Arknights is too real, right?

Extra chapter: The fantasy journey of a middle school girl

My name is Xia Ran, and I am a female high school student. Of course, this is just a disguise. My real identity is a dragon princess secretly sent to the earth by the dragon clan through time and space magic.

My age is 116 years old, which is just a young girl in our tribe, but the age on my ID card is 16 years old. This is just to hide my identity, just like the ethnicity on my ID card is Han instead of Dragon. Same.

Growing up, no one told me that my true identity was a dragon princess. As for why I knew my identity, it was because one day when I was taking a shower, I discovered a dragon mark on my body. It was a streak that spread from the inner side of my arm to The long marks on the armpits are similar to the complete form of a dragon from my dragon clan.

Later, my mother told me that it was scratched when I fell off the stroller when I was a child, but I didn’t believe it. I felt that my mother was hiding something.

As I grew up, I discovered that my mother's identity was just an ordinary human being, and my Evil King's True Eye saw through her identity. She was not a dragon, so she just pretended to be my mother to monitor my growth.

I told my mother this theory and exposed her identity on the spot. My mother sighed at my intelligence and swollen my buttocks with a slipper. Since then, I have not dared to blatantly doubt her identity, but I still firmly believe that I am a dragon princess from another world with a mission.

As for why I am so convinced, apart from my own speculation, the most important thing is the divination from my contractor. He is my cousin, and his name is Xia Feng.

My cousin is my most trusted partner and the only person in the world who knows my true identity.

In fact, when I first entered elementary school, my cousin didn’t show anything special. Like most boys, he liked to play football and go to the game arcade. He hung out with a gay friend named Zhang Yuan all day long, and he was very interested in me. My cousin is indifferent.

Until one summer vacation, I finally graduated from elementary school. It was during that summer that my cousin told me the secret of the world in his room. I still remember that he put the bed sheet on his body and looked very handsome. I still feel that I still remember my cousin’s voice echoing in the room.

[I am a person who carries a mission and is reborn in the flames. My name is Huo Yu Xia Feng. 】

Since then, I have also had a new identity. I am a dragon princess from another world. My name is Bingyu Xiaran.

That summer vacation, I watched a total of forty TV series on the recommendation of my cousin, including "Death Note", "Hell Girl", "Game of Life", "Attack on Titan", "Natsume's Book of Friends", "Fullmetal Alchemist", "Destiny" Stone Gate", "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" and so on.

After understanding those magnificent worlds and those heroic, domineering, poignant and graceful stories, I deeply felt that my life for more than ten years had been in vain. It turns out that this is the true face of the world.

After that summer vacation, I transformed into the Dragon Princess, Bingyu Xiaran, and also suffered from the most poisonous disease in the world. The disease name is Zhong Er.

Bingyu Xiaran and Huoyu Xiafeng have become each other's contractors. As long as the school is on holiday, I will appear in my cousin's room on time to watch TV shows, play games, eat instant noodles, go to comic exhibitions, and wear bedsheets to get food. Sparring with a broomstick, these are the happy times we spent together.

However, the happy time is always short-lived. As time goes by, my middle school disease becomes serious. Not only the class, but even the whole school knows that classmate Xia Ran is a weirdo who talks incomprehensible words all day long, but I don’t care. The opinions of my classmates are that they only know how to use Douyin and discuss Cai Xukun. I am different from them. Only I know my true identity.

However, at the critical moment when my martial arts skills were about to be perfected, my cousin's words drove me into the cold abyss.

[Xia Ran, we are just ordinary people, it’s time for you to grow up. 】

That's right, after my cousin bid farewell to his adolescence and went to college, the chuunibyou disease that penetrated into the bone marrow changed from all-day attacks to intermittent attacks. At that moment, I discovered that my contractor was leaving me. According to this Momentum, one day he will disappear from my world.

My hunch was right.

One day three months ago, my cousin disappeared.

I don’t know if he had an accident or ran away from home. Anyway, he completely disappeared from this world. Not only can I not find him, not even the police can find him.

The last time my cousin and I met three months ago was at the gate of his university. That day I took two silver holy robes and asked him to go to the comic exhibition with me, but he rejected my request from Bingyu Xiaran. He said he wanted to go home and brush Longmen coins. I didn’t know what Longmen coins were. I just heard a strange voice coming from his mobile phone - Akunako.

That was the last time I saw my cousin. Since then, he has disappeared from this world. My contractor has disappeared, and I have become the loneliest person in the world. Also disappearing is the Dragon Man. As a princess, because no one in the world knew this identity, I became an ordinary middle school girl.

Later, I finally found the source of Akunako on the Internet. It was a popular mobile game called "Arknights". I immediately installed it on my phone and logged into the game.

