Happy City.

Black Feather Grill.

Xia Feng moved the rocking chair in the yard to the door again. It was obviously early morning, but he sat in front of the door like an old man and basked in the sun.

The data on the bracelet has changed.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 14%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.50u/L]

[Individual power: 220]

[Critical period: 5]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 28 days]

Before the end of the fourth cycle, Xia Feng completed the first step of the plan. The era of Rich's rule was over, and now he became the real underground emperor of Happy City.

The Golden Buddha Casino, the direct properties in the East District, the light manganese ore business, franchised shops across the city, including many properties in the Golden Coast Villa District, everything Rich once owned is now under his name.

Of course, as soon as he received the order from the headquarters, Richie, the old fox, transferred all his private property. Except for a small amount of principal, all Xia Feng got was a "chicken farm" with all the chickens and feed. , it’s just that all the eggs he laid before are gone, but that doesn’t matter, all Xia Feng wants is the ownership of the “chicken farm”.

In fact, the result was the same as what he had guessed before. The fact that Fredo was able to push Derek out of office proved that this man was not the kind of gangster who was so righteous. Rather than focusing on interests, it was better to say that he valued the development of the gang. As well as satisfying his ambition, even if Richie followed him for many years, when a person who could replace him appeared, the relationship lost its meaning.

Richie left, and Xia Feng didn't even come to see him.

In fact, to be honest, Xia Feng still feels a little guilty for this old guy. Just two months ago, he was still a prince, but he was kicked out by him, a stupid young man who came out of the sky, with three punches and two kicks. Think about it. It was so frustrating that Richie probably didn’t even understand what happened before he left.

Fortunately, Xia Feng had previously ordered Aijie to rein in the money he had collected in recent months. According to the amount reported by this guy yesterday, it was more than 30 million.

Xia Feng lay on the rocking chair and couldn't help laughing while thinking about it. To be honest, this result was far beyond his previous expectations. Not only was the first step of the plan successfully completed, he also had an unexpected gain, which was 90 Multiple finished source stones.

Of course, this wasn't what excited him the most.

At this time, Turtle came out with a broom.

"Big windmill, give way, I want to sweep the area in front of the door."

Xia Feng straightened up from the rocking chair and shook his head gracefully.

"Gitui, have you noticed that my brother has become handsome again recently?"

"Huh? I don't feel much has changed."

Xia Feng shook his head again.

"If you take a closer look, don't you notice any changes?"

Turtle held the broom and looked dull.

"What? I can't see it."

Xia Feng grabbed his hair and explained loudly.

"Hair, it's hair. Didn't you notice that I didn't lose any hair this time? It's been a complete cycle and I haven't lost any hair. This is a miracle!"

Turtle looked at him expressionlessly.


"Oh what, please give me some reaction. Isn't this great news? Isn't it worth celebrating?"

Turtle clapped his hands symbolically.

"Wow, that's awesome. Windmill's hair has finally become reliable."

But the expression was full of perfunctory.

At this time, Ifrit walked to her oven holding a handful of barbecue skewers. While arranging the barbecue tools, she glanced at Xia Feng on the rocking chair.

"What's there to celebrate? Isn't it because my hair didn't fall out? My hair is so long that I look like a sissy."

Xia Feng turned around unconvinced and shouted towards the second floor at the top of his lungs.

"Ansel, Ifrit said you are a sissy!"


A knife struck Xia Feng on the head. Nancy held a cup of health tea and stood behind Xia Feng and said dissatisfiedly.

"Don't disturb Xiao An. He is studying medicine preparation with Dr. Kane. Do you think everyone is as idle as you?"

Xia Feng lay down again and asked casually.

"Nancy, how much money do we have now."

"Don't you know?"

"Say it again, I just want to hear this number."

Nancy sighed helplessly.

"Our Black Feather BBQ restaurant's turnover this month was 2,416 yuan. After excluding rent, ingredient costs, and various expenses, we had no surplus and lost more than 10,000 yuan."

"Total, I mean total."

Nancy thought for a moment.

"In total, counting the amount reported by Mr. Aijie, as well as the money remitted from several other channels, and subtracting the money lost by the barbecue restaurant, we now have a total principal of 54.2 million."

More than 50 million. After hearing this number, Xia Feng felt comfortable and said with a satisfied face.

"Nancy, do you think I'm awesome?"

Nancy was unimpressed.

"It's just average, a little worse than my brother."

"You still have a brother?"

"I have a brother, but I don't want to mention him now. I get angry when I mention him."

"Okay, then I won't ask."

Xia Feng stood up from the rocking chair and vacated the area in front of the door as requested by Guigui.

Standing next to Nancy, he asked tentatively.

"Nancy, you should have noticed that our current business is not so public. The amount may be larger in the future. Do you feel nervous or scared? ?”

Xia Feng had thought of this a long time ago. Nancy was just an outsider he recruited. After all, she was still a student. The millions and tens of millions he had remitted came from either casinos or the entertainment industry in the East District. He was really afraid. The little girl was scared in her heart, but she didn't dare to say anything.

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Nancy just calmly took a sip of her health tea.

"I am the financial director of Heiyu. Money is just a number to me. This is my first job. I will fulfill my responsibilities and do my job well, just like what I asked at the beginning. I just I want to get my internship certificate.”

Nancy's attitude is not trying to be tough. With the little money he has now, Nancy really doesn't seem to have anything to be nervous about.

Xia Feng nodded.

"That's good. The internship certificate is fine. It's two months, right? I can issue it to you next month. I can write it how you want me to. You are the best employee I have ever seen."

Nancy smiled.

"That's just right. Our Royal Academy will start at the end of next month. I need to take leave in advance. After getting the internship certificate, I will go back to school."

"no problem."

When Xia Feng mentioned the Royal Academy, he seemed to think of something immediately.

"By the way Nancy, does your Royal College have a medical major?"

"Yes, medical major is also a very important major, and there is also a dedicated school district."

Xia Feng raised his head and shouted to the second floor at the top of his lungs.

"Ansel, do you want to go to the Royal Victoria College?"

Ansel's little pink head immediately poked out of the second-floor window.

"I want to go, I want to go!"

"Are you sure?"

Ansel nodded desperately.

"I'm sure, Dr. Kane said that although he can teach me a lot, it is better to learn formal medical knowledge in a professional school system. This will help me make my own judgment."

"I know, I will help you arrange it."

"Yeah, yeah."

The Charmander next to him muttered as he stuffed charcoal into the oven.

"This poor stove is not easy to use at all. You have to light the fire and add charcoal yourself. It is rubbish and rubbish."

Xia Feng withdrew his gaze and asked Nancy quietly.

"Hey, does your Royal Academy have a subject that specializes in teaching ideology and moral character?"

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