Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 290 The bud of darkness

Everyone has his own ideals, perhaps his own mission, and what he wants to do.

Amiya's ideal is to save everyone, Xia Feng's mission is to save Amiya, and what she wants to do may be to integrate the world in the flames of revenge, and then let the game called the world survive after its destruction. ,Restart.

【Integrated Movement】

The origin of this mysterious organization cannot be studied. Xia Feng only remembers the vague information given by the official.

[It was once just an underground organization of infected people that did nothing. 】

Xia Feng doesn't know how far back this "once" is, but three years later, the Integration Movement will appear in the public eye for the first time. From this, it can be inferred that the "once" of the Integration Movement is not that far away, and it is likely that it will be within these three years. Within the year.

The predecessor of the Integration Movement was just a small-scale infected organization. The number of infected people in the world is very large, and as long as the natural disasters do not disappear, people infected with ore disease will continue to appear. There are countless similar organizations around the world. [Hesse] In the same organization, people who are oppressed will instinctively resist. This is not accidental.

Escape, survival, revenge, and death are the daily lives of every infected organization. Caught between life and death, they use their last lives to protect the remaining dignity of the infected.

They may have enjoyed the pleasure of revenge, but most of them died in despair and unwillingness. This is a destined result. As long as they become infected, it means becoming an enemy of the world, whether it is a person, an organization, or even an organization. No country can compete with the whole world.

The infected organization can only exist underground, counting the remaining lives and coveting the sunshine that shines through the dark clouds. This is an unchangeable despair. Unless a miracle occurs, the fate of the infected has been doomed.

No miracle will appear in despair, but precisely because it will not appear, when it does appear, people will feel that she has surpassed the miracle itself.

One day, a weak underground organization of infected people in Ursus ushered in a strange leader. With her appearance, a brand new thought and philosophy began to spread to the world like ink dripping from a lake. spread.

[Infected people should be proud of their identity and actively acquire and use their own power. This world needs to be integrated. 】

Starting from a small infected organization, this young leader who emerged from nowhere began to quietly gather infected people around the world, until the organization she led turned into the largest infected revenge alliance in the world. .

No one knows her past, no one knows why she appears, and no one knows what her ultimate goal is.

Just like the starting point of a prairie fire, her appearance set off a revolution in the world.

The huge body of the Originium Beast was struggling in the lake, and its tail that had been cut off by Qi Gen was still splashing in the water.

However, at this moment, Xia Feng no longer had the energy to care about the Origin Stone Beast. All his attention was attracted by this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared.

Looking at this aloof figure, Xia Feng had only one thought in his mind.

Why her?

Silver slightly curly hair, horns like a Western dragon, eyes with extreme indifference to life, and a long sword emitting red light.

Everything explains her identity.

She is the young leader who emerged from nowhere, and she is also the one who used her absolute strength to take the lead in integrating the infected. Three years later, she will use Chernobog as a starting point to announce the rise of the [Integration Movement] to the world.

Her name is Tallulah.

Xia Feng stared blankly at the girl in front of him. Compared with the vertical painting, Talulah's facial features at this time were slightly childish, but the natural and powerful aura on her body reminded everyone who saw her that she was His strength is by no means immature.

With one sword, just one sword cut off the tail of the S-class source stone beast. Xia Feng, who had just experienced it personally, knew that this was not a matter of strength in swinging the sword. Her sword was very special.

Xia Feng's perception of energy was extremely keen. He clearly felt that the sword contained unparalleled Source Stone energy. When the sword lit up with red light, the air within a hundred meters radius seemed to have lost its flow. He could only Trembling in fear.

Compared with the sword in Tallulah's hand, Red Sword's saber became a fire stick.

However, at this moment, Xia Feng was no longer in the mood to care about the mysterious sword. Having experienced strong winds and waves, he even felt his fingers trembling slightly.

It was impossible for him to admit his mistake. This person was Tallulah, the leader of the integration movement three years later, Tallulah!

But now, it is 1093.

If the world is compared to a spider web, then Tallulah is one of the few people closest to the center of the spider web. Countless invisible thin lines point to her body. At this moment, her behavior, a thought, or even a simple sentence , the ripple effects on the future will be huge.

Looking at the slender figure in front of him, Xia Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the words alive.

This was the first time in his life that he felt that just talking to someone, even a simple hello, would cause such great pressure.


Under the silver hair, the pair of cold eyes looked at Xia Feng, and a quiet female voice came.

"Young man, I am very interested in the power you just displayed."

Tallulah's eyes were as still as water, but with this unruffled gaze, Xia Feng felt that he was facing thousands of troops. It was hard for him to imagine that the black and white twins on the 28th day faced strangers. He had this feeling.

After adjusting his breathing, Xia Feng put aside his unnecessary thoughts and met Tallulah's gaze without hesitation.

"I'm also interested in your power."

Obviously, he knew Tallulah, but the other party did not know him. It was three years before the Qicheng riots, and everyone's position was very unclear. He knew very well that Tallulah was a very important and dangerous person. characters.

Before understanding the other party's position, he couldn't reveal too much, especially the traces of his acquaintance with Tallulah.

Tallulah stood with her sword in hand and looked at Xia Feng expressionlessly for 10 seconds.

Then, she took back the long sword and hung it diagonally on her waist.

"It seems that you are not willing to disclose your information to strangers easily, so I won't ask further."

Tallulah gave up her intention to ask about Xia Feng's power. Perhaps she sensed Xia Feng's vigilance and concentration as if facing a formidable enemy. From her perspective, it was the monster that Xia Feng was wary of, but she didn't know. , the person Xia Feng is really wary of is herself.

Tallulah looked at the struggling Source Stone beast in the lake.

"What this is, I've never seen it before."

Xia Feng said with a solemn expression.

"This is the Origin Stone Beast."

"Oh? Originium beast, this is the first time I've heard of it. Well, it looks interesting."

Looking at the Originium Beast in the lake, Tallulah's indifferent face suddenly showed a vague smile.

"This kind of guy might be a pet."

These seemingly careless words made Xia Feng feel a chill down his spine.

His pupils shrank instantly and his eyes were locked on Tallulah. A trace of murderous intent flashed in his left eye covered with black bloodshot eyes.

Tallulah had never seen creatures like Origin Stone Beasts, but there were creatures like Origin Stone Worms and Hunting Dogs in the integration movement three years later. Combined with the current situation, it was not difficult for Xia Feng to deduce that the turning point in history might be it's here.

Tallulah knew about Rhine Life's biological experiments at a certain point in time. If she obtained the experimental subjects, her organization might develop similar war tools in the future.

A clear idea emerged in Xia Feng's mind.

She is the enemy!

Black flames gradually ignited in Xia Feng's left eye.

A paranoid idea almost blinded his reason. He didn't know why Tallulah appeared here at this time, nor did he know her current identity.

But in the future, the dark age will begin with Chernobog, and the starting point of that disaster is right in front of him.

At this time, Tallulah's attention seemed to be completely attracted by the Originium Beast. She took steps and prepared to walk towards the Originium Beast in the lake.

Xia Feng stared closely at her defenseless side and quietly picked up the long knife that had fallen to the ground.

If he kills Tallulah here, does it mean that he has cut off the bud of darkness?

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