Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1199 The entangled dream

Yan Guoxiang asked Xia Feng to extend his hand, but if it was as simple as extending his hand, why would he refuse?

He did not lie. There is no army in Yandong. Those 3 million infected people who are fully armed and murderous are not the army, but citizens of Yandong who are flesh and blood and want to live.

Of course, by now, the meaning of some things has completely changed.

He is not a merciful Madonna, nor a great hero, but at the same time, he is also not a cold-blooded ruler, nor a tyrant who treats human lives like pawns.

If necessary, he can become a sinner for the ages, as was the case in Victoria.

But if it was just to protect Yan Country from the oppression of Ursus, this reason was far from enough to move him.

The Yan Kingdom would never initiate a war with Ursus under any circumstances. The reason why Prime Minister Yan asked Yandong to send 1 million troops to the northern part of North China was for the purpose of intimidation.

Dayan wanted to use Yandong's influence to make Ursus restrain himself, and at the same time give up his plan to expel the infected to Yan Kingdom. Yan Guoxiang wanted to prove to Ursus that Yandong and Yan Kingdom were still one. .

However, Xia Feng didn't want Ursus to have this kind of knowledge, because it would not be of any benefit to Yandong.

This approach goes against his usual style. Some people can be intimidated, while others must be killed. For those who must be killed, the most taboo thing before taking action is to let the other party know his background and position, just like he once did Overnight replaced the underground emperor of southern Victoria, as did the Freddo Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, in this matter, he came to Fengyang City just for a formality, in order to make Yan Guo completely give up on Yan Dong's expectations.

You can't blame him for being unkind, it's just that his goals are different.

At the same time, he also knew very well that Yan Guo's situation was not as dire as what was said at the meeting. The border threat to Ursus had been present for several years. This time, Yan Guo Xiang just wanted to use Yan Dong to find the best solution.

After getting his principled veto, Yan Guo still had his own methods.

Including but not limited to giving in as before to ensure safety, or using the "secret weapon" that has been hidden for several years.

After returning to Yandong, Xia Feng's mood was not as "indifferent" as Yan Guoxiang said.

What he cared about was not the threat posed by the Ursus Infected Suppression Team to the Yan Kingdom border, but another matter.

Since half a year ago, he has lost contact with Frost Star.

During this period, he had repeatedly purchased information about Ursus from Penguin Logistics at high prices. The only thing that was certain was that the infected guerrillas where Frost Star was located had not been completely wiped out and were still active in Ursus.

This can prove that Shuangxing deliberately did not contact him.

Until half a month ago, the last information Penguin Logistics sent him was that Shuangxing's guerrillas had retreated to the snowy mountains in northern Ursus.

At the same time, because the situation in Ursus is very complicated, Penguin Logistics also stated that it will no longer accept intelligence missions about Ursus. We hope to understand.


There was heavy snow falling in the sky. Different from the scattered snowflakes before, this was the first heavy snow since the beginning of winter in Eastern Yan Dynasty. The snowflakes were flying, covering the sky and the sun.

After receiving another injection of new inhibitory drugs from Dr. Kane at the hospital for infected patients, Xia Feng returned to the governor's office in a state of confusion.

The sky outside is gray and the light indoors is also dim.

Xia Feng curled up on the chair with empty eyes. The book "Earth and Wind" lay quietly on the table. He had no intention of reading it anymore.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an inexplicable cramp in his chest.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Hearing his cough, Xiao Kong hurried into the office and asked worriedly.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Feng did not answer, but gently covered his mouth and waved his hand towards her to indicate that he was fine.

Xiaokong closed the office windows tightly.

"Sir, it's a little cold inside. I'll light a stove for you and wait. I'm just getting ready."

After Xiaokong left, Xia Feng released his palm from the corner of his mouth. His palm was covered with bright red blood, and his mouth was sweet and salty.

Dr. Kane's medicine is very effective in preventing the spread of crystals. Recently, the crystals in his neck have hardly worsened, but the failure of his organs seems to have become more serious.

It's getting depleted day by day, and there's nothing you can do about it.

The white power of the black and white twins can only heal the trauma caused by external forces, but they selectively ignore the chronic damage caused by ore disease to the body. This is really ridiculous and helpless.

In addition to being genetically different from the Terran race, the successors of the Ancient Stone also have a hard condition, which is to be infected.

Because only the infected can accept the energy of the Origin Stone, and only by accepting the energy of the Origin Stone can the power of the Ancient Stone be activated. In other words, if the white power cures his ore disease, it is equivalent to destroying the causal relationship.

This may sound cruel, but there is nothing unfair.

The more powerful you are, the more fragile you are. Now that you have gained enough power to cut off a city, there is nothing to say about the inevitable quick death.

However, although the truth is such, he still feels that it is a little too fast.

In front of outsiders, he was always the aloof and strategizing governor of Yandong. In the eyes of his enemies, he was even more terrifying than a demon.

But now, no one can detect the confusion, fear, unwillingness, and deep despair deep in his eyes.

Like a weak patient, Xia Feng curled up on the chair.

Gradually, he closed his eyes in his increasingly chaotic thoughts.

Dream, he seemed to have had a dream.

The reason why he used "like" to describe it was that it was a little difficult for him to tell whether it was a dream or not.

In other words, he couldn't tell which side was the dream and which side was the reality.

From a perspective that seemed to lose the limit of time, he saw many people, some he knew and some he didn't.

For example, Shuangyue, General Grissom, Aguang, Mesha, besides people, there were also some scenery he had never seen before.

In a building that looks like a tall tower, he is writing something on a desk.

At the top of a mountain that reached straight into the sky, a high-spirited sword-wielding young man smiled at him and said something.

In the panicked grassland, herds of cattle and sheep, at the edge of a forest destroyed by some force, he seemed to have said something to a child.

Until the end, thousands of miles above the clouds, he imprinted his palm on an instrument with a complex structure. Next to him, there were several golden stones. Among the crowd around him, there was a young man gently tossing silver coins.

These people and things are all messy, with scenes played randomly and looped one after another.

Among all the chaotic sounds, only one empty sound can be completely distinguished.

"It's useless, you can't change anything."

At some point, Xia Feng opened his eyes in the office.

The sky outside has turned completely dark, and heavy snow can still be vaguely seen.

The room was warm, and a small burning stove was placed very close to him.

He straightened up. The discomfort after the injection of the suppressive drug had basically disappeared, and Xia Feng's eyes gradually turned from hazy to sharp.

Looking slightly sideways, he glanced at the calendar on his desk.

It is the winter of 1095, less than a month away from 1096.

He stretched out his blood-stained palm, crossed the "Earth and Wind" on the table, and picked up the Shenyue Sword next to him.

"Xiaokong, help me call Lao Zhou over."


After a while, Zhou Liang, wearing a cotton coat, stood in front of the desk.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Xia Feng said in a calm voice.

"The matters related to Yandong will be left to you and Aling for the time being. I have to go out tomorrow."

Zhou Liang looked surprised.

"Where are you going, sir?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I just want to go to Ursus and see if the snow there is as big as Yandong."

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