However, what disappoints me is that there is no cousin in that game. What disappoints me even more is that I didn’t draw a handsome angel after placing a single order of 648. How can I fix it?

I really can't stand the loneliness for three months. I must take advantage of this National Day holiday to find my cousin!

After putting on my battle robe, taking the medicine to suppress my magic power, picking up my exclusive weapon, and finally putting on the thing that sealed my magic power, I walked out of the house.

October 1st.

early morning.

Xia Ran put on a sweatshirt with a black cat printed on it, ate Xuanmai chewing gum, picked up a black sun umbrella, and finally put on an eye mask she got at a comic exhibition and walked out of the house.

As soon as she walked out of the community, Xia Ran took off her blindfold. Of course, it was not because of shame, absolutely not.

After getting on the bus, Xia Ran's purpose was very clear. She knew very well that if she wanted to find her cousin Xia Feng, she had to find someone first, and that was her cousin's good friend, Zhang Yuan.

1 hour later.

Xia Ran was sitting on a bench in a strange park. Not far away, there was a group of children playing with water guns by the fountain pool.

While waiting for Zhang Yuan, Xia Ran suddenly felt sleepy, leaned on the bench, and fell asleep unconsciously.

"Xia Ran, wake up, wake up!"

I don't know how long it took, but Xia Ran heard someone calling her. She opened her eyes and Zhang Yuan's big round face appeared in her field of vision.

"Xia Ran, why did you fall asleep sitting here?"

Xia Ran rubbed her eyes.

"I'm bored of waiting. By the way, can you do what I told you on WeChat before?"

"Yes, I will take you to find someone."


Wangzai Milk Headquarters.

A man in a suit said to Xia Ran with a smile.

"That's it. Manager Xiang Rilou is missing. I'm his cousin. My name is Xiang Ritian. I can help you if you need any help."

Yuan Zhang whispered something into Xiang Ritian's ear.

"This is Xia Feng's cousin. She wants that kind of sex, just like last time."

"I understand."

Looking at Xia Ran's fair face, she said seriously to Manager Ritian.

"Little sister, are you ready?"

"Ready, hurry up."

The phone was thrown high into the sky.


The next second, the screen hit Xia Ran's face accurately.

"Ouch! Your sister, it hurts so much."

Xia Ran covered her face and was knocked to the ground. When she stood up rubbing her face, the scenery in front of her eyes had changed dramatically.

The sky is gray.


Xia Ran shivered as she stood on the unfamiliar street.

The white snow on the streets has been cleaned very clean, and the buildings on both sides are simple in style without excessive decoration, giving people a slender and elegant feeling.

Then, she saw a familiar figure across the street.

"Fire Feather Xia Feng!"

Just as Xia Feng was about to get in the car, he suddenly heard someone calling him. When he turned around, he saw a menacing girl running towards him.

"Xia Ran! You are here too!"

Turtle and Ifrit next to them looked confused.

"Da Fengche, do you know this young lady?"

Xia Feng nodded.

"She's my cousin."

The black jeep was full of people, and they were naturally very happy to see their cousin Xia Feng.

"Hey, last time it was Zhang Yuan, this time it's you. The extra chapter really doesn't follow the routine, just like I don't understand why I ran to Dongguo as soon as I closed and opened my eyes."

After meeting her long-lost cousin, Xia Ran originally had a lot to say, but she couldn't say it out because those words were not like her Bingyu Xia Ran's style.

"Cousin, where are you going?"

The turtle next to him said.

"We are planning to take a trip to a hot spring. I heard there is a very magical hot spring here."

Brother ACE drove the jeep all the way out of the city, driving in the ice and snow.

2 hours later, they finally arrived at their destination, a hot spring hotel called [Fumengtang].

In the reception area of ​​the hotel, Xia Feng unexpectedly met a group of acquaintances. Amiya and everyone from Rhode Island also came here to soak in the hot springs.

"Amiya, you are so unkind. You don't even ask us to spend public funds, and you have to drive us yourself."

Amiya smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, the number of places is limited, so I didn't notify all my friends this time."

Cross, Migru, Susu Luo, and other little ones followed behind Amiya, with excited faces. It seemed that it was their first time to take a hot spring bath.

The mature Skyfire, Franka, Yuanshan, Meteorite, and Warfarin are already discussing the beauty effects of hot springs.

The manager of the hot spring is a middle-aged man named Wu Ming. He is wearing a men's yukata and introduces to everyone respectfully.

"Welcome to Fu Meng Tang. We are the most magical hot spring hotel in the East. The prices are divided into two levels, ordinary tickets are 200 yuan per person, and fantasy supreme tickets are 2,000 yuan per person."

Xia Ran asked curiously.

"What's the difference?"

"There is a big difference. Ordinary tickets can only soak in ordinary hot springs, while supreme tickets can soak in our special fantasy hot springs."

