The Haimen Gang's port was attacked. In the final analysis, the initiator of this incident was Xia Feng.

Not only did the Haimen Gang take the blame for him, but they also aggrievedly endured the crazy revenge of the remnants of the Blood Harbor Gang for him. Xia Feng always felt a little bit sorry about this.

But now he doesn't feel comfortable admitting that he did it. Let's not talk about whether Lin Hai believes it or not. Just explaining it will take a lot of words, and it is meaningless now.

This can only be done, let Lin Hai feel that he acted bravely this time, and owe him a favor. At the worst, he can give Lin Hai more benefits in future cooperation, and secretly make up for his guilt.

After figuring out the identity of the attacker, Xia Feng asked another question.

"Brother Lin, have you got it done with the Security Bureau?"

Lin Hai looked troubled. Compared with the loss of the port, this was probably what he was really worried about.

"The director of the Security Bureau of Shengdi City called me in the morning. He said that the public's reaction is very strong now. I'm afraid this matter can't be suppressed. There is no way. This is not an ordinary gang fight. That kind of pillar of fire will inevitably make people angry. People think it’s a natural disaster.”

"What should we do?"

"I estimate that the local security bureau will report this incident to the royal family, and the Southern Military Region will send troops to investigate. But you don't have to worry about this matter. I will handle it later."

"All right."

In fact, not only the citizens who witnessed the pillar of fire panicked, but even Lin Hai himself was a little confused.

"Xia Feng, what on earth did you throw out last night? I thought you threw a big fireball, but then I saw you fished the little sister out of the sea. What kind of trick was this?"

"It's not easy to explain. Just think of it as quantum mechanics."


Because the port facilities have been partially damaged and have been blocked by military police, shipping will be affected in the recent period.

Lin Hai wears the same pants as the Customs and Security Bureau of Shengdi City, but the army is different. Now that something like this has happened, he does not have the courage to commit a crime against the wind. The maritime smuggling can only be temporarily stopped, waiting for the army to intervene in the investigation.

Xia Fengdao is not in a hurry about this matter. If he wants to connect with Colombia by sea, he needs to make a detailed plan with Ogur first. The demand and price of all types of goods need to be discussed slowly back home.

Generally speaking, the purpose of coming to Shengdi City this time has almost been completed. The two families are happy to cooperate with the light manganese mine. The inspection of the port and cargo ships is basically qualified. Moreover, Lin Hai also revealed that he has a way to avoid deep sea disasters. What is this? All are important.

Although Xia Feng really wants to know what this method is, it is a trade secret of the Haimen Gang. If everyone learns it, it will not be the era of great pirates, and the Haimen Gang's shipping company will have to go bankrupt.

After everything was said and done, Xia Feng stood up from the chair.

"Brother Lin, thank you for your hospitality these two days. If you have time, you can take your brothers to Happy City as guests. I'll treat you to a barbecue."

Lin Hai also stood up holding his chest.

"It's me who should thank you. If you hadn't taken action, the losses to my port would have been immeasurable."

"Okay, let's not mention the word thank you. Don't worry. If this happens again, please call me and I can send someone to support you."

Lin Hai waved his hand.

"It won't happen again. This infected organization has been almost completely wiped out. We have paid our tuition. Next time we find any abnormal foreign forces, I will kill them as soon as we get off the ship."

Xia Feng nodded.

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel first."

"I'll send someone to see you off."

"No, we drove here."

Finally, Xia Feng said that they would spend a day in Shendi City tomorrow to truly appreciate the seaside style, and return to Hapi City early the day after tomorrow.

After rejecting Lin Hai's offer to send him out of the casino, Xia Feng and Nan Feng walked out of the office on the top floor of the casino.

After getting into the elevator, Nanfeng poked Xiafeng's arm and whispered.

"Hey, weren't you the one who killed that Blood Harbor Gang?"


"What? You don't dare to admit it? It's not something to be ashamed of."

"I'm too lazy to explain, we just know it ourselves."

Nanfeng hooked his shoulders with a sneer on his face.

