Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 304 New Proposal

Soon, Aguang drove the car to the residence of the Liye family with ease.

Reddy had just informed the Liye family in the car that Xia Feng was coming to visit.

His current identity is no longer a thug or a horse boy, but the real boss of Happy City. Although Tang De is not afraid of him yet, he still has to give him some face. To put it bluntly, in a sense, the place If aristocrats want to get along well with local gangsters, they also need to wear a pair of pants.

Putting aside the light manganese ore business, Xia Feng's presence is still very important in this one-third of an acre in Hapi City.

The jeep parked in front of the grand gate of the Liye family. At this time, seven or eight people were standing at the door to greet them. Of course, Tang De would not come out to greet him in person.

Xia Feng opened the door and got out of the car, and soon saw a familiar person. He was Tang De's son and Ansel's little fanboy, Master Tang Hua.

It was already a great honor to send his eldest son to greet him. Xia Feng immediately walked over to Tang Hua after getting off the car.

"Hey, Mr. Tang, why did you come out to greet me in person? You are all one of our own, you are so polite."

Tang Hua was very depressed now. He couldn't even understand why Xia Feng, a boy who hadn't seen him for a month, had become an equal to his father.

But his heart was in his heart, and he still had to behave like a landlord when facing Xia Feng.

Seeing Xia Feng walking towards him, Tang Hua also took two steps forward and stretched out his hand.

But then Tang Hua opened his mouth, and his words were tangled up. He really hadn't thought about this problem before. How should he call Xia Feng now?

If he had just called Xia Feng, it would have been fine before. But now that Xia Feng is the son of Tang De, it would be too rude to call him by his first name. But other than that, he doesn't know what Xia Feng is. Nicknames and the like, in desperation, I could only shout with a red face.

"Brother Fengfeng"

Xia Feng stepped forward and held his hand.

"Hey, Brother Feng, we are about the same age, just call me by my name."

Tang Hua was relieved by Xia Feng's attitude. It seemed that Xia Feng didn't remember the little friction between the two.

"Oh, okay, Xia Feng, welcome, father is already waiting inside."

"Sorry to bother you so late at night."

"It doesn't matter, our Liye family is always welcome."

Xia Feng greeted behind him.

"Aguang, get the things over here quickly."

Taking the bag from A Guang, Xia Feng stuffed it directly into Tang Hua's hand.

"This is?"

"This is a pearl and gold turtle that I asked someone to get from abroad. As the name suggests, it is more precious than pearls and gold. It is very complementary. It is disrespectful to be careless."

After hearing what Xia Feng said, Tang Hua suddenly felt that the bag had sunk a lot.

"You're too polite. Come on, please come in."


Later, Tang Hua and Xia Feng walked into the courtyard carrying a bag of turtles.

Walking on the road, Aguang asked Xia Feng in a low voice from behind.

"Brother Feng, when did this become a pearl and gold turtle? The boss didn't tell me when I bought it."

Xia Feng grinned and replied quietly.

"I just made it up on the fly. Look, this silly boy fooled me. Isn't it fun?"

Aguang also showed a sudden evil smile.

"Hey, it's fun."

In the living room, Tang De was already sitting in the middle of the sofa in formal attire. Nobles are nobility. Apart from anything else, the rules and etiquette are really in place.

Tang De already knew about Xia Feng's replacement of Richie. During the last gathering, if Xia Feng hadn't suddenly proposed to challenge Nan Feng to a duel, Tang De would not have even looked at him seriously.

But he never expected that in less than a month, this young man would have grown up enough for him to receive him seriously.

Different from the banquet hall where the party was held last time, the living room they were in this time was obviously used to receive important guests. The decoration and furnishings were naturally luxurious, needless to say, even the color of the carpet reflected light.

The fine royal tribute tea was filled with a rich aroma, and Tang De motioned to Xia Feng beside him.

"Come, have a taste. This is the tea I asked a friend to transport from Londinium."


Xia Feng picked it up and took a sip, but he had no idea about the tea and could only give two words of affirmation.

“It smells so good!”

Reddy sat next to Xia Feng as requested by Xia Feng. When he and Richie came out together before, he always stood respectfully behind him, making it impossible for them to sit together.

Leidy also took a sip of tea, and then said some kind words on behalf of Xia Feng.

"Lord Tangde, I'm sorry to disturb you tonight. We are here mainly to greet you. Xia Feng has just taken office and has a lot of things to deal with. I may be a little late. Please forgive me."

In fact, Lei Di's words expressed Tang De's inner feelings. Ever since he found out that Xia Feng was in power, he had been waiting for this boy to come to visit him, but he had no choice but to wait for several days without coming.

Although I think so in my heart, I can't say it with my mouth.

Tang De smiled generously.

"It doesn't matter. I must be busy with a lot of things when I first take up the position. I've always wanted to ask Xia Feng to have a meal, but I'm afraid of being disturbed."

Xia Feng was really not interested in these polite words and could only laugh. Moreover, he was planning another thing in his heart.