"What is Fantasy Hot Springs?"

"When certain conditions are met, the fantasy hot spring can open the door to time and space, leading the people in the hot spring to another time and space, and start a fantasy journey."

Amiya took out her wallet and said awkwardly.

"We don't want a fantasy trip, just an ordinary one. Do you care about lunch?"

“General admission includes lunch.”

Xia Ran and Ifrit looked at Xia Feng eagerly.



“We wanted a fantasy trip.”

Xia Feng threw 10,000 yuan on the bar in a heroic manner, and motioned to the hot spring manager with his eyes, Guigui, Ifrit, ACE, and Xia Ran.

"Supreme tickets, here are five!"


Xia Feng looked at Xia Ran confidently.

"Don't worry, my cousin has money now."

Amiya and the others were taken to the ordinary hot spring pool, while everyone in Black Feather was guided to the deepest mysterious area of ​​Fumenyu, the legendary fantasy hot spring.

Standing by the fantasy hot spring pool, Xia Feng glanced inside.

The surface of the pool exudes bursts of mist, the water appears lavender, and the bottom is bottomless to the naked eye.

"Is nothing going to happen to this hot spring?"

Xia Ran held Xia Feng's hand.

"As long as we, brother and sister, are together, is there anything to be afraid of?"

Seeing Xia Ran's expression, Xia Feng put aside his worries and showed an extremely silly smile.

"Yes, Huo Yu Xia Feng has nothing to be afraid of. My contractor, Bing Yu Xia Ran, are you willing to embark on an unknown adventure with me?"

Xia Ran took out the eye patch from his pocket and put it on his left eye.

"Hmph, cowardly people don't deserve wealth. Bingyu Xiaran is never afraid. The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest!"

There was a shimmer in the hot springs.

Turtle, Ifrit, ACE, Xia Feng, and Xia Ran held hands and jumped into the hot spring together.

"Let's go!"

There was a sudden spin, and the five people felt like they had fallen into a dark abyss.

In the darkness, a voice sounded in the ears of Xia Feng and Xia Ran at the same time.

[Two contractors, now that you have lifted the restrictions of the world, you can use the skills you once mastered. I wish you a smooth future]

In a medieval town, there was a crowd of people in front of a platform tens of meters high. On the platform, an old man with a white beard was placed on top. Behind him, stood two officers and soldiers holding bayonets.

Xia Feng in the crowd took a closer look. Isn't this Captain Roger from the Kilt neighborhood?

At this time, Captain Roger did not look that old, but it looked like he was going to be executed by the officers and soldiers.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he had to save Captain Roger. After all, he contributed the blue sapphire bracelet to Turtle's ore disease. Turtle's benefactor was Xia Feng's benefactor.

"Save someone under the knife!"

As soon as Xia Feng shouted this sentence, he saw a man below Xingtai wave his hand.

"Time's up, execution!"

Captain Roger knelt on the high platform. At the last moment of his life, he suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and a voice that resounded throughout the world came from his mouth.

"My treasure? If you want it, I can give it all to you. Go find it. Everything in the world is there!"

Captain Roger's last words made the world boil. The repairman threw away his hammer, the fruit stand owner overturned the apple, and the men abandoned their families and children, and all rushed to the sea to find their dreams.

The world has ushered in the era of great pirates!

On a small broken sailboat riding the wind and waves, Xia Feng sat on the bow wearing a straw hat, staring blankly at the seagulls flying above.

"Why are we suddenly looking for ONE PIECE?"

Ifrit and Turtle sat side by side on the side of the boat, like salted fish that had lost their dreams.

"I don't know, and we don't dare to ask."

At this moment, Xia Ran, who was hugging the mast of the sailboat, shouted.

"Cousin, I found an island. There are many people and many boats!"

Xia Feng immediately stood up from the bow of the boat.

"Bring me the binoculars."

Brother ACE handed over the telescope.

Xia Feng squinted his eyes, and through the telescope, he saw the island Xia Ran mentioned.

A magnificent building appeared in view, with two large characters "Navy Headquarters" printed on the wall of the building.

At this time, there were very many people on the island. There were more than 100,000 soldiers wearing white navy uniforms, among whom there were many people wearing different clothing styles.

"Accelerate, move forward at full speed!"


As the distance got closer, Xia Feng finally saw clearly who were on the island. It was obvious that he knew many of them.

Admiral of the Navy, Buddha's Warring States Period.

Admiral, Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu.

At the same time, there were also King Shichibukai and a lot of navy vice admirals whom he couldn't name.

In addition to the people from the navy, Xia Feng also saw a dense number of pirate ships parked near the island. One of the largest ships was flying a conspicuous flag and a skull with a white beard.

Putting down the telescope, Xia Feng shouted to Xia Ran on the mast.