"Hey, you are doing good deeds without leaving your name."

Xia Feng glanced at him.

"You can pull me down. I did something good and let Haimen take the blame. If Lin Hai knows that I did it, I might scold all the eighteen generations of my ancestors."


While joking, the elevator arrived, and with a "ding", the metal doors opened to both sides.

This is the second floor of the casino and is also the VIP area. In addition to VIP status, entering the lobby on the second floor requires checking. You need to take the stairs from the second floor to the first floor. This prevents outsiders with special purposes from going directly to the top floor.

Because he drank too much tea just now, Xia Feng wanted to go to the toilet as soon as he stepped out of the elevator.

"Nanfeng, wait for me here while I go pee."

"Oh, then I'll wait for you in front."

Xia Feng adjusted the position of the Shenyue Sword at his waist while walking towards the toilet.

In order to make it easier to carry, Xia Feng always hangs the Shenyue Sword on his waist with a thin iron lock when he goes out. However, since there is no scabbard, it is quite dangerous to swing around like this. Normally, it is nothing. The biggest problem is that he is not careful. He sat down and cut his pants with the blade, bleeding a little.

However, you should pay special attention when going to the toilet. If you are disturbed in the process, your body will shake and the swinging blade will cut something, which will be GG.

Previously, Mr. Huang Xuanshan of Syracuse said that he wanted to make a scabbard for the Shenyue Sword. The time was almost up, and Xia Feng felt that he needed to take the time to see if it was ready.

Walking into the bathroom, the floor tiles are as smooth as mirrors, and the wall decoration pattern is decorated with gold threads. It looks high-end like a royal toilet. There is a scent of chemical fragrance in the air, which should be a deodorant product.

Needless to say, the hardware facilities on the VIP floor of this kind of casino are absolutely top-notch, including the Freddo Casino in Notting City. This is considered a basic operation in this industry.

There were no guests in the bathroom at this time. There was only a cleaning staff with a mop and a mask doing the final touches. It looked like they had just finished cleaning.

Xia Feng didn't pay attention to this person. He could tell from his tall and thick figure that he was a man. He didn't expect that cleaning now requires such a good physique.

Because of the urgency to urinate, Xia Feng unbuttoned his pants as he walked and hurriedly stood in front of the toilet.

Even in this kind of high-end casino, the people inside are still mixed. Some people are millionaires when they come in, but it may not take long before they become paupers. Almost everyone knows this truth.

Looking at Xia Feng's dress and behavior, it was obvious that he did not look like a person of status, so the cleaner immediately reminded him.

"Brother, you pee on time. I just finished cleaning. Don't mess around in your own house."

Xia Feng's attention was not focused on this person at all, and because he was wearing a mask, his voice was a little blurry.

"What did you say?"

"I told you to pee on time and don't come outside."

Xia Feng looked back while solving the problem comfortably.

"Do I look like that kind of incompetent person? As long as I'm not paralyzed, I can pee accurately."

Their eyes met, and the bathroom fell into silence. Only the sound of gurgling water in front of Xia Feng could be heard.


The mop fell to the ground, and the strong cleaning man looked at Xia Feng's face blankly.

The next second, a crystal tear slowly flowed down from the corner of his eye.

Xia Feng was indeed not an incompetent person, but the urine leaked outside after all. When he saw a tearful strong man rushing toward him, he instinctively turned around and evaded it.

As he moved, the warm liquid swayed out like a goddess scattering flowers.

Ignoring the liquid splashed on her body, the cleaner's crying voice echoed in the bathroom.

"Brother Feng, it's really you, woohoo!"

Seeing this situation, Xia Feng held up his pants and looked confused.

"Don't come over here. I don't know you. I have a knife on me."

"Brother Feng, it's me."

After the man missed, he knelt on the floor tiles, then raised his hand and pulled off the mask on his face.

Xia Feng stared at his tear-stained face for a long time.

Looking at this big, rough face, coupled with the long ears on his head that were completely inconsistent with his figure, Xia Feng seemed to recognize this person.

"Are you Puda?"

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