Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1255 Fighting the sword to the end of the world

Xia Feng, who fled here from "prehistoric civilization", has already remembered everything.

Obviously, the final [Asian Human Plan] of the Red Asian Federation was successful. Just like the purpose of the plan, there was a break in the continuation of civilization and everything returned to the original.

The name of this era is Terra.

And he has also secretly connected the "fulcrum" leading to 1093. In this era, he has no meaning to stay any longer.

Yes, he would keep jumping until he saw those people.

Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, he had to do it.

Walking between heaven and earth, light spots enveloped his whole body, leading to the cracks in the long river of time, sucking him into it again.

Wandering in the long river of time, Xia Feng once again saw the timelines composed of light points intersecting, separated, entangled, and twisted in bunches.

Having lost the shackles of "existence", he doesn't know where he will jump to again this time. He also doesn't know whether the afterglow of the power of "Origin Stone Mountain" can support him to return to "home".

He has been floating on the lines made of light.

In the chaos, after what seemed like centuries of time travel, finally, the composition of light changed.

Gradually, the light points connected into lines, and the lines connected into surfaces, until everything in front of them was completely covered by light.

The last thing that came to my mind was that he seemed to be "landing".




When Xia Feng's consciousness returned to his body, the first sound that came to his ears also followed.

“Swish, swish, swish, swish!”

The sound of hurried footsteps was approaching quickly.

In just a moment, Xia Feng recognized that this was a team of at least more than 30 people, and based on the frequency and rhythm of the steps, it could be judged that these people were all top-notch experts.

The fact was just like the judgment his brain made in an instant. The next second, when he opened his eyes, a cold light was already coming towards him.

"kill him!"

Faced with this swift and fierce knife attack, Xia Feng didn't even have time to observe the surrounding environment.

However, even if his mind is in chaos at the moment, it is absolutely impossible for him to have mercy on the perpetrator.


The Shenyue Sword at his waist was instantly unsheathed, and he blocked the sword like lightning.

Unexpectedly, his reaction would be so quick. The man wielding the knife was stunned for a moment, but soon, he seemed to remember something.

"That's right, that's him. The fatwa says he's a master. Brothers, come on!"

Facing dozens of highly skilled swordsmen, Xia Feng didn't even have time to think. Now he must save his life first!

"I'll fuck you!"

He raised his foot and kicked the leader-looking man away, then turned around and started running with all his strength.

Running along this bumpy uphill road, Xia Feng gradually gained a certain understanding of the environment he was in at the moment.

It can be seen that he should be on the mountainside of a mountain now. This mountain is extremely tall, reaching straight into the sky, and the road under his feet seems to lead to the top of the mountain.


"kill him!"

"Don't let him get away!"

The pursuers behind him continued to pursue him.

These people did not wear uniform clothes, so their identities could not be identified. Except for various swords that reflected the cold light, everyone wore cloth of various colors.

Running quickly through the mountains, Xia Feng's mind was in chaos.

He didn't know where this place was, or why he suddenly appeared here, and he didn't even remember anything except his own name.

He only knew that the only thing he needed to do now was to get rid of the inexplicable pursuit in front of him.

Because the road was always on a slope going up the mountain, Xia Feng's physical strength began to drain quickly while he was running wildly. However, in comparison, the endurance of the pursuers was much better than his.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Feng did not dare to slow down at all. If he was caught up, he would be unable to withstand so many masters alone.


In this way, while roaring wildly, he ran with all his strength towards the top of the mountain. It could be said that he used all his strength.

After running for about half an hour, the road finally began to become flat, and it was obvious that he was approaching the top of the mountain.

However, although the smooth road made running less strenuous, when they came to an open flat land, the sudden appearance of a cliff in front of them made Xia Feng feel deeply despaired.

Looking around, there are clouds and mist. Standing on the top of the mountain, the view can be said to be a panoramic view of the mountains.

But Xia Feng was not in the mood to appreciate the magnificent scenery at this moment. There was no road ahead, and the pursuers following him had pushed him back to the edge of the cliff.

The landform on the top of the mountain was like a platform. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a simple small hut on the edge of the cliff.

However, these observations could not give him any help.

Holding the Shenyue Sword tightly, Xia Feng turned around and glanced at the cliff below. If he jumped from this height, he would probably die a hundred times.

There was no way, he didn't want to die. At this moment, he could only try various methods, such as begging for mercy.

"Brother, why are you chasing me?"

What he responded to was a cold-blooded declaration of death.

"Stop talking nonsense, our brothers will decide your head today!"

Xia Feng looked innocent.

"Why? You have got the wrong person. I don't know you at all."

"It's okay if you don't know him. People die for money and birds die for food. Life is a world of rivers and lakes. Being in the martial arts world, you should have expected that this day would come to you sooner or later."

Xia Feng's eyebrows twisted into twists.

"What? Wulin?"

The vicious swordsmen gradually surrounded him, cutting off his way of escape. Then, the leading man winked at his companions.

