Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1205 Sleeping

On the snow, Risa was completely stunned when she saw Xia Feng dying on the spot after a disagreement.

"Hey, what's going on with you!"

This kind of "Origin Stone" placed a much greater physical burden on Xia Feng than expected. In fact, his physical condition was far more serious than it seemed.

Before his consciousness disappeared, Xia Feng remembered someone inexplicably in his mind.

Some people's bodies are obviously too damaged to survive, but the obsession in their hearts can still push them to move forward, just like Shuangyue.

However, when the tight things in the heart loosen, the body, which is far beyond the limit of life, will also collapse.

It seems that it has reached its limit.

His senses disappeared, and his whole body seemed to fall into endless darkness.

It was already a week later when Xia Feng, who had almost lost his vital signs, was sent back to Yandong.

Some things have been foreseen, but when they actually happen, everyone will be caught off guard.

In the infected hospital, Dr. Kane and Hemer teamed up to provide emergency rescue to Xia Feng.

Soon, it was learned that he was in critical condition due to severe infection of ore disease, and all the infected people in Yandong spontaneously gathered in Yandong City.

For two days, the lights in the emergency room were always on.

Hemer used almost the most advanced medical technology in the world, and even tried many methods for the first time. To put it harshly, if it were another doctor who saw Xia Feng in a state that was almost indistinguishable from death, he would have given up long ago. To the rescue.

However, Hemo will not give up, she will not give up no matter what, even if a dead horse is a living horse doctor, she will try her best.

During this period, the infected people who gathered in Yandong City were all worried. Facing the medical staff coming out of the hospital, these people who were also devastated by the ore disease begged from the bottom of their hearts.

"Doctor, doctor, how is Master Xia Feng?"

"Doctor, please be sure to save Master Xia Feng, I kowtow to you!"

"Is there anything we can do to help, whether it's blood, organs, or life, as long as it can make Master Xia Feng survive, I'll do it right away!"

At night, the infected people began to spontaneously pray for blessings. Just like Dr. Helmer and Kane who were doing their best to rescue the patients, people stayed awake and worked hard in the way they could.

In the eyes of the people of Yandong, Xia Feng represents hope.

And hope can never be extinguished.

Two days later.

Whether it was the devout prayers of the infected that moved the gods, or whether Dr. Helmer and Kane performed a miracle, Xia Feng's vital signs, which were so weak that they were almost imperceptible, finally recovered.

However, although his life was temporarily saved, he could not wake up.

The professional explanation given by Helmer was that for some unknown reason, all Xia Feng's brain cells lost activity and entered some kind of dormant state.

To put it bluntly, it is brain death, which can also be called a vegetative state.

For everyone who knows Xia Feng, this is a result that doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Xia Feng was not dead, but except that he could still breathe, he was almost the same as dead.

Of course, regardless of the biological level, there is still a certain difference between his death and immortality, because Hemo said that Xia Feng still has the possibility of waking up and recovering, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

This result is still important in some sense.

As long as he is not dead, Yan Dong will still be Yan Dong. At least, the enemies who are eyeing him will not dare to act rashly.

For his companions, however, the outcome was undeniably sad.

In the hospital ward, Guigui lay on his bedside and cried with red eyes.

"Big windmill, big windmill, wake up, oooooooooo!"

Although Xia Feng had fallen into long-term coma many times before, it was obvious that this time the situation was different.

In the final analysis, this time it was due to ore disease, which meant that the white power in his body was unable to interfere with this physical condition.

The companions gathered around the hospital bed, all looking sad.

However, they believed that Xia Feng would definitely wake up. Before he woke up, all they could do was stabilize Yan Dong.

A week later, Wei Na, who learned of Xia Feng's serious illness, ignored the objections of the National Assembly and flew directly from Victoria to Yandong in a panic.

When she rushed into the ward accompanied by Tyrege, she could only see Xia Feng sleeping.

At this time, there were many people in the ward who came after hearing the news, including Yin Hui, Yi Nanxue, and even Ogur.

"Summer breeze."

The atmosphere in the entire ward was extremely depressing. If the hospital bed was replaced with a coffin, it would undoubtedly be a heavy memorial service.

Walking to the bed in a panic, Wei Na took Xia Feng's hand.

"Xia Feng, I'm here, I'm Wei Na, please open your eyes and look at me."

Xia Feng's hands were soft and pale, just like his bloodless face. As he called, tears kept falling on Wei Na's cheeks.

Seeing her sad look, Yin Hui and others silently exited the room.

Yi Nanxue, who was the last to leave, stopped, opened her mouth several times, and finally said.

"Vina, Xia Feng."

However, Wei Na pressed Xia Feng's hand tightly to her face and was already crying. Yi Nanxue was forced to stop what she wanted to say.

In the evening, Wei Na, who had calmed down a little, asked Dr. Hemer and Kane about Xia Feng's condition, and received almost the same answer as before.

At present, Xia Feng's body no longer has much energy except for maintaining the most basic metabolism, and even the demand for food and nutrition has been reduced to a minimum.

This situation is like hibernating.

Hemmer said that the severely infected patients she has treated have never experienced such a situation. Although there is no scientific basis, she believes that Xia Feng's current situation does not rule out that it is an unconscious self-protection mechanism.

This state can make cells inactive, thereby slowing down the speed of disease, but the price is that he will lose consciousness and remain dormant indefinitely.

Of course, this is just Hemmer's speculation.

After hearing this result, Wei Na felt very depressed, because Hemo also said that during this dormancy process, it was not ruled out that Xia Feng would die directly.

A few days later, the news that Xia Feng turned into a vegetative state was learned by the top officials of Yan Kingdom.

Maybe they already knew it and were just waiting for the right time to express their position.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Yan State sent a letter stating that Prime Minister Yan personally led Governor Yanchuan and Governor of North China to prepare to go to Yandong to visit Yandong Governor Xia Feng, who was suddenly ill, to express his condolences and attention.

However, Zhou Liang and Xi Gong Ling, who temporarily took over the administrative affairs of Yandong, sternly refused.

This time, Zhou Liang, who had always been submissive to Yan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and rigid as an official, became rarely firm.

He had always played a coordinating role in front of Xia Feng before, but now that Xia Feng is unable to govern, he must stand up and consider the stability of Yandong!

When the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent this request, Prime Minister Yan Guo and the two governors had already set off from Fengyang City.

However, the group of people who represented the highest authority in the Yan Kingdom did not enter the Yandong area and were mercilessly stopped outside.

Hundreds of thousands of heavily armed infected people formed a murderous defense line. Seeing this situation, even if Prime Minister Yan had the courage, he would not dare to cross the line. Even if Yandong theoretically belonged to the Yan Kingdom, he would not dare.

In desperation, the condolences team could only go back the same way in despair.

In the next few days, the allies who came to visit Xia Feng left one after another.

Before leaving, Yin Hui swore that Xia Feng would always be his ally and that he would advance and retreat with Yan Dong until he woke up.

Although Yi Nanxue and Ogur didn't say anything pretentious, their attitudes proved their stance.

Ogur said that Black Steel's two elite troops will always stay in Yandong to protect Xia Feng's safety during his sleep.

Yi Nanxue also said that the Xuedi Group's supply of medicines to Yandong would not stop. Even if the capital turnover is limited, accounts can be kept first and everything can be settled after Xia Feng wakes up.

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