The Kingdom of Victoria, with a land area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers and a total population of more than 40 million, is one of the most powerful countries in the eastern part of the Terra world.

Victoria is across the sea from Colombia in the west of Terra. Although its land area is smaller than Colombia's, it is definitely comparable in terms of international influence.

According to statistics, there are 14 large cities, 69 small and medium-sized cities, and more than a hundred villages and towns in the entire country of Victoria. With a large river across the border as the dividing line, Victoria is divided into two regions, the north and the south. Its capital is located in The city of Londinium in the north.

From the perspective of constitution, military, industry, religion, science and technology, and culture, Victoria is ahead of most countries in the Terran world and is a truly advanced power. However, its political system is indeed an old hereditary monarchy. In other words, this country has a king and a royal family. The monarchs for generations come from the same family. When the throne changes, heirs with the same bloodline are selected within the royal family.

The king is the biggest in the world. He is the supreme leader of the country. He has the highest power in judicial and military matters. He formally has the power to appoint and remove ministers, military officers, mayors of various territories, bishops and senior Anglican clergy. , and also has the right to formally declare war on other countries.

However, a world power with advanced ideas like Victoria still needs to avoid a situation where one person has the final say. In fact, it is not to deny face to the king. The main reason is that if the previous king has a brain attack and becomes a dim-witted tyrant or something like that, If he inherits the throne, won't this huge country have to be reduced to a mess by him?

In order to avoid this situation from happening, there is also a Yuan Council in Victoria's political system. To put it bluntly, it is a bit similar to a cabinet. The members of the Yuan Council are composed of representatives from major families, including the most powerful Chief Executive of Victoria. , Inspector General, Chief of Military Affairs and Commander-in-Chief of all major military regions.

In the normal development of the country, the king's words are the highest order, but the existence of the Yuan Council is like an invisible supervision. There is nothing wrong with you making rules and guiding the development of the country normally, but if you, the king, want to play with snake skin, Sorry, our Yuan Chamber is about to take action.

Walking on the road, ACE told Xia Feng the basic information about Victoria.

"I rarely come to Victoria. The above is what I know so far. I don't know the details."


Xia Feng nodded. In fact, he didn't care too much about the official information. He had some understanding of it before coming here.

The national flower of Victoria is the rose, and the pattern of the national emblem is three lions surrounded by a bright rose. Combined with the memory in his mind, although there are some discrepancies, Victoria still has many similarities with a certain country in his memory. That is, the Empire of Great Britain will never fall.

What Xia Feng cares about now is not who has the final say in this country, but where he will go to have dinner in the future.

Xia Feng took out the map. Sanna Town is the southernmost coastal town in Victoria. Looking at the entire Victoria coast, there are not many coastal cities. It is still far away from Shendi City. Logically speaking, this town should be very prosperous. , at least trade and transportation will drive the economy here, but for now, this town is not too wealthy.

Guigui's aggrieved voice came.

"Windmill, I'm a little hungry."

Xia Feng looked at the time and saw that it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

Because the ship docked at around two o'clock, they were too excited and did not have lunch on the ship. Now that they had been shopping for more than an hour, the excitement wore off and hunger immediately came back.

Xia Feng raised his head and glanced at the sky.

Eating is important, but there is still a little time before the meal. I am afraid they have more important things to do before eating, which is to find a place to stay tonight.

Xia Feng touched Turtle's little head.

"I'm hungry too, but let's find a hotel while it's still dark. We'll go eat later."

Hearing Xia Feng's words, Guigui immediately remembered the night when he escaped from the Rhineland, and the experience of searching for a hotel in the dark in a strange town in the middle of the night. Fortunately, he ran into a robbery later, otherwise he might not have found it when. Woolen cloth.

Turtle nodded obediently.

"I know, let's find a hotel first."

Walking on the street, Xia Feng couldn't help but start thinking about another question.

Since we are looking for a hotel, one very important thing is involved, which is their identities.

Xia Feng had learned about this information from Prue before. If you want to live a stable life in Victoria, you have many identities, which are represented by a special metal card that represents your identity.

Among them, the highest status is the citizen of Victoria. To obtain this status, several conditions need to be met. First, you must not be an infected person. Second, you must have lived in Victoria for more than ten years and have no serious criminal record. Third, Need to pay a lot of money.

Of course, some specific groups of people can also quickly obtain this status, such as newly born babies in citizen families, marriage partners, foreigners who have made great contributions to the country and have the intention to join, etc.

Apart from Victoria citizens, the next-level status is outsiders, which is why most stowaways are willing to come to Victoria. As long as they apply for a temporary residence certificate and obtain a card, this country will accept people of any race from all over the world to live, work and live here. .

The procedure for applying for a temporary residence certificate is not complicated. You only need to go to the relevant local department for a physical examination, enter fingerprints and blood samples, and record all personal information before you can get the card. However, the temporary residence certificate is only valid for three months at a time. , which means you need to apply again every three months.

Both of the above are identities that allow you to move freely in Victoria without any restrictions. Of course, citizens will enjoy many preferential policies of the country, which outsiders cannot compare with.

In addition to these two, Victoria also has a third status, that is, a legally infected person.

As the name suggests, this status refers to infected people living legally in this country. The specific document processing is similar to that of outsiders. However, this status is subject to many restrictions. Just like Colombian law, infected people can only live in specific areas. Prolonged entry into the city center is not allowed, and most activities such as taking public transportation and entering and exiting public places require advance application.

However, this is already very good for the infected. There are many infected factories in the fringes of Victoria. As long as they stay safe and work hard, the infected can still guarantee a basic life in this country.

The above are the three legal statuses in Victoria. In addition, there are real illegal residences.

Black households refer to outsiders without any identification documents. If such a person is caught by the military police and there is evidence that the person has lived in Victoria for more than a week, it constitutes a crime.

In fact, it’s not that these people don’t want to do it, but there are many reasons for this situation, such as major criminals wanted internationally, or people who have committed criminal acts after arriving in Victoria, or the last and most helpless one. For one reason, they are infected.

They want to live a normal life as HIV-positive people, do not want to have their freedom restricted, and do not want to be regulated to live in a specific area for poor HIV-positive people, which makes these people not want to apply for identity.

It is worth mentioning that if a foreign infected person wants to become a legal infected person in Victoria, the application process will not be 100% clear. There are many factors involved. Once rejected, the person will be deported.

Because they have no identity, these infected people in black households basically cannot carry out normal work. Most of them will join gangs, assist in smuggling, or join hidden infected organizations, participate in Origin Stone disputes, etc.

Walking on the streets of Sanna Town, Xia Feng was seriously thinking about this issue.

What kind of people should you, Guigui and the others become?

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