"Stop talking nonsense to this guy and resolve it quickly to avoid a long night of nightmares."


It was useless. Although I still didn’t know why I was being hunted, this situation obviously couldn’t be explained in words.

No one will wait for death. Even if there is only a glimmer of life, he must live. After all, he still has a sword on his back and a knife in his hand.

In the tense confrontation, Xia Feng raised his head fiercely and shouted with a horrified expression.

"Holy shit, the old sow actually flew into the sky!"

Following his voice, at least more than 80% of the pursuers subconsciously turned around and looked at the sky, including the leader.

Seizing this moment, Xia Feng threw the Shenyue Sword in his hand as a hidden weapon.


The sharp blade broke through the skin and penetrated deeply into the leader's chest.

The next second, Xia Feng drew out the Red Demon Sword from behind and rushed towards the group of killers who wanted to kill him like an enraged berserker.

It was a brutal battle.

Due to exhaustion of physical strength, Xia Feng's movements were very slow. Facing dozens of strong young men with strong martial arts skills, he quickly received several wounds on his body.

He seemed to have made a mistake. Holding this sword, he finally understood why he was as tired as a dog when he was running away just now.

Because this sword is too heavy!

Moreover, because the length and width of the sword were exaggerated, he could not even perform the sword skills he was familiar with. In the chaos, he had no chance to pull out the Shenyue Sword from the chest of the corpse.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

Holding the giant sword, Xia Feng struggled to block left and right, and was soon forced to the edge of the cliff.

Seeing that he seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, the surviving killer immediately increased his strength and rushed towards him with howls and screams.

The wounds on his body were bleeding, and Xia Feng endured the fainting sensation caused by blood loss and glanced behind him again.

There is no other way. Instead of being chopped down and then having his head cut off, it is better to jump down from here and maybe leave a whole body.

To this day, he still doesn't know why he is here or what he is going to do. His memory is all blurry and cannot be distinguished.

It's like a bizarre dream, maybe as long as you jump from here, the dream will wake up.

With this kind of self-comfort, Xia Feng moved his feet towards the cliff again. He had no choice but to jump as long as these people rushed towards him.

When Xia Feng was at his wits end and preparing to perform a trapeze on the spot, a smiling voice suddenly came from the side.

"Hahaha, how come the top of Qingyun Peak, which even birds seldom set foot on, has become so lively?"

Hearing the sound, he looked over and saw a young man in green sitting in front of the thatched house with a playful expression on his face, staring at the large group of people fighting here.

At this moment, the air seemed to be still.

Not only was Xia Feng confused by this young man who appeared out of nowhere, but even the killers armed with machetes were stunned.

One of them put his hand into his clothes and took out a crumpled reward notice.

He looked at Xia Feng, then at the portrait on the reward order, then frowned and compared it with the young man in front of the hut.

After a moment, he slapped his thigh fiercely and said something that made Xia Feng want to scold her.

"Brothers, we seem to have made a mistake. The boy over at the hut is the one on the reward order!"

"Depend on!"

This "fuck" came from Xia Feng. At this moment, he clearly understood why he was being hunted. It turned out that he was taking the blame for the kid over there!

Although he admitted the wrong person, these killers who worked for money would not apologize to him now.

Seeing that the person on the reward order "reappeared", the man holding the portrait threw the papyrus in his hand, raised his knife and rushed towards the hut.

"Brothers, it's this kid, he's definitely right this time, don't let him get away!"

The shouts of death gradually faded away, and Xia Feng, who seemed to be safe, sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.


At this time, the reward note that had been thrown away was blown by the wind in his face.

Weakly raising his hand, Xia Feng picked up the tissue paper from his face and looked at it intently.

Judging from the portrait, he is indeed very similar to the person above. He is alone in this barren mountain, so it is no wonder that he is mistaken.

Then, he looked at the text below the reward order, and there was a year on it.

Staring at the string of numbers representing the year, he murmured to himself.

"Is this the year 576 of the Terran calendar?"

Then, he looked at the specific information written under the reward order. To his surprise, this was not an official reward order, but came from the private sector.

[In the year 576 of the Terra Calendar, this person killed many people at the Yan Kingdom Martial Arts Conference. He was arrogant and despised the martial arts. After joint deliberation by the seven sects, this order was issued to call on the martial arts heroes of the entire Yan Kingdom to kill this person in the rivers and lakes. , please remember that although this person is so arrogant that he calls himself the Great Swordsman of the Yan Kingdom, he does have arrogance. He is young and has superb swordsmanship. I hope you heroes will be more careful. 】

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, the sound of fighting could be heard from the direction of the hut.

Xia Feng ignored it and still looked at the wanted order in his hand quietly.

[After several months of investigation by the seven sects, it was found that this person had fled to the Qingyun Mountains in fear of crime after causing a scene in the martial arts conference. This young man’s name is Xiao Li. 】

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