Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 268 The light that cannot be concealed

Terran calendar year 1072, Victoria's capital, Londinium.

The deputy commander of the Fourth Military Region of the Central Victoria Army, Major General Derek, received an A-level mission late one night.

The meaning of an A-level mission is that the specific source of the mission cannot be traced, the mission content cannot be interpreted by oneself, and mission information cannot be leaked for life, otherwise it will violate the most serious military law.

Derek was very strange at the time. This task was only given to him, which meant that he could not let any subordinate except himself know about this task. As a senior officer, he could not understand why a man in his 40s should be given to him. The deputy commander of the military region came to personally perform this secret mission.

At the same time, he was even more confused about the content of the A-level mission.

The mission content is: starting from Londinium, secretly send a boy to an orphanage in a city in southern Victoria. The process must be concealed. In order to ensure that it cannot be traced afterwards, the city will be sent to the orphanage after he arrives in the southern region. Random selection, task time will be executed after 48 hours.

Derek hasn't noticed anything unusual at this point. As a soldier, he only needs to complete the task according to the instructions of his superiors.

But just the night before departure, he once again received a secret mission. The mission actually came from the Chief of Military Affairs of the Victoria Empire. This was almost the highest authority command he could have access to. The content of the mission was only one sentence.

[After taking the boy away from the northern area, get rid of the person following him, and then kill him secretly. 】

During his more than 20 years of military career, Derek has grown from an ordinary soldier to the deputy commander of a military region. Over the years, he has performed countless missions, including some that are inhumane. This is inconceivable in the history of development. Avoid, as a soldier, he does not need to have thoughts.

The meaning of this mission is obvious. The military chief wants the boy to die, but he cannot let him die openly. In other words, he does not want others to know that the boy is dead. Information released to the outside world, He is still alive, but he doesn't know where he is.

Secretly killing a strange boy was not an insurmountable psychological obstacle for Derek. He didn't know why someone was following him. The only difficulty was how to get rid of the person who was following him.

However, the complexity of this incident far exceeded Derek's imagination.

Just four hours before the mission was to depart, he received another mission. The source of this mission turned out to be the Chief Administrator of the Victoria Empire, who was the highest chief executive of the entire Victoria besides the king.

The text in the mission information is like this.

[Officer Derek, you are a soldier, but ultimately, you are a Victorian soldier. This is the highest order from the Victorian royal family. You must do everything possible to let this boy survive and let the mission be released. The reporter thought he was dead, I don’t care what method you use, don’t let this boy appear in northern Victoria for the next 15 years]

After Derek burned the mission letter, he slumped down on the chair, sweating profusely.

This may be the most difficult multiple-choice question he has encountered in his life so far.

On the one hand, it was an order from the Chief of Military Affairs, and on the other hand, it was an order from the Chief of Administration, and the royal family was also moved out. Although the authenticity of the royal family's wishes cannot be verified, the order of the Chief of Administration is accurate.

At this point, he already basically knew the identity of the boy.

The candlelight reflected on Derek's old face.

Xia Feng continued to ask.

"Then what happened next? What choice did you make?"

Derek let out a weak wry laugh.

"I could not disobey the orders of either party. In the end, I chose a way to end this mission in a way that was worthy of my military identity and my Victoria's military identity. Of course, there was only one person I was ashamed of."

"what way?"

Derek shakily pulled out a cigarette from under the coffee table. It looked like he hadn't smoked for a long time, and his movement of lighting was a bit unfamiliar.

"I took the boy to Notting City and abandoned him in a chaotic infected area. In that environment, he should have died soon. Even if he hadn't died, he would have died within a few days after being infected with oriosis. To die within the year is to fulfill the order of the Chief of Military Affairs. At the same time, I did not kill him personally. Once he contracted ore disease, he would definitely die within 15 years. Calculated based on the boy's age at the time, 15 years later He has almost reached adulthood, so it is almost impossible for him to return to northern Victoria before this, which can be regarded as completing the task of chief executive."

"Is this your choice?"

