Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 210 Fredo Chamber of Commerce

Seeing Simon's expression and tone of voice, Xia Feng finally realized how much he deserved to be beaten before.

He really wants to grab Simon by the collar, spit on him and yell, "You are responsible for the skin of a winter melon. I really want to swell your face."

Richie just glanced at Simon and ignored his arrogant words. Xia Feng saw it and guessed that this kid had always been this pissed off. Unfortunately, he was really capable, so Richie could only let him do what he did without any sense of control. Talking nonsense.

At this time, Reddy came from the corridor.

"Boss, dinner is ready."

Richie nodded and then said to everyone in the living room.

"Let's go to the dining table and talk while we eat."


Everyone stood up and followed Reddy to the restaurant. Simon gave Xia Feng a contemptuous look, then stood up and whistled to the restaurant.

Richie patted Xia Feng who finally stood up.

"Don't be the same as him. That kid is used to being arrogant. He is not someone who can achieve great things."

"It's okay, I'm a very generous person."

Richie nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good. To put it bluntly, we all work for the Chamber of Commerce. You are all brothers. Relationships can be built through future cooperation. I am very happy that you understand this."

"Of course I understand this. The guns are all facing the outside world."

It's not easy for Rich to manage so many people. In fact, in Xia Feng's eyes, arrogant guys like Simon are what gangsters should be like. He is often better at dealing with such people, and people like that This kind of guy who has been suffering and grudges all day is too high-spirited. He really doesn't know what to say.

Richie paused and continued.

"I thought about it today. There are no big problems with the casino for the time being, so you don't need to intern. From today on, you will be fully responsible for the casino. You need to establish your rights first, and you can learn things slowly."

"Thank you boss for cultivating me."

"You deserve it for your abilities."

Xia Feng suddenly remembered A Guang.

"Oh, by the way, I have arranged a security guard for the casino today. He is a good brother of mine. Look, boss."

"It's up to you to decide this kind of thing yourself. It's up to you whether you should receive salary or dividends. Now that you are in charge, I only need you to ensure the operation and income of the casino."


Xia Feng could tell from Richie's eyes. After observation, the old boy had dropped his guard against him and regarded him as one of his own. Moreover, he also revealed his intention to cultivate himself.

As the boss, what he needs is balance. Benson was an important member of his men before, but now he suddenly disappears. This balance will be temporarily imbalanced, just like the ambitious Simon. For this reason, he quickly became a weight that Richie used to regain his balance.

At the dinner table, everyone took turns to toast to Richie. Everyone drank it generously, while Richie took a slight sip.

These old gangsters are obviously ruthless people. They don't eat food but drink. Their expressions don't change after several large drinks in a row.

Only Xia Feng ate like he was in a hurry to reincarnate.

After three drinks, we finally got into the theme of the party.

Several big guys responsible for the operation of the chamber of commerce first reported on the current situation.

A total of 167 shops and factories have joined the Chamber of Commerce in Hapi City, including catering, home textiles, cultural and sports supplies, auto parts, hardware and building materials, and some light industrial products.

Through the conversations between these big guys, Xia Feng probably understood the significance of the Chamber of Commerce's existence.

The reason why the Freddo Chamber of Commerce has such a great influence in southern Victoria is precisely because of its operating model. The industries involved in traditional gangs are quite limited. The biggest reason is that they don’t understand. Compared with learning from scratch or paying to hire people, , making money in the most straightforward way is more likely to be accepted by gangs.

The Frido Chamber of Commerce has seized this opportunity. To put it bluntly, the Frido Chamber of Commerce's approach is "monopoly" and "integration."

Of course, it integrates not infected people, but all industries in a city. As long as a store joins the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, there will be professionals within the chamber of commerce to record and analyze the number, branches, and operating conditions of the same type of stores. , these will be counted.

For example, if there are ten Malatang restaurants in a city and eight of them join the Friedo Chamber of Commerce, their prices can be controlled.

A unified price increase or price reduction by eight stores will indirectly control the basic direction of the market. At the same time, if the two independent stores are closed down by some means, a monopoly can be achieved. This is true for any industry.

Of course, this sounds a bit too idealistic, and it was impossible to achieve in Xia Feng's original world.

However, the Freddo Chamber of Commerce really came true, and because of this chamber of commerce model, it developed into one of the largest gangs in the South.

Because natural disasters caused major cities to be relatively closed, the exchange of information was very slow. At the same time, because of the mutual constraints between nobles and local officials, interests became something that could be exchanged on the table. This chamber of commerce model was established.

In the early stages, this requires withstanding the pressure from all parties and possessing strong skills and bargaining chips. The simplest and crudest way is the intervention of gangs. When life and property are under irresistible threats, everything is impossible and becomes possible.

Only by joining the Fredo Chamber of Commerce can normal business and factories be started normally. If you want to make money, you must give part of the profits to the Fredo Chamber of Commerce in the form of franchise fees. At the same time, because of this, the Fredo Chamber of Commerce also Controls a huge channel for smuggled goods.

Today, with Notting City in southern Victoria as the center, the surrounding two large cities and 11 small cities are controlled by the Frido Chamber of Commerce, including Hapi City where Xia Feng is located.

Although Hapi City is only a medium-sized city, its existence is of extraordinary significance to the Fredo Chamber of Commerce because it contains light manganese ore.

There are three biggest money-making channels for the Fredo Chamber of Commerce.

First, monopolize shops and collect "protection fees" from them.

Second, its own entertainment industry.

Third, smuggling.

In the entire smuggling business, the revenue from light manganese ore accounts for almost half. Because of its importance, there is a dedicated person in charge of it in Hapi City.

After the bosses in charge of the chamber of commerce finished speaking, it was the turn of the boss in charge of smuggling and transportation.

To be precise, this person is not one of Rich's subordinates because he is not in Happy City most of the time and is in direct contact with the headquarters. He only needs Rich's cooperation in some aspects because Rich's status is relatively high. , so this person calls him Boss Rich.

After reporting the current situation, the person in charge of transportation looked helpless.

"Boss Richie, the current situation is like this. The goods are suddenly out of stock. We, Minos, and several partners in Syracuse can't explain it. Rem Billiton's largest customer is also urging us. , This is really difficult to deal with. We are not the only ones smuggling light manganese ore in the world."

Richie rubbed his temples.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Mr. Frido will come to Happy City in person in a few days to discuss a solution with Mr. Donde. Before that, we can only try to be as stable as possible."

"Boss Richie, have you caught the person who set the fire?"

"What are you arresting? Now I don't even know whether they are men or women or how many there are."

"Damn it, if I knew who did it, I would definitely skin him."

Xia Feng, who was sitting next to him, patted his belly, took a calm sip of wine, and echoed again and again.

"Yes, yes, if you let me know who is so damaging, I will definitely break his legs, burp~~~"

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