"Bingyu Xiaran, we are ready."

"Cousin, what's going on?"

"You can't be wrong, this is a war on top!"

Turtle asked doubtfully as he stood up from the deck.

"Big windmill, what's the war on top?"

Xia Feng pushed down the straw hat and tightened the red scarf around her neck.

"I don't need to explain this to you. I can only tell you that the person who is about to be executed on the island is my brother Huo Yu Xia Feng. His name is Fire Fist Ace."

The small sailboat gradually approached the island, and Xia Feng roared.

"Bingyu Xiaran, let's go!"

Xia Ran on the sail took out a black parasol, and her whole body emitted a dark purple light.

"I am the dragon princess whose magic power has been sealed. My name is Bingyu Xiaran. Those who resist will be swallowed up by the dark flames."

Xia Feng carried a box full of Origin Stones on his back and jumped up from the sailboat. Like a black lightning bolt, he and Xia Ran rushed towards the island.

The battle on the island has begun. The pirates and the navy have already fought together. The sea water has been frozen by the Devil Fruit's ability, forming a frozen battlefield.

In the middle of the battlefield, a tall old man with a white beard was fighting against many naval elites alone. At this moment, a fist mixed with magma sneaked in.

Just before the fist was about to penetrate the old man's chest, Xia Feng's figure fell from the sky.

The admiral's fist stopped abruptly, and Xia Feng's size 42 soles were accurately printed on Akainu's arrogant and generous face. At the same time, a voice with both ability and political integrity roared out of Xia Feng's mouth.

"Akainu, I will kill you!"

Facing the sudden appearance of the mysterious boy, the three navy generals immediately surrounded him.

Whitebeard also looked stunned.

"Young man, who are you?"

"My name is Huo Yu Xia Feng. Dad, you can go to the back to rest for a while and give me an injection or something. Leave it to me here."

"Okay, oh by the way, do you want to be my son?"

"Let's talk about this later."

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the three navy generals.

"Today, I will take you away alive. From now on, let me be your opponent."

Xia Feng opened the box and ate away the box full of Origin Stones like eating steamed buns. The power of the black and white twins automatically adjusted to the 30th day. When he raised his head, the exploding black flame in his left eye seemed to be able to devour everything.

"Xia Ran, I will deal with the enemy's main force, and I will leave the miscellaneous soldiers over there to you."

"Hmph, I'll get rid of these weaklings right away."

Xia Ran, facing a hundred thousand navy, calmly said to himself.

"The ability is unlocked, the Devil Fruit ability is copied, and the Face Fruit ability is activated!"

With the instant acquisition of the Devil Fruit ability, Xia Ran's hair instantly turned red, and the next second, a deep voice spread to every marine's ears.

"Everyone put down your weapons and give me face."

The young navy with weaker willpower could not resist the power of the face fruit, so he could only put down his weapons obediently, and had no choice but to give Xia Ran the face.

However, not all the navy were young people. Some sailors who were as steady as old dogs were unmoved and still charged towards her with weapons raised.

Bingyu Xiaran roughly estimated the number of nearby enemies, and then took out a coin from his pocket.

"The ability is unlocked, a certain scientific electromagnetic gun!"


The rhythmic light in Xia Ran's hand became the unchanging faith of the marines before their death.

The electromagnetic cannon that destroyed the world was shot out from Xia Ran's hand. The air distorted and the ice exploded wherever it passed. The navy in a straight line was blasted away with screams.

There was no mercy in Xia Ran's eyes. This was the world of the strong and a cruel war.

The navy's will is tenacious. In the face of heavy damage, the remaining navy did not flinch. There are a hundred thousand navy here, and they really don't believe they can't defeat this little girl.

Facing the navy that was swarming up again, Xia Ran opened her black umbrella.

"Sure enough, we need an anti-fortress treasure."

Then, the inside of the umbrella seemed to be connected to another space, and she pulled out a golden holy sword from the umbrella.

"Ability unlocked, EX Curry Stick!"

Xia Ran threw away her umbrella and raised the golden holy sword with both hands above her head. She seemed to transform into the victorious king. As she swung the giant sword, the strong golden light hit the navy like a falling sea-fixing needle.

In an instant, the flying sand and stone man fell over, the ground cracked, and a bottomless crack was opened by the golden holy sword.

Facing Xia Ran's weapons of mass destruction, the navy was still not discouraged. They immediately dispersed their formation and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against Xia Ran.

It seemed that the enemy was planning to engage in melee combat with her.

Xia Ran calmly picked up the umbrella and pulled out a long black sword from it, which formed a two-handed sword with the golden holy sword in his hand.

"The ability is unlocked, Starburst Airflow Slash!"

Two long swords, one black and one gold, flew up and down, causing blood and flesh to fly wherever they passed. The sword energy that exploded on the spot forced the enemy to retreat.

