In the center of the parking lot, Xia Feng sat on the ground, his clothes soaked in blood.

However, except for a few shallow scratches on his body, most of the blood was not his. Of course, there were also the wounds he made with a wallpaper knife on his palm before the battle began.

Although Xia Feng was sitting on the ground at this time, there was not even a single person standing around him. Dozens of strong men were huddled in a huddle, some of them had passed out, and some were moaning in pain.

After wiping the blood on his face, Xia Feng shouted to Kit, who was lying on the ground like a salted fish and was on the phone next to him.

"Why are there such ink stains? Just tell him directly. If he doesn't come tonight, I will go to his house to find him."

hang up the phone.

Richie sat up from the bed, his eyes flickering in thought.

Richie's race is Wolper. The ears on his head are similar to those of the Felin tribe, but they are more slender in comparison. Although he is old now and his hair is a little gray, his deep eyes are still as sharp as if he can see through. everything.

The headquarters of the Frido Chamber of Commerce is in the southern city of Notting. Richie is also one of the core members of Frido. However, due to his age, he has retreated to the front line in recent years. In addition, he has an important relationship with the Leaf family. Cooperating with manganese mines and controlling the entire underground industry in Hapi City, he has almost never left Hapi City since a few years ago.

Richie didn't know who wanted to see him.

In this era of new people emerging in large numbers, although Richie's status in Fredo has been reduced, his status as a prince in Happy City is still unshakable because of his close friendship with the boss of Fredo for many years.

After walking out of the room, Richie ordered the men next to him while putting on his coat.

"Transfer the manpower from West Street and call Benson over. Let's go to the casino."


The subordinate immediately took out his phone and started to communicate. He could tell that although Richie's tone was calm, there was a hint of displeasure.

The sun is hot during the day, but at night, there is still a hint of coolness in the wind.

Xia Feng was sitting on the open space in the parking lot. The blood on his body had dried up. In order to reduce consumption, the power of the black and white twins had disappeared.

He just glanced at his bracelet at the end of the battle.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 12%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.48u/L]

[Individual power: 2040]

[Critical period: 3]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 6 days]

Obviously, the strength of his black and white twins at this stage is completely worthy of this hairstyle. If he hadn't deliberately controlled and not killed, these people would have been torn into pieces by him in the previous battle.

He was very strong now, so strong that he was abnormally strong, but the wounds on his body in the chaos reminded him that he was not invincible.

He can use the power of the black and white twins to improve his speed and reflexes. If you want to describe it, the black power that can be precisely controlled is like a kind of qigong, which can be mobilized in the body at will with his consciousness. However, the lack of combat skills is still is his weakness.

In the face of absolutely overwhelming power, any skill will be meaningless. This is true, but this is only limited to duels with huge disparities in strength. The world is very complicated. Besides him, there are many people in the world who can rely on one person to defeat them. A strong man who tries his best to turn the tide of battle, even if his strength is slightly weaker than him, still cannot make a qualitative change.

He has the absolute power to trample everything in the world under his feet, but that moment is too short. Only the black and white twins on the 30th day can ignore all the bells and whistles.

It's clear that he needs to continue to grow beyond relying on his black and white twins.

A Guang, who was hiding behind a big tree in the distance, was completely dumbfounded.

He knew that Xia Feng was very strong, otherwise he would not have his arm broken easily, but seeing this scene, his impression of Xia Feng was refreshed again.

What kind of temper is this? You get put down at the slightest disagreement?

At this moment, there was a roar of cars outside the parking lot, and Aguang immediately hid behind the tree again.

Xia Feng, who was in the center of the parking lot, heard the sound and looked around, only to see a dozen large jeeps approaching from a distance at high speed.


The leading jeep crashed through the fence of the abandoned parking lot, and its bright headlights instantly illuminated the entire site.

The sound of tires screeching passed by, and a dozen jeeps parked opposite Xia Feng. Hundreds of strangers armed with weapons and dressed in black jumped out of the vehicles.

Two of them were holding boxes in their hands. Xia Feng's eyes twitched. He could clearly see that the two people took out shiny black gun-shaped weapons from the box. Sure enough, the Frido Chamber of Commerce owned the Source Stone Gun. .

After all the jeeps stopped, a black car finally drove in. In addition to the driver, there were three people in the car. One was Rich, one was his right-hand man, and the other was a man he called Benson. .

Seeing the friendly forces coming, Kit, who was lying on the ground, immediately pointed at Xia Feng and shouted.

"Boss, it's him, this kid is looking for trouble!"

Xia Feng glanced at him and said nothing.

These people who came later did not take action directly, but helped the injured companions to a distance first. It can be seen that these people are obviously different from ordinary gangsters. They are an organization with clear purpose and strict discipline.

Soon, Xia Feng was alone in the center of the parking lot, and in the distance opposite him, hundreds of murderous eyes were focused on him.

Xia Feng stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his hands casually, and shouted to the crowd.

"Hey, is Boss Rich here? I want to see him."

A man who looked like a cadre in the crowd took two steps forward.

"Who are you, and what do you want from Boss Rich?"

"I want to join the Freddo Chamber of Commerce."

"Hitting our people like this just to join us? Boy, this joke is not funny at all."

Although Xia Feng can be considered a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, at this moment, facing hundreds of people staring at him, the invisible pressure still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Xia Feng took a deep breath and tried to control himself to stay calm.

"I'm a very good fighter. Call the strongest person here to challenge me. If I win, let me join. How about it, Boss Rich, I know you're in the car. You listen to my request. Reached?"

The cadre who was talking to Xia Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Boy, do you think this is a martial arts competition? If you win, you will join. Do you want me to give you a championship trophy?"

"It's okay to give out a trophy, but it would be better if it could be exchanged for money."

Xia Feng's attitude left these people confused for a moment. His words sounded like an unemployed young man who had read too many gangster novels, but the injured who were helped down just now proved that this was not the case.

The cadre didn't want to argue with Xia Feng anymore, so he vomited. He walked to the window of the car with a machete in hand, ready to ask for instructions from the boss sitting inside.

Richie, who was sitting in the car, took out a cigar and then whispered to the long-haired man sitting next to him.

"Benson, go deal with this person."

"Do you need to be kept alive?"


"I see."

Then, a man named Benson opened the door and got out of the car.

Under the dim light, he had a complicated tattoo on his arm. In addition, there were shocking Originium crystals scattered on the surface of his skin.

Fengfeng comes out for some air and has a brief chat with his friends. The Victoria Chapter has a huge layout. The gang can be said to be the weakest enemy. This is what Xia Feng must handle on his own. Fredo Chamber of Commerce is a handful. The key is the stepping stone for Black Feather's rise, so I don't want to rely on Wei Na's power. At the moment of reunion, I hope that Xia Feng is not just being cool, but a person who can really help Wei Na in some sense. Don't worry, this part of the plot will move very quickly. Oh, by the way, it seems that Xiahuo's second sex scene is about to begin today. Hey, are you ready to smoke the handsome old man?

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