anything for future generations.

He is very selfish. All he wants to hold on to is the present moment that is within reach.

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