Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 261 Even if I’m not the king

"Then do you know an Aslan girl named Wei Na?"

The reason why Xia Feng asked this seemingly sudden question was because he remembered something.

Back in Chernobog, on the first day he joined the Glasgow Gang, because he didn't have dinner at night, Vina put on an apron and cooked him a bowl of noodles.

In the process of cooking noodles, he asked Wei Na from whom she learned the cooking skills, and Wei Na's answer was "Yes."

[Before joining the Glasgow Gang, I had a special experience. For me at that time, making fire, finding food, and making food into something edible were skills necessary for survival. 】

This was Wei Na's original words at that time, and it was also the reason why Xia Fenghui suddenly connected the two.

The Aslan tribe is a very rare race. In a sense, it can be regarded as a branch of the Felin tribe, so that most people confuse it with the Felin tribe.

However, discerning people other than ordinary people can still easily detect that it is different from the Feilin clan. For example, Xia Feng can see it at a glance.

If you make an inappropriate description, such as Husky, Teddy, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Chow Chow, etc., they all have different appearances, but you can call them dogs, but wolves, which are also members of the canidae family, cannot be called dogs.

Although the appearance and genes are similar, the habits are instincts flowing in the blood. This may be the difference between the Felin tribe and the Aslan tribe. The ancestors of the Aslan tribe achieved a status that was enough for his race to have a separate name.

Weina and Nanfeng are both from the Aslan tribe, and Nanfeng's childhood experience is definitely special, and as he just mentioned, he has a younger sister.

Xia Feng felt that he was very nervous now. What would happen if Nan Feng said the answer he thought of next?

Hearing Xia Feng's question, Nan Feng was stunned for a moment, and then looked thoughtful.

"You mean.Vina?"

"Yes, she is a Victorian and of the same race as you. Do you know her?"

Nanfeng said tentatively.

"The Vina you're talking about shouldn't be the King of Propulsion Vina."

"Yes, yes, the leader of the Glasgow Gang, Vina, it turns out you really know him!"

"Nonsense, of course I know him."

Xia Feng immediately became interested and his voice became excited.

"Nan Feng, tell me quickly, what is your relationship with Wei Na? Could it be that she is yours?"

However, Nan Feng's answer disappointed Xia Feng.

"What's the relationship? It doesn't matter. If you hadn't said it, I wouldn't have known that Wei Na was a woman, let alone that she was from the Aslan tribe. I have never met her."

Xia Feng almost lost his breath, and then shouted dissatisfied.

"Damn, didn't you say you knew him?"

"We know each other, but it's only through hearsay. I know her, but she doesn't know me. Hey, the leader of the Glasgow Gang, you can recognize him just by calling anyone in the Chamber of Commerce building."


There is nothing wrong with what Nanfeng said, just like if you randomly interview passers-by who play LoL in an Internet cafe and ask them if they know Ma Huateng, it is estimated that nine out of ten people will say that they do, but this "knowing" is not the same as what Xia Feng said. That "knowledge" is not the same "knowledge" at all.

Nan Feng's answer was far from what he expected, but Xia Feng still didn't give up. His sixth sense told him that there must be some kind of relationship between Nan Feng and Wei Na.

"Nanfeng, you just said you have a sister."


Xia Feng looked around Nanfeng's "home" and saw that there were no women living there at all. It seemed that Nanfeng had always lived alone.

"Your sister, shouldn't she be sorry? I didn't mean to bring up your sadness, I just..."

Nan Feng picked up the beer and took another sip. He leaned on the sofa and looked at Xia Feng like an idiot.

"What are you talking about? My sister is fine. In fact, she is not my biological sister, she is my god sister, and she is not an infected person."

Xia Feng looked embarrassed.

"Ah, then why doesn't your sister live with you?"

"She is currently studying at Victoria Royal College, and she seems to be graduating this year. Hey, I'm not afraid of your jokes. She called me and had a big quarrel with me a few months ago. Since then, she hasn't called me. Now In the Cold War.”

"Huh? Why are you arguing?"

Nanfeng sighed like an old father.

"This stinky girl has grown up and learned how to make boyfriends. She kept it secret from me before, but then I found out about it. I asked her to bring her boyfriend over for me to review. She insisted that I interfered with her private life. Later, the quarrel became more and more fierce. When I got angry, I said on the phone that I would take my little brother to the Royal Academy to tie up her boyfriend, but she also became angry and yelled at me on the phone."

Xia Feng laughed twice.

"Heh, it seems that your sister also has a bad temper."

Nanfeng looked helpless.

"Actually, I didn't really want to bring anyone to be kidnapped. That's all I said, hey, Xia Feng, she didn't even tell me about her boyfriend. Do you think my attitude is too much for being a brother?"