At this moment, a huge marine who was 10 meters tall and holding a giant sword stood in front of Xia Ran. This was a werewolf.

Facing the powerful enemy that appeared, the two swords in Xia Ran's hands merged into one, forming one sword.

"Unlocking the ability, Holy Mother's Psalm!"

Xia Ran raised his sword with both hands, and wings seemed to grow from his back. He stabbed 11 consecutive slashes at the tall navy's body. With the last swing of the sword, the tall body suddenly collapsed.

As soon as the man fell down, there was another stupid big man standing next to him. Xia Ran threw away the holy sword and used a set of Pegasus Meteor Fist to knock him down with his backhand. He also used Turtle Style Qigong to kill him in the distance and prepared to put him in the dark. sniper with gun.

As the moves were lifted one by one, Xia Ran became more and more courageous as he fought. However, the total number of 100,000 marines was still too large. There was no way, and it was very tiring to keep shouting out the names of moves.

In desperation, Xia Ran could only use the forbidden technique.

"Ability unlocked, tenth-level offside magic, falling from the sky!"

Following Xia Ran's voice, a huge silver-white magic array automatically generated energy under his feet, and the same magic array also appeared in the corresponding sky.

The decisiveness of killing flashed through Xia Ran's eyes, and the next second, silver-white light swallowed everything within range.

The world is quiet.

After getting rid of the miscellaneous fish, Xia Ran immediately rushed to the central battlefield, preparing to help Xia Feng deal with the enemy's main force.

On the central battlefield, Admiral Akainu was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and was autistic. Facing the summer wind on the 30th day when the black and white twins were possessed by a mad dog, only Aokiji and Kizaru were left struggling to support themselves.

However, Xia Feng was also miserable. He was exhausted and covered in blood. The entire box of Origin Stone energy had been consumed. Now he was also struggling to hold on.


Seeing Xia Ran, Xia Feng immediately shouted to her.

"Don't come here, it's dangerous here."

Xia Ran looked at Xia Feng's miserable state and said with some surprise.

"No, cousin, Huo Yu Xia Feng will definitely not lose."

"Fart, Huo Yu Xia Feng is the strongest."

Akainu, who had just been put down, pushed himself up from the ground and let out a cold snort.

"I admit that the three of us can't defeat you, but we still have powerful accomplices."

Xia Feng said disapprovingly.

"I know, isn't it the King of the Qibukai? Let them come over, and I promise to make them go back crying."

"No, you're wrong, it's Yabukai."


Marine Marshal Sengoku in the distance suddenly shouted into the sky.

"Come out, my Majesty, the eighth of the Yabukai, pirates from another world!"

A blue lightning tore through the sky, and a huge pirate ship emerged from the crack. This was a pirate group from another world, named [Book Friends Pirate Group].

On the edge of the pirate ship, eleven mysterious figures stared at the Xia Feng below. They are Zi Ri, FUZE, Yan Ye, Wang Moumou, Bai Ying, Pilot, Pikachu, Ye Yi, Shuo Xi, and Mo Yang. , the secret keeper.

The pirate ship in the sky gradually approached, accompanied by huge pressure. Xia Feng and Xia Ran below felt at the same time that the people on this ship were all werewolves, and the guys from another world were the most terrifying.

Ziri, who was on the pirate ship, picked up his spear and rushed down first.

"Come out, my mate!"

Following Zi Ri's call, a Pegasus appeared out of thin air. Zi Ri mounted the Pegasus and transformed into a Pegasus knight.

As the spear approached, Zi Ri rode down from the sky on a Pegasus and rushed in front of Xia Feng like lightning.


Xia Feng punched, and Zi Ri's nosebleeds filled the sky.

Purple sun, death.

Obviously, Ziri is the weakest among these people. It is understandable that he sends a cannon fodder to test his strength.

After Ziri fell, the real werewolf appeared.

FUZE jumped off the pirate ship and landed opposite Xia Feng. FUZE smiled evilly, and two huge tentacles suddenly grew out of his body, which looked strong and terrifying.

The Origin Stone energy in Xia Feng's body had been exhausted. Facing FUZE, he could only let out a bitter smile.

"An inhuman monster."

Xia Ran looked at her cousin worriedly.

"Cousin, why don't you let me come?"

"No, leave it to me."

"Why do you have to be brave?"

"Because it's not me that's wrong, it's the world."

Xia Feng's hair turned white instantly, and for some reason, a clear and beautiful BGM suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

[Oh, wash the kelp~~~Wash the kelp, Sonusikumi~~Bokuno Naga you, Dalai Noiku NO]

Under Xia Ran's shocked gaze, two dark red penises sprouted from Xia Feng's back.

"Cousin, you?"

