The Origin Stone substance is thicker in the depths of the forest. This is already the core area of ​​the natural disaster, and the number of natural Origin Stone clusters that have been destroyed in the corners is gradually increasing.

However, the dangers hidden nearby far outweigh the benefits.


A tall and strong thing suddenly fell from the tree and hit the running Xia Feng head-on.

Without hesitation, Xia Feng jumped up on the spot and kicked the object hard that he hadn't yet seen what it was.

With an upside-down golden hook, the creature was slapped to the ground seven or eight meters away, stirring up a dead leaf.

Xia Feng's kick was merciless at all. The violent force contained in it directly kicked the thing to the point of paralysis. It struggled on the ground for several times without standing up.

Of course, it's already perverted enough without being killed suddenly.

Xia Feng glanced at the change in power on the bracelet after triggering the black and white twins.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 14%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.50u/L]

[Individual power: 8870]

[Critical period: 4]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 2 days]

The black and white twins on the 28th day have turned him into a super little sun. Compared with the experience of the previous cycles, his power has become more stable, and the amplitude of his power has also been significantly improved.

However, in the face of his single-point explosion like a nuclear bomb, this monster was not directly killed instantly, which shows the terror of vitality and physical endurance. More importantly, this creature is much smaller than the one just now.

After struggling for a few times, this dark gray creature stood up from the ground. Yes, it stood on two legs. It was a humanoid creature.

Xia Feng frowned and stared at this creature standing on two legs. This thing was about three meters tall. If he just looked at the outline, he would have thought it was a big bob. Of course, it had no armor and no clothes. This thing The creature's body is covered with fine hairs, its head is similar to that of a primate, its upper limbs are thick, its lower limbs are stable, and its eyes are also flashing red.

Xia Feng knew without thinking that these were different varieties of the same series of Rhine Life.

Although the size is much smaller than the hairy beast just now, the energy of the Origin Stone emitted by this orangutan-like monster is even stronger. Maybe this is the A-level in the brand series.

There is no mark or reference standard. Xia Feng is not sure whether this is A level, but that is not very important. If this is the strength of A level, then it is nothing more than that to him now.


The source stone energy merged into the body, raising the black power to the limit. Xia Feng stepped into a large hole in the ground and slammed into the orangutan beast.

The speed of Xia Feng's sudden leap almost exceeded the speed of sound. Even Yazi, who looked smarter than the gorilla beast, could not cope with it. With a muffled sound, Xia Feng's fist had already shattered its jaw.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

One punch knocked the orangutan beast unconscious. Xia Feng rode on him and hit its twisted head. After more than a dozen punches, the orangutan beast had completely lost its ability to resist, and its head was smashed into the ground. Inside, only the body was twitching.

If this orangutan beast is stronger than the hairy beast, Xia Feng thinks it is possible, but he doesn't feel it is too obvious, because he is too strong now. Based on this strength, the so-called S level should be against He's not a threat either.

20 minutes later.

Xia Feng slowed down and continued searching in the forest. Golden clusters of natural Origin Stones kept appearing in his field of vision, but now he had no energy to stick out his butt and collect them.

Along the way, he has killed nine experimental subjects, and there are only two varieties. Not surprisingly, they are classified into Class B and Class A. The information is similar to what he thought just now.

The Origin Stone Beast poses no threat to him now, but if it is not the 28th day of the Black and White Twins, it will be difficult to compete.

The staff member of Rheinland Life just said that there were 15 experimental subjects this time, and he had killed nine of them along the way. Before he could collect the Origin Stones with peace of mind, he just wanted to find the only S-class Origin Stone. beast.

There were rotten leaves under his feet, and the components in the air became more complex. The corrosive gas made Xia Feng feel sick. Without a mask, he could only lift the scarf around his neck to cover his mouth and nose.

At this moment, his peripheral vision suddenly spotted a series of footprints.

This size is human footprints. There are many footprints. They should be from a team of more than ten people. The outlines are very clear and were left not long ago.

Xia Feng didn't expect that someone would reach such a deep position, but if they encountered the experimental body just now, they would definitely be in trouble if nothing else happened.


At this moment, Xia Feng suddenly heard a shout from afar, and there was also the faint sound of fighting.

These people are still alive!

At this moment, Xia Feng was almost walking sideways in the natural disaster area. He was not hiding from monsters but looking for monsters. Although he didn't know which force these people belonged to, since they had encountered them, there was nothing wrong with helping them. He wanted to find monsters anyway. , finish killing the source stone Yo-Yo earlier, Nanfeng is still waiting for him.

Following the direction of the source of the sound, Xia Feng moved closer step by step.

"Protect the general!"

"General, you go first, we will break up the rear!"

"Another one, damn, another one, watch out!"

Those shouting voices gradually became clearer, and Xia Feng could vaguely hear their content.


Hearing these two words, Xia Feng immediately recalled what he heard in the open space outside the forest before meeting Hong Dao. He remembered that the person who mentioned the word "general" at that time was an officer from Victoria.

Is Victoria's general in front?

Thinking of this, Xia Feng couldn't help but quicken his pace. If he was really Victoria's general, then he really had to take it seriously, because the meaning of this identity could affect many things.

Passing through a bush, a relatively open area appears in front of you. There is a kind of tree with well-developed vines growing around it. This kind of tree is very tall. The vines hang down irregularly and intertwine with each other, as if forming a natural wall around this area. .

And in the center of this open area, there is a small lake.

This lake is not big. It should be formed by the accumulation of water caused by the low terrain during the rainy season. The lake is dark green and I don’t know how deep it is.

At this time, there were more than a dozen men in military uniforms standing by the lake. Most of them were wearing protective masks, but two of them were not wearing them. Judging from the desperate looks on their faces, it seemed that the masks were lost or damaged during the battle.

At this moment, this group of soldiers formed a defensive formation, with a thin man in the center. Because he was wearing a mask, his facial features could not be seen clearly, but judging from his gray hair, this man should be the so-called general.

As expected, this team was besieged by two Originium Beasts, both of which were the weakest B-class. However, even so, the situation was still tense. Xia Feng could clearly see several mutilated corpses scattered around.

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