Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1220 The other side of the sea

Even in sleep, the obstacles blocking the way are still vaguely surrounding my mind.

Yes, he doesn't need to involve others, it's enough for him to go alone.

[Deep Code Doctrine] In order to provide sacrifices for the resurrection of the God of the Deep Sea, countries are being "assimilated" one after another.

First came Victoria, then Yan Guo, and then Kjerag, but judging from this speed, it was too slow.

In other words, it will take at least several years or even more than ten years to collect enough sacrifices.

But his body couldn't hold it anymore, so he had to end everything now.

Yes, it's just him.

If he fails, Wei Na, Turtle, and Black Feather's companions can still live normally in this world, but without him.

Until the God of the Deep was successfully revived, the consciousness of infected people around the world was controlled.

But that day may take a long, long time.

He thinks so.

However, logic has no emotions, but humans do, and he is also a human being.

Even though this is the most correct choice, deep down in his heart, he still feels deeply lonely and lonely.

In his sleep, his consciousness was very vague, and the only thing he could feel was silence. This silence made him very uneasy, as if he no longer belonged to this world.

I don’t know how long it took, but a burst of noise dispersed the silence.

It seemed like there were a lot of people talking around him

"Xia Feng, Xia Feng!"

"Brother Feng!"


Opening his eyes drowsily on the sofa, he saw many familiar faces.

Brother ACE, Red Knife, Lapland, Three Wolf Brothers, Franka, Thunder Snake, Master Xiao, Bagpipe, Ifrit, Hemo, Mel, White-faced Owl, Nanfeng.

The vision became clearer, and the faces of his companions showed determination.

Wolf gave a thumbs up.

"Brother Feng, luckily I caught up, hehe."

Hong Dao's voice was still cold.

"Xia Feng, didn't you say that Black Wings has been disbanded? In this case, of course we can do whatever we want, including going to Agor with you."

Brother ACE's voice was solemn.

"Xia Feng, I told you when we came to Victoria together that no matter what danger you encounter, my big brother will protect you."

Lapland's voice is very chic.

"Boss, why do you want to run away before your salary for hiring me has been paid? Hehe, when we come back alive this time, you can't default on your debt."

Bagpipe is back in uniform.

"Xia Feng, you said that although this world is dark and cruel, it still has a beautiful side. When we defeat the darkness together, we can return to Yandong and live a carefree life. When next spring, I will Just plant more potatoes."

Finally, Nanfeng, wearing the senior military uniform of Victoria's military chief, sat next to him.

"Xia Feng, you want to engage in personal heroism again? There is no way. This matter is not your responsibility alone, but the responsibility of the whole world. At least, the Victoria General Military Headquarters will not turn a blind eye."

Xia Feng's eyes were dull.

Perhaps the side effects of the oriopathy-suppressing drugs appeared again. At this moment, his thinking was a little slow.

He didn't know why everyone chose this way.

All he knew was that Yi Nanxue seemed to have done unnecessary things while he was asleep.

And he chose to acquiesce naturally.

Maybe this is the so-called destiny. Some things cannot be controlled by humans, especially the human heart.

He is too naive. How can a "rejection" heart be more powerful than several hearts that want to "follow".

Looking at the familiar faces of his companions, the softest place in Xia Feng's heart was finally touched.

In his dull thoughts, he did not say any more words of rejection.

It doesn’t matter, that’s it.

Perhaps, being with your companions can really create miracles.

December, year 1096 of the Terran calendar.

Ursus, Chernobog.

On this day, the mobile city of Chernobog, which should have predicted the coming of a natural disaster, lost this important information due to the intervention of an infected extremist organization.


A natural disaster struck the city, destroying everything.

Starting from this natural disaster, a flag symbolizing [Integration] was raised high.

The dark age of Ursus began.

Northern Sami, Agor ruins, southwest coast.

Xia Feng wore a black coat and stared blankly at the east, which was the direction of Ursus.

From this day on, his perspective as a time traveler ended. In three years, he seemed to have changed a lot of things, but in the end, he still did not prevent the rise of the [Integration Movement] and the destruction of Chernobog.

If nothing else happens, Rhode Island will intervene in the Cherbonog incident and meet the integration movement led by Tallulah in the city shrouded in natural disasters.

Then, into crisis.

However, now that Brother ACE is by his side, the hero who used his life to cover everyone's retreat will not die in Cherbonog this time, so as a replacement, another member of Rhode Island must die.

He didn't know who it was this time, maybe it was an operator he was familiar with, or an unfamiliar Rhode Island member.

Or maybe, because of the butterfly effect of his three-year presence, no one will die this time.

He didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

Looking back from the east, Xia Feng turned around and looked to the northwest.

In front of him was the boundless sea.

Along the way, many past events are vivid in his mind. Now, he is going to personally challenge the "disaster" that has enveloped the world, and he is not alone.

Before departure.

Nan Feng looked at the boundless sea and mentioned that encounter again to Xia Feng beside him.

"Xia Feng, why did you change direction then?"


"The first time we met, we were dueling in the courtyard of the Leaf family."

"Oh, so that's what happened."

Xia Feng's stiff expression softened slightly as he brought up old things again.

"Because my intuition tells me that you are not my enemy. I think it is the guidance of fate. There is no way. It is rare for me to believe in fate."

"Oh, really."

Nanfeng closed his eyes gently, his expression showing relief. When he opened his eyes again, he was determined to die.

"I just don't know what our fate will be this time."

Facing the sea, behind the two men was flying a flag with black wings. Under the flag were many companions who had entrusted their lives to each other.

In addition, there are 5,000 elite members of the Royal Victoria Knights, as well as ten huge royal ships.

The sky above the sea was gloomy, the wind was howling, and the waves were rough.

Standing side by side with Nan Feng, Xia Feng turned around and scanned the faces of every familiar companion, as if he wanted to remember each person's appearance deeply in his heart.

"Brothers and sisters, this time, we are going to change the fate of this world."

After receiving everyone's firm looks, Xia Feng turned around and signaled to Nan Feng.


Nan Feng pulled out the saber from under his coat and pointed the blade straight at the end of the sea.

"Royal Knights!"


"Come aboard and let's all set off!"


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