"If hurting someone else can protect the people important to me, then I'm willing to do it. Please remember me, even if I never see the world again."

After saying that, Xia Feng rushed towards FUZE in the distance.

At the moment of intersection, the tentacles were torn off directly by Hezi, and FUZE's screams could be heard. However, Xia Feng had no mercy at all. Compassion for the enemy was cruelty to himself. Although Xia Feng had always been cruel to himself, this time He is equally cruel to his enemies.

Soon, FUZE fell to the ground motionless.

FUZE, died.

Xia Feng's sharp gaze swept towards the pirate ship in the sky.

"Who else!"

Whispers came from the pirate ship. Soon, Yanye went back to set up a roadside stall, Ye Yi went back to sell smoothies, and Shuoxi went back to sell discs. Time travel was very dangerous, so they stopped playing.

Of course, there were still a few who were dissatisfied, Mo Yang, Bai Ying, and Tie Yu, the three of them rushed off the pirate ship together, preparing to wrestle Xia Feng.

Xia Feng stretched his hands to the sky.

"One For All!"

An ethereal voice came from the sky.

[Many people have entrusted this power to the next generation, praying that this power can finally be gathered into a hope. Then it is your turn. Come on, Xia Feng. 】

An illusory ball of light was handed into Xia Feng's hands, and his entire left arm's muscles instantly swelled.

"Arknights of smash!"

Then a loud noise resounded throughout the world.

Mo Yang, died.

Bai Ying, died.

Pilot, seriously injured.

After three more casualties, Pikachu on the pirate ship shouted "Pika Pika!~" and jumped off unconvinced.

Xia Ran next to her immediately took out the Master Ball and put Pikachu in it.

At this point, only the last two members of the different world pirate group are left, Wang Moumou and the secret keeper.

There is no doubt that the hero always appears at the end. Xia Feng can feel that the strength of these two people has reached the monster level.

Wang Moumou jumped off the pirate ship with an expressionless face. As he landed, the entire navy headquarters island trembled.


A deep roar came from Wang Moumou's mouth. In the blink of an eye, Wang Moumou's body soared to 30 meters and turned into a huge monster.

Obviously, Hezi was useless against Xia Feng, a monster of this level, and even Xia Ran was not sure of victory.

"Cousin, we have very little strength left, what should we do?"

Xia Feng raised his head, without any wavering in his eyes.

"This world is cruel, and those who can't give up anything can't change anything."


Xia Feng put his hand on Xia Ran's head and touched it.

"At the same time, this world is so beautiful. As long as you are here, I can do anything."

The next second, Xia Feng retracted his palm, opened his mouth and bit the back of his hand.

Golden lightning fell from the sky. On that day, humans recalled the fear of being dominated by those guys and the humiliation of being imprisoned in a birdcage.

As if flesh and blood from another time and space instantly enveloped Xia Feng, huge bones and limbs were combined, and in the blink of an eye, a huge figure rose from the ground.

Xia Ran stared blankly at Xia Feng who had turned into a giant.

"Cousin, it turns out that you have unlocked the power of the ancestor giant!"

However, Xia Feng could no longer hear Xia Ran's voice. Xia Feng, who was wrapped in the giant's flesh and blood, controlled his huge body with his consciousness and fought in a melee with the monster in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

This was a battle superior to normal creatures, and earth-shaking sounds kept coming.

The surviving navy was completely dumbfounded. The three generals hugged each other tremblingly, and the Warring States Marshal was so frightened that his glasses fell off.

The monster is very powerful. Not only does it have abnormal physical endurance, but it can also use magic. But unfortunately, it met Xia Feng.

Xia Feng, who transformed into the Ancestral Titan, not only used the power of the black and white twins, but also had a few tens of meters of hair growing out of his back. Finally, combined with the power of One For All, he struck a serious punch.

The monster let out a scream and instantly shattered into pieces.

Wang Moumou died.

After pushing aside the flesh and blood on the back of the giant's neck, Xia Feng climbed out and fell down weakly.

Xia Ran immediately supported Xia Feng.


Xia Feng forced out a smile.

"Brother is living quite well."

At this point, there is only the last person left on the pirate ship from another world, the secret keeper.

Unlike the others, the secret keeper did not jump down. There was a faint light on his body and he actually floated.

Xia Ran's heart sank below.

"This man is a magician. Judging from his magic power, he is at least the master of tenth level magic. Regular physical attacks may be ineffective."

Xia Feng struggled to stand up from the ground.

"It's okay, leave it to me, cough cough."

"Cousin, you are injured."

"It doesn't matter, this little injury is nothing."

"Brother, you will die."

"Huo Yu Xia Feng will not die. Even if I die, I will not be afraid of death in order to protect the important people."

A cold little hand covered Xia Feng's mouth, and Xia Ran's voice came.

