Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1215 Familiar Street

The reason why Xia Feng calls the truth "reasonable and unexpected" is because he has noticed an inexplicable sense of dissonance more than once in the three years since he came to this world.

If the history is stretched out, the current era will be like a distorted "chapter". There are too many things that do not belong to this era.

In other words, in a sense, this era is both the beginning and the end.

Everything depends on someone's choice.

After returning to Yandong, Xia Feng locked himself in the room, ignoring all sounds, as if he had entered a meditative state.

During this period, no matter how Yanguo's plan to "kill the infected" intensified, no matter how Zhou Liang and Nisigong Ling scrambled, he always stayed in the room and remained indifferent.

Intervene in Yanguo's affairs?

Interfering with Ursus?

Or should we stabilize Yandong and survive this storm that started in the interior of Yan country?

It's ridiculous. If he thinks about these things now, he will be an extremely stupid person.

From the moment he came to this world, everything that happened before him was ultimately caused by natural disasters and the Origin Stone.

As long as the natural disaster does not disappear and the tragedy has no end, then everything we do will be in vain.

Sooner or later he was going to die, and that day was almost at hand.

However, he was lucky.

When he was about to die, he finally discovered the secret of this world.

[The deepest part of Agor] undoubtedly refers to the end of the sea, and it is also a mysterious sea area that has never been touched by any country in the world.

Because of the disappearance of a cruise ship decades ago, countries around the world have always been wary of the oceans. It was only in recent years that ocean shipping operations were restarted.

However, even though cargo ships can sail from Victoria to Yandong, from Longmen to Casimir, and from Rembiton to Ursus, they have never touched the Agor Sea.

It's like an inherent impression that people are reluctant to approach Agor, they are just afraid, but they are afraid for some reason.

This situation is like an instinct inspired by some mysterious force.

Now, that forbidden sea is exactly where he must reach. At this point, he is no longer afraid of anything. Even if it is death, he must understand it before he dies.

However, the sea area of ​​​​Agor is really too big.

If he were to sit on a boat and sail aimlessly on the sea, he might not be able to find anything until he died of ore disease.

How to find the "God of the Deep Sea" is the only problem currently standing in front of him.

However, there is still a correct key to this seemingly unsolvable problem.

If he guessed correctly, among the people he knew so far, there was one person who had reached that mysterious sea area.

The premise is that Ergou didn't lie to him.

A few days later.

At Yandong's most tense moment, Xia Feng suddenly gave up and decided to go to Victoria.

It was like he had made a breakthrough in meditation, and he suddenly entered a higher spiritual realm, and he no longer cared about all the "mundane things" around him.

Worried that he was in a coma like before, Black Feather's companions all asked to accompany him back to Victoria. Xia Feng was completely indifferent to this and allowed everyone to make their own decisions.

The sea breeze in winter is very cold.

Before leaving, he stood on the coastline and stared deeply at the foundation he had laid with his own hands.

A lot of things happened on this land, from Dongzhou to Xichuan, from the Sakurawu family to the Nishinomiya family, from Sandworm Island to the Sakura Forest, from Dongguo to Yandong.

Many people died and many things disappeared, but he was still alive.

"Brother Xia Feng!"

At this moment, Xiao Hui's voice came from behind.

Knowing that he was leaving, Xiao Hui seemed to have a premonition of something with a woman's intuition and found him in a hurry.

Turning around, Xia Feng walked up to Xiao Hui and showed a smile.

"Is it cold?"

Xiao Hui Dong's nose was slightly red, but she still pretended to be innocent and smiled at him.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. Brother Xia Feng, you are here this time."

Stretching out his hand, Xia Feng gently touched Xiao Hui's head.

"Xiao Hui, I leave the sandworm breeding base to you. You have to take care of everyone in Nanye Village on my behalf."


At this moment, Xia Feng's eyes were complicated, showing reluctance and farewell, but more importantly, a longing for hope.

"Come on, Nannomarue!"

Xia Feng left.

Accompanied by his companions, he boarded the plane and headed to his familiar Victoria.

Just like last time, the plane did not land in Londinium, but returned directly to the south. His destination was only the Kilt neighborhood of Happy City.

At this time, Victoria was also surrounded by cold winter. When she returned to the familiar Baigui Street, the streets were deserted.

Perhaps it’s because most people at the noisy [Black Feather Grill] have moved away. This street seems to have returned to what it was a long, long time ago. Even the snow on the street has not been cleared.

Huang Xuanshan is the only one living in the barbecue restaurant now. Seeing everyone in Heiyu suddenly return, Mr. Huang immediately lit the stove in the hall and warmed the house.

However, this time everyone's mood was indescribably low.

Huang Xuanshan didn't know what happened at all, so he could only ask tentatively.

"What's wrong with you? Have you encountered any difficulties? It doesn't matter. You are all still young. There are no obstacles in life that you can't overcome."

Everyone was still standing or sitting like eggplants beaten by frost, and the whole hall was lifeless.

The lobby of the barbecue restaurant was very warm, but this warmth could not dispel the chill in everyone's heart. Everyone noticed that Xia Feng seemed to be preparing something.

However, no one knew how to speak.

This silence lasted for a long, long time.

It wasn't until the sky outside started to darken that Xia Feng, who was sitting behind the desk at the far end of the hall, finally spoke.


His voice was very soft, and his voice seemed to be devoid of any emotion.

"This time it's true. I declare that Black Wings will disband on the spot. Everyone can do what they want to do and live a good life."

Hearing Xia Feng say such willful words again, everyone was not so good-tempered this time.

Lang Da, who has a straightforward personality, was the first to jump into action and said excitedly.

"Brother Feng, why are you doing this again!"

Others were equally excited.

"That's right, we can figure this out together. What Mr. Huang just said is right. There is no obstacle in life that cannot be overcome."

"Xia Feng, don't always think about doing everything yourself. We are a family."

Turtle pursed his lips and sat on the sofa, his eye circles already red.

"Big Windmill, are you going to abandon me again?"

The sincere words of his companions were very touching, but unfortunately, Xia Feng now knew very well what he was about to face.

He stood up from behind his desk expressionlessly, put on his coat and started walking out the door.

"I said, disband where you are. Of course, I'm not driving you away. You can calm down first and think about where you want to go next. That's it. I'm going out now."

After saying that, Xia Feng opened the door directly and left the barbecue restaurant.

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