Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1237 Her sister

Miracles come with a price, but Xia Feng was already prepared to pay the price.

Below the city of Londinium.


The red eyeballs were picked out by him with his own hands.

With that sword, he seemed to cut off the sky and the earth, separating darkness and light.

The huge city of Londinium was split into two, and Victoria's brief dark age ended with his own hands.

The hustle and bustle has passed, and the blood-stained plains have returned to calm.

Seeing Xia Feng lying on the ground dying, his companions gathered around him in grief.

"Summer breeze."

At this time, Wei Na's voice reached his ears.

Hearing this voice, Xia Feng's dimmed eyes brightened up like a flashback. He turned his head with difficulty, and Wei Na's face appeared in front of him.

Looking at Wei Na, Xia Feng slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Vina. Sorry for ruining your capital, hey."

"Summer breeze."

"Leave me alone. It's not over yet. You still have things to do. Go to the palace."

Wei Na stared blankly at Xia Feng's dying appearance.

"But you"

"Leave me alone, go ahead and end everything. Don't let everyone's sacrifices go to waste. This is your responsibility."

Xia Feng's last expression was full of expectation.

Wei Na clenched her fists tightly, probably no one could understand the torment in her heart at this moment.

"I won't let everyone's sacrifices be in vain, Xia Feng, don't die, wait for me. I want you to see with your own eyes the reborn Victoria, the hometown where infected people and ordinary people coexist equally."


Then, Vina turned around firmly and walked towards the cracked Londinium.

No one saw that the moment she turned around, tears came to her eyes.

With this last strike, Xia Feng almost exhausted all his life force, but there was no trace of pain on his face.

He is laughing.

He protected everything he wanted to protect without any regrets or reluctance. Nothing he regarded as a treasure was lost.

In his already blurred vision, he saw the faces of Shuangyue, Aguang, Mesha, and all the Black Feather companions.

At this moment, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

The consciousness that had been blurred returned and became clear with the appearance of this picture.

He thought of the lonely figure on the city wall, and the words "If possible, I hope to include" echoed in his mind.

Lying on the ground, Xia Feng's already stiff fingers mustered up the last bit of strength and gradually lifted them up.

"Ah, Ah Guang."

Aguang held his hand and replied excitedly.

"I'm here, Brother Feng, tell me what you want to do and I'll do it for you!"

"With people."

"Why are you bringing people with you? Tell me who you want to kill, and my ancestral graves have been torn down by him!"

"Take someone with you to the palace."

Royal palace, inside the main hall.

The splendid walls had cracked due to the violent turbulence, and the entire hall was empty. Only at the end of the center was a throne that symbolized the highest power of the empire.

"Da, da, da, da, da"

Vina walked towards the throne step by step, and the deep footsteps echoed in the hall.

On the throne, Wei Lin watched her half-sister approaching step by step with a calm face. There was no panic, no unwillingness, and no so-called resentment in her pupils.

Less than 5 meters away, Wei Na slowly put down the war hammer on her shoulder.

"Weilin, it's over. The Central Army cannot resist the infected. Continuing will only increase the number of sacrifices."

"Is it."

"The Southern Military District will attack Londinium from the flank soon. Let the soldiers who are determined to hold on to the end survive."

Wei Na's voice was cold and emotionless, as if she was not negotiating, but informing.

On the other hand, Wei Lin, who was usually calm and composed, now sounded full of emotion.

"Vina, how long has it been since we last met?"

"Seen at the Crown Court a few months ago."

"But you didn't talk to me at that time, or even look at me."

"the same as you."

Speaking of this, Wei Lin's beautiful face showed a hint of relief.

She raised her hand and picked up the golden wine bottle next to her.


After the wine was filled, Wei Lin stood up and walked towards Wei Na step by step with the cup in hand.

"Vina, you think you won and I lost, don't you?"

"if not."

"Oh, your idea is correct. Judging from the current results, I did lose."

Wei Na quietly looked at Wei Lin who was walking toward her step by step.

"Weilin, you are very smart, but you are also defeated by your cleverness and your arrogance. If you have been planning the decision after my father's death for so many years, you should have killed me earlier."

"I don't."

"You don't want to inherit the throne, or you don't want to kill me?"

"never mind."

Wei Lin stopped and stood in front of Wei Na. Two almost identical faces were close at hand.

The difference is that one face looks firm and the other looks relieved.

Seeing her sister, who had escaped from death and was forced all the way from the south to the north, standing in the palace hall, Weilin raised the corner of her mouth inexplicably.

"Vina, you won, but at the same time, I also won, thank you."

"What's the meaning?"

At the end, Wei Lin's voice contained an indescribable sense of relief.

"Vina, I heard that you like drinking very much, but unfortunately, I can only drink this glass of wine."

After saying that, Wei Lin picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

Seeing Wei Lin drinking, the corners of Wei Na's eyes twitched for some reason, but she didn't stop her.

Maybe it was a premonition of something.

Wei Na clenched her fists and closed her eyes unbearably.

Suddenly, Wei Na opened her eyes suddenly and subconsciously extended her hand to Wei Lin.