"But I'm afraid."

"Xia Ran, what did you say?"

Xia Ran showed a genuine smile.

"I'm afraid you will die. Cousin, don't bear it all alone. There is not only one Huoyu Xiafeng in this world, but also I, Bingyu Xiaran. We are each other's contractors and a team."

"Xia Ran."

"You are my unique existence, because in the original world, you were the only one who understood my Chuunibyou, so this time, let me shoulder the mission of saving important people with you."

After saying that, Xia Ran let go of her hand and floated into the sky.

In mid-air, Xia Ran and the secret keeper looked at each other.

Secret Keeper: Is Huo Yu Xia Feng dead?

Xia Ran: Fire Yu Xia Feng is tired. This time I, Bing Yu Xia Ran, will be your opponent.

Secret Keeper: I watched your battle just now, Bingyu Xiaran, you are no match for me.

Xia Ran: Sorry, you may have misunderstood.

Keeper: What do you mean?

Xia Ran: Do you know why I wear a blindfold?

Keeper: Why?

Xia Ran, who was in mid-air, pulled off the blindfold on her left eye and roared.

"Because the Evil King's True Eye is the strongest!"

Xia Ran threw the black umbrella into the sky, and the umbrella turned into a powerful energy field, instantly amplifying her magic power dozens of times.

Xia Ran covered her left eye with her palm, and opened her fingers, revealing her pupils that were spinning with magic patterns.

"Explode the reality, crush the spirit, and banish this world!"

A beam of black energy mixed with purple flames shot out from Xia Ran's left eye. The black energy penetrated the body of the secret keeper and penetrated the pirate ship from another world in the sky. Then, the black energy passed through the atmosphere and shot towards Entering the vast universe, moving forward all the way, running through eighteen planets like a string of candied haws.

The war is declared over.

Fire Feather Xia Feng's good brother Fire Fist Ace was successfully rescued, and Xia Feng and others also left the Navy Headquarters. As for what Captain Roger's treasure is, no one knows.

The scene in front of them flashed, and everyone had returned to Fu Meng Tang Hot Spring Hotel.

In the corridor of the hotel, Amiya was wearing a bathrobe and taking a sip from a bottle of ice milk.

Seeing Xia Feng and others, Amiya raised her head and asked.

"How about it? Is Fantasy Hot Spring fun?"

Xia Feng and Xia Ran looked at each other and smiled.


But Xia Feng didn't see the reluctance and loss hidden under Xia Ran's smile.

Ifrit followed behind and protested dissatisfied.

"It's not fun at all. You brothers and sisters rushed over all at once, and the broken ship started leaking. When we repaired the leaks and finally arrived at the island, the war was over. It was really boring."

At this time, the hotel manager happened to pass by, and Ifrit grabbed him dissatisfied.

"Hey, I didn't have fun at all. Can I come to the fantasy hot spring again?"

The supervisor smiled apologetically.

"No, the Fantasy Hot Spring can only be opened once a day. Today's session is over."

"Tch, spicy chicken hot spring."

The supervisor thought for a moment.

"Well, to make up for your lack of fun, I'll let you visit something interesting."

"what is this."

"It is a stone tablet excavated from the ancient ruins underground in Rutland. Although it is nothing special, it is of great historical value. It is said to be something that dates back thousands of years. It may be a product several civilizations ago. .”

Everyone immediately became interested, including Amiya, and the group followed the hot spring director to a hidden courtyard at the back.

Unexpectedly, there is such a quiet cherry blossom forest inside the hot spring. It is the season of cherry blossoms in bloom. Looking at the cherry blossoms falling like snow, Xia Ran, who was walking at the back, said to himself.

"The speed of cherry blossoms falling is five centimeters per second. What speed should I use to really find you."

Xia Feng turned around.

"Xia Ran, why are you standing there in a daze, hurry up and catch up."


Everyone followed the hot spring director to the end of the cherry blossom forest. Next to a small clear pool, there was an ancient stone tablet.

The supervisor gently brushed the petals off the stone tablet.

"This is it."

Ifrit frowned and glanced a few times.

"What the hell is this? It's just a piece of broken rock. It's really boring."

Xia Ran touched the stone tablet with her hand, as if she had discovered something, and turned around and said.

"Cousin, this stone tablet seems to be engraved with words."


Xia Feng bent down and looked at the stone tablet carefully. Sure enough, there were several lines of words engraved on it, but he didn't recognize these words. They were a very special kind of writing.

"Can not Understand it."

Xia Feng looked at Amiya next to her.

"Amiya, can you understand?"

Amiya's face was solemn, her eyes were fixed on the stone tablet, and she seemed to be silently reciting something. It was obvious that she could understand the words on it.

"Amiya, can you understand?"


Xia Feng immediately became interested.