"Well, I think it's okay."

After hearing Nan Feng's family affairs, Xia Feng couldn't help but remember that he also had a sister in the original world. Although she was not his biological sister, but just his cousin, the relationship between their brother and sister had always been very good.

To be honest, he kind of understands Nan Feng's feelings. If his cousin secretly has a boyfriend, he will probably be very upset and want to find out which brat kidnapped his sister. Of course, he doesn't think that his chuunibyou is so bad. My cousin will have a boyfriend.

At present, it seems that Nanfeng has nothing to do with Wei Na. Maybe he is paranoid, at least Nanfeng himself doesn't know anything.

Afterwards, he and Nanfeng chatted casually about some personal experiences, eating habits, hobbies and so on.

Although Xia Feng's experience was not long, and all he could tell was within a few months, the excitement of the matter was absolutely superb. Nan Feng regarded him as a brother, so Xia Feng did not hide it too much. I basically told him everything I could say like telling a story.

Nan Feng was stunned for a moment. If someone else had said this, Nan Feng would definitely think it was bragging. However, he had personally experienced Xia Feng's terrifying black power yesterday, and he completely believed it. .

"So what kind of successor are you now? What is your name?"

"Black and white twins."

"Oh yes, do you, the black and white twin, have any other abilities?"

"As long as you can fight, what other abilities do you need?"

"But you obviously can't beat me."

Xia Feng showed a mysterious smile.

"Humph, that's not necessarily the case. Let's compete again in a few days."

Nan Feng waved his hand indifferently.

"Tch, when it comes to fighting, I've never been afraid of anyone. I didn't hit you. I didn't use all my strength yesterday."

"me too."

After that, Nanfeng also briefly told his experience.

As he said before, he grew up in an infected area, which was in Notting City. He didn't know it before it was abandoned, but since he had memories, Nanfeng has been a native of Notting City. people.

Notting City is different from Hapi City. There are no privileges for infected people here. Unless you are a fighter among infected people like Xia Feng, you must stay in the designated living area for infected people and cannot enter without the permission of the security team. urban area.

Moreover, there is no chemical factory specifically for infected people to work in Notting City. There are only scattered and hard peripheral jobs, such as mining, road construction, high-risk occupations, etc. Because they are infected, their income is also very meager. They can only eke out the bare minimum to survive.

Nanfeng grew up in this difficult environment. According to him, many people once took him in, but later these infected people who were kind to him all died of ore disease. Until he grew up, Only when he had the ability to take care of himself did he leave the infected area alone.

And the opportunity for him to join the Frido Chamber of Commerce was all thanks to one person. This person was not Frido himself, but a man whom Nanfeng called "Grandpa".

Although Nanfeng has no responsible territory in these years, he has made a lot of money working for Fredo.

What surprised Xia Feng was that instead of squandering the money and enjoying a luxurious life, he secretly donated all the money to the infected area where he once lived.

This is very strange. Logically speaking, Nanfeng's childhood experience was not happy, and even very difficult. Although some people were kind to him, most of the infected people had a hostile attitude. He didn't understand why Nanfeng was willing to put him through life and death to make money. The money received will be donated to areas where infected people are concentrated.

It was not until later that he seemed to understand something from Nanfeng's words.

Nanfeng said so.

[I don’t care what others think of me, but that is the home where I grew up. In other words, it is my territory of Nanfeng. I will kill the invading foreign enemies and will not allow chaos in my territory. I can decide where to live. I am the only one who lives and dies, even if I am not the king. 】

Nan Feng couldn't explain why he, who had never been to school, had such thoughts, just like he couldn't explain why he behaved in such an awkward manner while eating.

However, Xia Feng faintly noticed something.

This is territorial awareness and the instinct that runs in Nan Feng’s blood.

Whether it is his own yard, the infected area, Notting City, or even the whole of Victoria, the things inherited in his blood always remind him of what he must protect. It has nothing to do with others. Only by doing this he To feel at ease.

Because he is the Lion King.

the next day.

Xia Feng got up early and packed his clothes. He and Nan Feng were immediately preparing to rush to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Fredo said yesterday that he wanted them to report to the office in the morning. They should have tasks to answer.

Walking out of the yard, Nanfeng asked curiously while taking out his car keys.

"Xia Feng, I wanted to ask yesterday why you keep wearing a red scarf."

Xia Feng raised his hand and touched the scarf lightly.

"This is something I brought from my hometown. Wearing it may remind me not to forget certain things."

"It seems that you cherish it very much. Is your hometown far away from here?"

Xia Feng looked towards the horizon.

"My hometown is indeed far away, so far away that I may never be able to go back."

Nan Feng patted Xia Feng on the shoulder.

"How is it possible? As long as you are alive, there is no place you cannot go back to."


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