"elder sister."

In the end, Wei Na couldn't hold back, and the flesh-and-blood family ties made her shout out.

Unfortunately, this glass of wine had already been drunk by Wei Lin.

However, Wei Lin's expression suddenly changed in the next second after she drank the poisoned wine she prepared.


That beautiful face instantly turned red, and then a violent cough broke out.

"Cough cough cough, bah bah, bah, what is this, bah!"

The entrance to the main hall of the palace.

Tai Leige had been sealed by Hong Dao and others, pinned to the ground, and knocked unconscious with gentle knocks.

Sun Fugui held a wine glass in his hand and murmured with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, I caught up. If I had performed my unique skill slower, I'm afraid even the gods wouldn't be able to save me."

Dark Crow asked curiously.

"Brother Sun Fugui, what did you replace the wine with? I don't think the child will choke."

"Oh, I can't help it. I don't have anything on hand. I just picked up a chamber pot when I passed by the palace."

Seeing Wei Lin retching in pain and Weina looking at loss in the palace, A Guang, who was leading the team, waved his hand.

"Stop talking about useless things now. Just follow Brother Feng's instructions and kidnap the person. Hurry!"

Then, a group of people rushed into the hall and tied up Wei Lin.

"Tie it tight and seal your mouth."


Soon, everyone scrambled to put Wei Lin in a sack, carried her on their backs and slipped out of the back door of the palace.

At this moment, Tyrege, who was knocked down by the red knife, regained some consciousness.

Verin had disappeared, and Tyreg, who had a broken head and a bloody head, finally heard a broken voice shouting with all his strength.

"Wuhu~! Queen Weilin is dead!"

A few hours later.

Soldiers from the Southern Military Region, led by General Aumont, invaded Londinium. Soon, news of Verin's death reached the Central Army, which was defending it to the death.

The will collapsed, and at this point, the Imperial General Military Headquarters announced total surrender.




Terran calendar year 1094, Victoria, spring.

The Victorian Dark Ages, which spanned the winter, were over.

When Xia Feng woke up from his dream, it was already 2 months after the end of the dark age.

The medical department on the second floor of Black Feather Grill.

When he opened his eyes in bed, his field of vision was inexplicably narrow.

Of course, as long as people see things with one eye, they will feel this way. At this time, he only opened his left eye, and his right eye was wrapped with white gauze.

The windows on the second floor were open, and the curtains printed with floral patterns swayed gently in the wind. Xia Feng remembered that Nancy had chosen these curtains.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the soft spring breeze blew in from the outside. Vaguely, he seemed to hear the noise of children downstairs outside.

"Ergou, do you know how to do it?"

"Come again, I found the trick."

"Tch, I guess you still can't catch it."

"No way, come again."

At this time, a car seemed to be parked in front of the barbecue restaurant, and the sound of the door opening and closing was heard, accompanied by Lapland's lazy voice.

"Brother ACE, what are you having for lunch today?"

"I bought some beef at the market and let Snow Monster Four arrange it."

came the voice of the Dark Crow.

"Brother ACE, have you bought any sweet potatoes?"



Listening to these familiar voices, Xia Feng felt very relieved in the hospital bed on the second floor.

After lying down for a while, his body, which was so limp that he had no strength at all, gradually regained his mobility. He sat up and subconsciously shouted softly.

"Ah Guang, Ah."

A few seconds later, the sound of running "dong dong dong dong dong dong" came from the stairs, and Aguang's long and horned head quickly came into view.

"Brother Feng, you finally woke up!"

Outside the window, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. Xia Feng, lying flat on the bed, smiled.

"Well, I'm awake."

After waking up, Xia Feng saw many people.

For example, Hemo helped him with a comprehensive physical examination, Turtle rubbed his little head against his chest, Shuang Yue helped him mend his scarf with better needlework, and she was always worried about him, but was too arrogant to want to Overly expressive Mesa and more.

Finally, everyone erupted in cheers as Hemmer announced that he was fine for the time being.


Brother ACE immediately drove the car to the vegetable market, Ifrit set up the barbecue, and Snow Monster No. 4 rolled up his sleeves, preparing for a sumptuous dinner.

After leaving the medical department on the second floor, Xia Feng took a hot bath and put on clean clothes.

Then, he came to the yard, followed the downward stairs, and entered the dark basement.

Here he met a man.

"you're awake."


Xia Feng looked at the bed that was simply made in the basement.

"The conditions are a bit rough, are you still getting used to them?"

Verin was sitting by the bed wearing a simple cloth.

She did not answer Xia Feng's question, but frowned slightly and asked what she cared about.

"Xia Feng, why did you save me? I should have died in Londinium."

At this moment, Xia Feng's voice was very erratic.

"Queen Verin is dead, and now the entire Victoria Empire knows about it."


Sitting on the edge of the bed, Wei Lin's deep eyes finally showed confusion.

"Why, why do you want to save me?"

Xia Feng closed his eyes gently, his voice a little dazed.

"Yes, why? Maybe it's just because you are Wei Na's only sister."

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