"Tell us quickly what is written on the stone tablet."

Afterwards, Amiya translated a few lines of text on the stone tablet to everyone.

[Fragmented, dead and killing, everything is dense, and it collapses into nothingness when touched]

[The last wish in the blazing heat turns into endless flames. It is born in the flames and ends at the peak of boiling.]

[The devil's wrath destroys all things, the goddess's sword cuts off the heaven and earth, the sword roars in anger, it goes around and around, everything flows, black and white twins]

[The water of lament guides death, the river of forgetfulness washes away the past, the Styx is frozen, freezing life and death, the river flows backwards, reversing time and space]

After listening to Amiya's translation, Turtle scratched his head in confusion.

"What does this mean? I don't understand."

Among the crowd, only Xia Feng murmured to himself.

"Li Sha, Balrog, Black and White Twins, Styx."

The hot spring director smiled and clapped his hands.

"Okay, the scenery here is very beautiful. You can move around freely here. I will take my leave now."

After bowing respectfully, the supervisor turned and left.

Xia Ran silently walked to the small clear pool and squatted down.

The water in the pond was very clear, and there were many aquatic plants growing in it. But for some reason, there was only one fish in it. Seeing Xia Ran by the pond, this lonely little fish immediately swam towards her.

Xia Feng slowly walked behind Xia Ran.

"do you happy today?"


"We'll go back after playing for a while longer."


"Today's hot spring trip is about to end."


"We will never come to this hot spring hotel again."


"Because it doesn't exist, like everything you're seeing right now."

A tear fell into the pool, and Xia Ran pursed her lips tightly.


Xia Feng leaned down and squatted beside Xia Ran.

"You have to take care of yourself when I'm gone. You have to learn to make new friends. Xia Ran, it's time for you to grow up."

Unable to control her tears any longer, Xia Ran covered her eyes with her hands and burst into tears.

"Cousin, no one can understand me except you. They don't know who Bingyu Xiaran is, and they don't know that I am the princess of the dragon tribe. I. I am just an alien in the eyes of my classmates. I am so lonely. "

Xia Feng gently put his hand on Xia Ran's shoulder.

"It's hard not to be understood by others, but in every world, there are people who are not understood, just like me, like Amiya, and yourself, Xia Ran, wait until you defeat the people who are not understood. Understand the pain and you really grow.”

"Don't talk to me about these big things. I don't like to hear them. I just want you back."

Xia Feng shook his head.

"Huo Yu Xia Feng will not stop. The history of this world is still waiting for me to change, and some people are still waiting for me to save. This is my choice. I will not regret it, let alone give up."

Xia Ran stared deeply at Xia Feng.

"Cousin, will I never see you again? As you change, will the traces of your existence gradually disappear from that world, until in the end, will even I forget you?"


"I will never forget you."

"It must be painful to be the only person who remembers me in a world where no one remembers me."

"Maybe, but I won't forget."

Xia Feng raised his head and looked at the gray sky.

"It doesn't matter even if everyone forgets about me. If one day in the future, the plot of the Chernobog riot in Arknights suddenly disappears from the game, huh, maybe that's a trace of my existence."


"No, my name is Huo Yu Xia Feng."

Xia Ran wiped away her tears.

"I have decided that one day I will find you, because you are my contractor, my name is Bingyu Xiaran!"


The little fish in the pool suddenly jumped out of the water, and the water brought up by its tail directly hit Xia Ran in the face.


Drowsily, Xia Ran opened her eyes.

She was sitting on a bench in a strange park. Her face was covered with water. In the distance, several bears holding water guns were looking at her with snickering faces.

The naughty child’s parents immediately came over and apologized profusely.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the naughty kid is ignorant. I'm sorry for disturbing your rest. I will definitely beat him up later."

Xia Ran said blankly.

"It doesn't matter."

This is the park where he and Zhang Yuan agreed to meet. Today is the first day of the National Day holiday.

After a while, Zhang Yuan rushed over panting.

"Xia Ran, what do you want from me?"

Xia Ran sat quietly on the bench.

"It's okay now."

"Huh? Do you miss your cousin? I can't help it. I can't find him now. He is really missing."

Zhang Yuan knew the inside story of Xia Feng's disappearance, but he couldn't explain these things to Xia Feng's cousin.

Xia Ran sat on the bench and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, that's not important anymore."

"Huh? Then why did you call me all the way here?"

"I originally wanted to ask you something, but now I suddenly don't want to ask you anymore."


"Because I just had a dream, a dream that was not real at all, but so real that it was terrifying."

My contractor, Bingyu Xiaran, no matter you exist in the past or the future, I will definitely find you.

The extras have nothing to do with the main text. Any similarities are purely normal. You can regard them as the beginning of another story. If they intersect with each other in the future and form a link in the gear, it will be a miracle.

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