Faced with Richie's soul torture, although Xia Feng's answer could not be said to be watertight, there was nothing wrong with it.

Especially in the last paragraph, Richie could even hear the sincere emotions contained in Xia Feng's words. It definitely didn't look like he was making it up. However, Richie might have mistakenly mistook what Xia Feng said as a love story on the battlefield. Or the drama of a poor boy unable to reach the daughter of a nobleman.

Is it because love stimulates a young man to want to make a career in the world? This makes sense.

"How about it, Boss Rich, as you saw last night, I am very good at fighting. Leave all your important business to me. I promise to subdue those who do not follow the rules."

Richie closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples.

"I'll give you an answer later."

"Huh? Why wait until night?"

Reddy next to him coughed slightly.

"Boss Richie means that he has agreed, but the errands are not arranged randomly. This will take some time to adjust."

"Oh, I get it."

Xia Feng stood up from his chair and looked at the time. It was only around 1 p.m.

Looking at Richie, Xia Feng frowned.

"Boss Rich, you said you would give me an answer later, so why should I go now?"

"You go down to the casino below and play to pass the time."

"But I don't have any money."

Richie waved his hand impatiently.

"You just go to the front desk and get 20,000 chips. Just mention your name and I'll let Endy say hello."


After Xia Feng left the room, Richie asked Endy next to him.

"Has the information about last night's tracking been sent back?"

"The message came back."


"After we left last night, Xia Feng was driven by a man on a motorcycle to a private house in the Wuda neighborhood and spent the night there. On the surface, the two should be friends. Xia Feng lived in his house. .”

Richie opened his eyes.

"Who is the man on the motorcycle?"

"He is a gangster leader who hangs out in the Kilt neighborhood, his nickname is Aguang. He has also handled the demolition disputes for Mr. Donde to build a new factory before."

"Are there no other abnormalities?"

"No, this person is fine."

Xia Feng's identity was blank except for his own description. Richie could not think of any other possibility. If he was a killer, then Xia Feng didn't have to beat around the bush. With that kind of power, he could have killed him long ago last night.

Could it be a spy from another gang? That doesn't make sense. He is a person who has been relegated to a second-tier and semi-retirement state. The Fredo Chamber of Commerce only has so much business in Happy City, and the basic structure is fixed. There is nothing to explore at all.

Richie's intuition vaguely felt that something was wrong, but except for the unexpected way it appeared, everything made sense.

To be honest, Xia Feng's sudden appearance gave Rich a feeling of love and hate. Xia Feng made no secret of his ambitions and desires in front of him, and he had strength proportional to his ambitions. This kind of person If used properly, it will become his sharpest weapon, but if you are not careful, you may cut yourself.

At this moment, Richie had only two choices.

First, by taking Xia Feng as his own, the unruly nature of his personality can only be tamed little by little.

Second, kill Xia Feng, but this approach is too risky. Once it fails, the consequences will be quite terrifying.

Richie didn't know if this was a treasure given to him by God or a bomb.

So, he chose to gamble.

At the front desk of the casino, Xia Feng cashed in 20,000 chips and put them into his trouser pocket.

He is not in the mood to spend money like water here, this is 20,000 yuan, and Turtle and Charmander are still serving plates of skewers at home.

Xia Feng spent the entire afternoon wandering around the casino, not playing, but just watching.


Richie took Xia Feng to have dinner together at the restaurant on the top floor of the building.

There were several people Xia Feng didn't know sitting at the dinner table. After Leidy's introduction, Xia Feng knew that these people were senior managers of the casino.

Later, Richie announced the arrangements for Xia Feng's errand.

"Xia Feng, I made some arrangements this afternoon. Because Kit was injured by you, you will temporarily take his place and be responsible for the overall security of the casino. These are all your seniors. Is there anything you don't understand at the beginning? You can ask them."

After Richie finished speaking, several casino managers sitting next to him immediately raised their glasses to Xia Feng.

"Brother Xia, congratulations on taking office. The safety of the casino will be entrusted to you in the future."

"Brother Xia, please take care of me when we all work together from now on. I'll do it first."

"Xia Feng, I'm a few rounds older than you, so I won't call you Brother Xia anymore. I've been in charge of the casino's accounts for more than ten years, and we will all be brothers from now on."

Listening to these words, Xia Feng subconsciously raised his wine glass, and then stopped.

Frowning, he felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.


Xia Feng slapped the table with his palm, and everyone's words immediately stopped.

Xia Feng stared at Richie with squinting eyes, his tone filled with undisguised anger.

"Boss, what do you mean? Taking the place of that bullshit Kit? Responsible for the security of the casino? Do you really treat me as a security guard?"

Reddy next to him immediately scolded.

"Why are you talking to the boss? There are no rules!"

"No, I killed that Benson yesterday. Don't you guys bully newcomers like this?"

"Listen to what the boss has to say first."

Xia Feng pursed his lips and became silent.

Richie's expression was obviously a little unnatural. For so many years, no one had dared to speak to him like this in his territory at the dinner table, but there was no way, this guy was a new lunatic.

Richie said in a serious voice.

"Xia Feng, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to ask you to just replace Kit. In fact, I have already considered it. Over the years, all the managers of the casino have performed their own duties, and Reddy has been indirectly responsible for the overall situation. But recently, we and There were changes in the cooperation of the Leaf family, and Reddy had more things to be responsible for, so I decided to assign an overall person in charge of the casino."

Xia Feng raised his eyebrows.

"You mean to make me the boss of the casino?"

"Yes, I think you are competent with your ability, but you don't understand anything now, not even some of the most basic rules and operations. How can I hand over the casino to you directly?"


"You will be responsible for security first, and learn more from everyone about the overall operation. When you mature, I will put you in charge."

Xia Feng glanced around at everyone present and said with a playful expression.

"In other words, these old guys will have to obey my orders from now on?"

"You could say the same thing."

Xia Feng had already seen that the escorts that Richie had hired were not gangsters at all. To put it bluntly, they were office workers in the casino. It was obvious that Richie did not fully trust him yet. This seemingly promising arrangement was just a charade. A big pie.

But it doesn't matter. Xia Feng will cooperate with his performance for the time being, but after that, he has to write the script himself.

In the evening, Xia Feng took a taxi back to A Guang's residence.

Seeing Xia Feng coming back, shirtless A Guang immediately greeted him.

"Brother Feng is back."

"came back."

"Have you had dinner?"

"Eat, eat with Boss Rich."

"Bull B."

After a brief wash, Xia Feng asked A Guang casually while lying on the bed.

"How's your injured brother doing?"

"It's a bit serious. I guess I can't save my arm."


After thinking about it, Xia Feng took out the 20,000 Terra coins exchanged for chips in the afternoon from his pocket, raised his hand and threw it to A Guang.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

"This is 20,000. You keep 5,000 for yourself. The rest will help me deliver the barbecue restaurant to the girl named Nancy tomorrow. I will stay with you for a few more days."

A Guang was so moved that he almost cried.

"Brother Feng Niu B."

"Don't make such a fuss, the awesome guy is still behind you. Oh, by the way, you can go to the casino anytime you want, just mention my name. I'm now an intern at the Golden Buddha Casino."

More updates added. Thanks to the tip from loyal book friend Penguin Tang. Penguin gave birth and became the helmsman. Congratulations!

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