Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 240 Coin Spreading Operation

After destroying the Blood Harbor Gang, Xia Feng's name can be said to be known to everyone within the entire southern Fredo Chamber of Commerce. However, he himself became very low-key as the incident ended.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be the attitude of the strong. Only a very few people know the hidden reasons.

No one could beat him before, but now he can't beat anyone.

Even if Sister Yuanshan is not around now, Xia Feng still knows his own hexagram, which is very obvious. It is not suitable to fight or cause trouble in the recent period. Except for peeling potatoes and cutting hair, it is best not to use a knife.

Richie said that Mr. Fredo will come to Hapi City in person in the future, with the purpose of renegotiating the cooperation with the Leaf family on light manganese ore. Due to the reduction in production, prices from transportation to smuggling for export must be renegotiated.

In the eyes of others, the current Hapi City can be said to be the calm before the storm, but from Xia Feng's point of view, he feels that this is leisure time in the afternoon.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Xia Feng wanted to do some relatively peaceful things.

Sitting behind the desk at Black Feather Grill, Xia Feng crossed his legs and dialed the number of the casino's finance department. Soon, Ai Bo, who was in charge of finance, was called over and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Brother Feng, what are your orders?"

All Xia Feng's movements these days are like a set of combo punches, which completely stuns everyone who knows him. Now, whether it's a casino or the East District, although Xia Feng's status is not as high as Richie's, his level of terror is absolutely unparalleled. within reach.

Xia Feng said righteously on the phone.

"Amber, please pay me 2 million from the finance department, and I will send someone to pick it up later."

"Ah? 200? Brother Feng, where will you use this money?"

"Just don't worry about it, it's all business secrets."

Albert on the other side of the phone hesitated.

"How do I write this account? There must be a reason for where the money is spent. At the end of the month, the casino's accounts will not only be shown to Boss Rich, but also reported to the headquarters."

"Just write down the funds for casino activities."

"This is too much. What kind of activities can use 2 million?"

Xia Feng's voice showed impatience.

"Why are you so rigid? Just tell me if you can support it."

"Brother Feng, I have been doing accounting in the casino for more than ten years. Unless Boss Rich agrees, this will be really difficult."

Xia Feng took his mouth off the phone and said loudly to A Guang, who was sitting next to him.

"Aguang, Aibo said he won't pay."

Aguang's rough roar immediately passed through the phone.

"What? Is that old boy's skin itchy again? I'm going to kick his ass right now."

Ai Bo immediately recalled the fear of being kicked wildly by A Guang in the meeting that day, and the humiliation of not daring to fight back.

"No, don't let him come."

"What about this money?"

Albert gritted his teeth.

"Brother Feng, can you make up the account at the end of the month?"

"Of course it can. Why don't I use my own dividends to make up for it?"

Xia Feng knew that Ai Bo's approach was very correct. The casino is equivalent to a company. He is now the person in charge of the casino, but he does not open the casino. The monthly accounts need to be connected with multiple parties. When the time comes, there will be a problem with the accounts. What is being held accountable is still financial responsibility.

But there is nothing he can do about it. The dividends he will get from the East District and the casino will be a lot, but after all, he has just taken over now. The cow has just eaten the grass in its belly and has not yet milked it.

After a lot of fussing, Ai Bo was finally forced by Xia Feng to agree to pay.

Later, Xia Feng asked Brother ACE to drive Nancy to the casino to get money, and by the way, he used the 2 million to register the company at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Hapi City. The plan could not keep up with the changes, so he had to do what he could at the moment and take advantage of this opportunity. First, arrange the internship certificate from Nancy Royal College.

After Brother ACE left, Xia Feng sat on the boss's chair and looked around the hall. All the furniture was borrowed from Sister Li's house. Some tables even had small stones placed underneath because of uneven legs.

Last time I received more than one million red envelopes from store managers in the East District. The money was originally given to Dr. Kane, but now that he has joined the franchise, this money is all that is left.

Now that you have money, you still have to buy what you need to buy. Popeye and his friends have suffered a lot along the way. The two sets of clothes that Helmer prepared for Ifrit before leaving are now It was already disfigured by the oil smoke, and Guigui's sneakers had already been glued.

Although these two little things were jumping up and down happily all day long, he couldn't stand it anymore. Now that they are finally stable, he needs to improve his quality of life.

And the most important point is that these days they go back to Hurd's house to stay at night. Although they are not too far away, they always disturb their second uncle's rest because they go back too late every time. Every time they hear the sound of them entering the house, The second aunt would get up and ask them if they wanted to have supper. The most important thing was that the naughty child Ifrit had obviously had dinner and still insisted on eating more.

The four-story villa in the yard behind the barbecue restaurant has been vacant. Taking this opportunity, Xia Feng decided to buy all the furniture and daily necessities. There are many rooms inside, and Nancy can live here without having to ride an electric bike every night. After returning home, Dr. Kane and the members who joined later can live here.

Xia Feng stood up from behind the boss's desk and waved his hand.

"Second General Dragon Turtle, let's go, I will take you shopping."

Turtle sat on the sofa by the door and blinked.

"Windmill, what is a "flask"?"

Xia Feng stuffed a lot of money into his trouser pocket.

"Hmph, "flask" means throwing coins."

Upon hearing "throw coins", Charmander immediately became interested.

"YoYo, shall we spend money?"

"That's right."


"Lock Black Feather's door, we are all going out today!"

Xia Feng called A Guang on the phone, and soon the jeep stopped at the door of the barbecue restaurant.

When Xia Feng locked the door, he saw Ergou standing at the door of his house, shooting a ball and looking at them eagerly.

"Ifrit, where are you going?"

Ifrit looked proud.

"Yo-Yo is taking us to spend money."

There was unconcealable envy in Ergou's eyes.

"Hey, that's great."

Xia Feng glanced at Ergou.

"Ergou, aren't you going to school today?"

"Hey, that's great."

"Where's your mother?"

"Hey, that's great."

"What score did you get in this exam?"

"Hey, that's great."

"Damn, get in the car quickly, I'll take you to scatter coins together."


Running to the car door, Ergou suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and said to Xia Feng with a pleading look on his face.

"Lao Xia, our school is on holiday today, and Lily won't go to cram school today. We originally agreed to play together in the afternoon, but she might be sad when she comes out and can't find me."

Xia Feng folded his arms and looked like he had seen through everything.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you a minute to bring Lily over."

"Yeah, Lao Xia, you are such a good person."

Just like that, Aguang drove, Xia Feng sat in the passenger seat, and four little ones squeezed in behind.

"Set off!"

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