Then, under the leadership of Tang De, everyone had dinner together. Of course, Leidy, Hongdao, and Aguang also came to the table together. These people are all Xia Feng's brothers. Who cares? As a matter of etiquette, you still have to eat food.

Of course, Tang De would not refuse his request. After everyone was served, the dinner went on in a harmonious atmosphere.

According to the etiquette of the Victorian aristocrats, important matters would not be discussed at the dinner table. After drinking and eating, everyone returned to the living room.

From entering the gate of the Liye family to now, everything before this is considered as an "appetizer". Now everyone understands that it is finally time to get to the main point.

The atmosphere in the living room immediately became a little subtle, including Tang De's two brothers who also sat on the sofa to chat.

After the servant poured tea for everyone, Tang De was the first to speak.

"Xia Feng, you have just taken over Richie's position, and you may not know much about the business. It doesn't matter. The output of light manganese ore is now very stable, and the factory that caught fire can resume production soon. You Don’t worry, just proceed as before.”

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Fredo has already set the rules. Of course, everything must be the same as before. However, Dont's next words have changed.

"But, I lost a lot in order to resume production. Mr. Fredo and I have already discussed this loss, but to be honest, I still can't make up for this loss in a short time. Just the day before yesterday, you guys Another vehicle had an accident during transportation. When we discussed it before, we said that because the transportation environment is full of risks, if there is a problem during transportation, you will bear 70% of the loss and I will bear 30%. This is the agreement."

Xia Feng drank tea while waiting for Tang De's next words.

"Well, what next."

Tang De looked troubled.

"But now I'm in trouble. I just experienced a fire incident that severely damaged my vitality. Besides, I provide the source of goods. Transportation accidents are your own problems. I could bear part of the loss for you before, but now I'm afraid I can't stand it. I can’t help it anymore, besides, you are also responsible for the factory fire, and you have had too many transportation accidents recently, so I really can’t do anything.”

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I really can't bear the transportation accident for you in a short period of time. There is no way. You can only pay the bill yourself during this period. When my two factories are fully restored, I will consider helping you according to the situation. Share.”

Tang De's words of bitterness and hatred are like an entrepreneur who has gone bankrupt, but Xia Feng completely saw his point.

Any fool can imagine how strong the Liye family is. If a factory is shut down for several months, how can this hurt its vitality?

Moreover, he said that this non-bearing of transportation risks is temporary. After both factories have recovered, they will consider sharing according to the situation. Pay attention to this wording and consider sharing according to the situation.

To put it bluntly, it is reasonable for him to benefit, but if he spits it out again, it will be more difficult than going to heaven. Once the rules are set, it is difficult to change them back.

Xia Feng already understood. To put it bluntly, Tang De was bullying him as a new takeover. He wanted to squeeze out as much benefit as possible when he didn't understand the actual operation of the business. A transportation accident, it seemed. It's only a few hundred thousand at most, but it's a long-term thing.

Leidy next to him naturally heard it, and he immediately said seriously.

"Sir Don De, this seems to be against the rules. We are the only one in the entire south that has efficient and stable output channels. You are not just sellers, this risk must be borne by both parties."

Tang De pretended to be embarrassed.

"Oh, I know this, but this is the situation now."

Reddy continued.

"This is against the rules. If you insist, please discuss it with Boss Fredo. If we decide privately, over time, the costs we need to bear may exceed our capabilities."

"Do you still need to discuss this little matter with Fredo?"

Reddy insisted again and again.

"Xia Feng has just taken office, and he still doesn't understand some things."

"Did I ask you? What do you keep saying!"

Tang De suddenly became slightly angry and scolded Lei Di. Lei Di immediately became silent when he saw this, but he still kept winking at Xia Feng. His intention was very obvious and he could not agree.

However, Xia Feng's next move exceeded everyone's expectations.

I saw him stretching on the sofa, then straightened up, staring into Tang De's eyes with a smile.

"Sir Don De, you seem to be short of money now."

"Of course, our previous losses."

"Okay, I know, isn't it just the risk of an accident? It doesn't matter."

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Tang De immediately frowned. In his eyes, Xia Feng was pretending to be fat just to save face.

Leidy next to him already knew something was wrong and was immediately ready to stop him, but his words were interrupted by Xia Feng.

Xia Feng picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then said slowly.

"To put it bluntly, this is just small money, the loss caused by the accident. I don't care about this little money, and Master Tang De naturally won't care about it either. You just want to get some benefits from me, a newcomer, so why don't you find me?" Just keep your mind balanced."

Everyone in the living room knew this, but Tang De was still a little embarrassed after Xia Feng exposed it directly to his face.

"What are you talking about!"

"OK OK."

Xia Feng waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Since Mr. Tang De is so short of money, I have a new proposal that can make you make a lot of money at once. How about it?"

Not only Tang De was stunned, but Reddy was also stunned.

Tang De asked with a look of disbelief.

"What proposal?"

Xia Feng said seriously.

"Transfer all your light manganese mining areas and factories to me. I will pay the money in one lump sum. From now on, I will mine, process and sell it myself. I will worry about all the risks myself. You will never have to participate again. If you need to make a price, I will buy it in its entirety.”

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