"Yes, I naively thought this was the most correct choice at the time. I was just an officer, and this choice did not offend anyone. But later I found out that I was wrong, because my choice also offended the senior management. The two forces, but for some reason, this matter just went away, but the impact on me is far from over."

Derek took a deep drag on his cigarette and continued.

"Later, I couldn't bear the huge pressure from the top. I even realized that the chain reaction after this mission might kill me. Two years later, I was forced to resign as the deputy commander of the military region and left northern Victoria. After several twists and turns , I actually came to the city of Notting where I abandoned the child. At that time, I thought he was already dead, so I forgot about the mission."

After hearing this, Xia Feng understood everything.

"Then you established your own gang in Notting City with your extraordinary skills and became a gang leader. Until one day ten years later, you met on the street the boy you abandoned in the infected area. , he is Nanfeng.”

"That's right."

Xia Feng clenched his fists and asked in a deep voice.

"What is Nanfeng's true identity? Are the Aslans the royal family of Victoria?"

Derek's voice was soft.

"A hundred years ago, the Aslan clan was indeed the royal family of Victoria. But now, except for the real royal family of Londinium, most of the Aslan clan Victoria sees on weekdays are from collateral families, and some are not even nobles. Except, of course, the south wind.”

"Who is Nanfeng?"

"He is the current king of Victoria, the son of King Willanson."

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes, it was indeed like this!

Derek then told him some more information about the Victorian royal family.

The current king of Victoria, King Willanson, is now 61 years old. He and the queen gave birth to two princes and a princess. These three are now recognized as legitimate heirs to the throne by the Yuan Parliament.

However, senior officials who knew the inside story knew that 21 years ago, Willanson secretly gave birth to a baby boy with a royal maid. When the queen found out, she became furious and secretly sent the baby boy away on the grounds that his blood was not pure. He left the royal palace in Londinium and has since fallen into disrepair.

And the man who carried out that mission was Derek.

In fact, in Xia Feng's view, whether the blood is pure or not is just an excuse. They are all the descendants of King Willanson. How can it be impure?

The queen only wants her children to inherit the throne. There are many high-level forces involved behind this. From Derek's description, it is not difficult to see that Victoria's military chief is on the queen's side, and the chief executive is definitely not trying to help the maid. , Xia Feng doesn't think these politicians have any sense of justice. Obviously, the chief executive is an opponent of the queen's power.

King Willanson is still on the throne today, but the undercurrent of royal politics began to surge more than 20 years ago. Each dynasty change not only represents the transfer of the throne, but also represents the rise and fall of some high-level forces. This is A principle that remains unchanged throughout the ages.

However, after learning Nanfeng's true identity, Xia Feng was most concerned about not Victoria's battle for the throne, but another matter, which involved a very important person to him.

"Mr. Derek, I want to know, did King Willanson only have an illegitimate son, Nanfeng?"

Derek thought about it.

"That's the only mission I've ever received."

"I mean, do you think it's possible that after that there's the same mission, but you're not the one doing it."

Derek understood what Xia Feng meant and saw him chuckle meaningfully.

"Although there is no accurate evidence, I think that if this kind of thing happens the first time, there will be a second time. I don't know if I am the first person to perform such a task, but I feel that I am definitely not the last one. , but, if there were, those children might not be as lucky as Nanfeng to live to adulthood."

Xia Feng continued to ask.

"Then do you know what characteristics people with royal blood have in common?"

"Well, as far as I know, the bloodline of the first king of Victoria has three excellent qualities, strength, wisdom, and leadership. Among his descendants, those who inherit the three qualities are undoubtedly qualified to obtain the throne. However, after generations of reproduction, No one today can inherit all three qualities at the same time.”

"what do you mean?"

"Not all legitimate descendants of the royal family will inherit the qualities of the late king, but there is no doubt that strength, wisdom, and leadership, as long as one inherits one of these characteristics, this person is a descendant of the royal family of Victoria with pure blood. This characteristic will be revealed when this person reaches adulthood. Being infinitely magnified, the light it reveals cannot be concealed.”

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