Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 186 Primary Materials

Using this city as a starting point, establish a huge force that can provide sufficient support to Vina when necessary. Not only Vina, but his future actions may leave Victoria. I hope this force can also provide him with support behind the scenes.

This was the idea that came to Xia Feng's mind.

To be honest, this idea has been around for a long time, but he has never been able to figure it out or make up his mind.

But just now he heard Bald Head describing the distribution of the gangs in Victoria. For some reason, it made him feel like the Three Kingdoms were fighting for hegemony. It made his blood boil, and he wanted to plunge into the muddy water right now. Stir it up.

Of course, this is definitely not a hasty decision made by his impulsive mind. Maybe it is not the safest and most correct approach at the moment, but in the long run, this is the path he must take. Not only does he need his own strong strength, but also Have enough influence on the world.


As long as it is what he believes in, he will not change it. Even if it hurts his head, he must go on. Of course, this road may be difficult, but with his stubborn character, it is estimated that the enemy he is about to face will be more serious. Disaster.

Now that he has decided, he will not sit at home and do nothing. In the past, all kinds of troubles swooped at his face like flies. Now, he will finally start to cause trouble for others.

Xia Feng looked at Hurd who was standing behind him.

"Second uncle, don't worry. You saw it just now. I am very good at fighting."

"But we can't spend all day with these people. If they are injured, we can replace them, but you only have one."

Xia Feng showed an evil smile.

"That's easy to do. If the water pipe keeps leaking and can't be plugged, I'll just cut off its source."

"What do you mean?"

"Second uncle, go back to the house and tell me in detail about the demolition and that bullshit nobleman."

Back in the room, Hurd told Xia Feng the whole thing in detail. It would be different for someone who had been a teacher. The whole incident and related information, Hurd said, was a clear and analytical one. It is comprehensive.

As Hurd explained, Xia Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter, because he heard a very unexpected news, that is, about this city, or this street.

As a second-level noble, the Liye family has developed in this city for several generations, and its influence can be said to be deeply rooted. As for why they have been developing in the medium-sized city of Happy City for generations, there is one reason.

That is, there is a very rare mining area 6 kilometers north of Happy City. Victoria is a country with very rare minerals. Looking at the entire country, mines of this scale are very rare. As for what kind of mine it is, Xia Feng heard a familiar name.

Light manganese ore.

Yes, it is this kind of primary material, light manganese ore, which cannot be artificially synthesized and can only be mined from natural mining areas.

This is not a game, and the purpose of light manganese ore is not that of an elite operator. From Hurd’s mouth, I learned that the uses of light manganese ore are very extensive in the world of Terra, involving many fields.

Light manganese ore is an important chemical raw material and an indispensable raw material for the metallurgical industry. It is an extremely strong reducing agent that can absorb all the oxygen from molten steel, leaving the steel without iron oxide and becoming a non-porous steel ingot.

Secondly, light manganese ore is also an excellent desulfurizer. It can remove sulfur from molten steel. Adding a small amount of manganese to steel can greatly improve the mechanical properties of steel, such as specific ductility, ductility, toughness and wear resistance.

All the well-known high-quality steel processing in the Terra world requires light manganese ore, such as carbon steel, mixed steel, different iron blocks, and even the highest quality D32 steel. At the same time, light manganese ore can also be used to make dyes and desiccants.

In addition to the above, light manganese ore also has one of the most important uses, that is, it is one of the important processing source materials for the production of finished A-grade source stones and B-grade source stones.

The Leaf family has controlled this light manganese mining area for generations, turning over the necessary amount of light manganese ore every year according to national needs. In addition, the remaining proceeds can be sold to private factories.

Not only in Victoria, but also around the world, light manganese ore is an important chemical raw material. In some countries and regions, this material does not even exist at all, which leads to high prices.

The Liye family can mine and process light manganese ore at the lowest cost, and then sell it to other regions at very high prices. If they want to further increase profits, there is another way, and that is to avoid tariffs through smuggling.

According to historical records, there was no city in this area a long time ago and it was a desolate land. A geologist who happened to pass by accidentally discovered this huge light manganese mining area.

Since then, people began to gradually build the city around the mining area. Because the name of the man who discovered the mining area at that time was Hapi, the city was also named Hapi City.

Now the Leaf family owns two light manganese chemical plants in Hapi City, and their recent purpose of expropriating Kilt Area A is to build a third plant. There is also a very subtle reason for this.

Natural light manganese ore emits a gas during processing and refining. For living things, this gas is extremely harmful to the body. Although it can be isolated by wearing protective equipment, it is still unavoidable to inhale this gas in the long run. gas, which makes ordinary people unwilling to work in such chemical plants.

This is the reason why Happy City is a special administrative municipality in Victoria. In addition to the main city, there are many suburbs similar to the Kiln District. Of course, the largest of them is the Kiln District.

Different from other cities, the most special thing about the Kiel District of Hapi City is that not only ordinary people live in this neighborhood, but also a large number of legally infected people.

The Kiln District is divided into three blocks, Area A, Area B, and Area C. Area A, where Hurd is located, is mostly occupied by ordinary people, Area B is a mixture of ordinary people and infected people, and Area C is basically occupied by people suffering from health problems. Severely infected people who are severely exhausted and unable to work.

In this city, legally infected people have different privileges from other cities. As long as they work in the Liye family's factory for more than one year, they can get a house. Although it is not a luxurious house, for ordinary infected people, there is no need to It's pretty good for several families to live in a dilapidated house, and the monthly salary is not low.

The Leaf family wants to build the third chemical plant in Kilt Area A. First, it can avoid air pollution in the main city. Second, it can attract nearby infected people to engage in this kind of work that is extremely harmful to the body. Third, Third, infected people who come to work in other cities will not be unable to find a temporary place to live.

After listening to Hurd's explanation, Xia Feng finally knew what Mr. Tang De had planned.

Wages and housing seem to be a piece of cake, but in fact they are just a sugar-coated cannonball. The wages required for such a job that is extremely harmful to the body are definitely several times higher than normal.

And the so-called housing is even more ridiculous. Inhaling toxic gases and suffering from the ore disease, the infected person will die soon. At that time, the house will still be recovered by the Leaf family and reissued for one year, but it will soon be replaced. Infected people who will die from the disease.

In exchange for labor at the lowest cost, this is a very good deal for factories that consume huge amounts of manpower.

The reason why Hart is unwilling to agree to the relocation is because once the chemical plant is built here, the air pollution in the entire Kiel District will completely exceed the standard. He could live to be 70 years old, but if this is not done well, it will be over in five years. The crane has returned to the west.

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