Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 409 Invincible Place

"Huh? You won't pay a penny?"

"It's not that I can't pay, it's that I really don't have any money."

"Damn, isn't that just not paying a penny?"

Xia Feng turned around and shouted to the finance room.

"Nancy, bring out our accounts and show them to your cousin."

Tang Hua waved his hand in disbelief.

"I won't watch. You don't have to deal with all the bells and whistles with me."

"Cousin, don't get excited."

"Aren't you excited? Ask me to cooperate in building a factory and you won't pay a penny. Don't forget, you still owe our family hundreds of millions in contract fees."

Tang Hua was very excited, but Xia Feng comforted him calmly.

"I can't tell you. I just don't have money right now. Anyway, I still owe you several hundred million, so it's not enough to build a factory, right?"

"It's you!"

Xia Feng had to make Master Tang Hua happy today. This was something he had planned for a long time.

Wei Na has promised to lend him money, but since he wants to do it, he must get it perfect at once. Originium processing is not a short-term transaction. He needs the most perfect venue, equipment, and environment, including safety.

Building a large-scale processing plant is very expensive, but the Qianliye family can definitely afford it. What he needs to do now is to draw a pie for Tang Hua that is attractive enough for him.

"Young Master Tang, after losing the ownership of the light manganese mine, your family must be dead now."

Although Tang Hua was not a filial son, he still had the most basic sense of family honor. When he heard Xia Feng's words, his face immediately changed.

"You have the nerve to say that? Who do you think you owe this to?"

Xia Feng's voice continued to come, but his tone no longer had the same playful tone as before.

"This is indeed caused by me, but from another perspective, it is also your father's problem. The struggle for interests is normal, but he lost, but this matter has nothing to do with you. You are just your father's When there was no way to save it, I was forced to take over this declining family."

Although he was right, he was a bit paranoid. It was impossible to be irrelevant. Tang Hua must be from the Liye family. Xia Feng's words obviously meant confusion and brainwashing.

Before Tang Hua could think about it, Xia Feng continued.

"Contact the Southern Military Region, find the mafia in Syracuse, and even ask for help from the Glasgow Gang at all costs. Your father searched all over the place, both underworld and underworld, and finally lost. I didn't use any despicable means. In terms of despicableness, you old Dad should have used more tricks, but in the end, he still lost completely."

Although Xia Feng's words were not about him, Tang Hua still felt a hint of humiliation.

"Our family loses if it loses. What's the use of bringing this up now? Do you want to prove your power?"


Xia Feng looked into Tang Hua's eyes.

"The reason why your father lost so completely is because he made a mistake from the beginning, which can also be called a mistake in judgment."

"What is wrong?"

"He should not regard me as an enemy. If he had chosen to compromise from the beginning, he would have gained more now. In addition to benefits, he would also have the dignity of a noble."

This is the truth. If Don De had enough foresight, when he learned that he had killed Fredo, he should have known that the light manganese mining area could not be saved, because before that, he had already revealed his desire in the living room of the Leaf family. The idea of ​​contracting the entire mining area.

If Tang De hadn't stubbornly made those funny resistances, he would have retained more bargaining chips.

As Tang De's son, Tang Hua understands everything, but he doesn't understand why Xia Feng is telling him this now.

"That's in the past. Now I am the head of the Liye family."

"That's right, so you should use your best judgment."

"Haha, what kind of wise judgment do you have, why don't you ask me to help you build a factory?"

Xia Feng smiled and stretched out two fingers.

"I'll give you 20%."

Hearing these words, Tang Hua almost laughed out loud.

"Huh, 20%? I invested all the money to build the factory, and then I only get 20%?"

Xia Feng put away his smile.

"It's not 20% of this new factory, but 20% of the total profit generated from light manganese ore from mining in the mining area to smuggling for export."

Tang Hua's expression was stunned.

Xia Feng continued.

"Now the cooperation agreement between me and the Haimen Gang has changed. Their profits have been increased to 40%, while I keep 50% and leave the other 10% to your Liye family. This was negotiated before, but if you help me When the new factory is built, I will increase this to 20%, Mr. Tanghua, you should know what this means."

Seeing Tang Hua's thoughtful look, Xia Feng spoke up for him.

"Yes, this means that after your father ruined the family business, your successor has doubled the benefits for the family."

If the number of factories increases, it means an increase in output. Subsequently, the mining area can also increase manpower, and the overall benefits will increase.

Tang Hua knew very well how much money it would cost to increase the total profit by 10%. Although it could not be compared with the investment in building a factory in the early stage, in the long run, this would be a huge benefit.

Moreover, this is not only a matter of money, but also means that the Liye family is no longer a mere accessory in the light manganese ore business.

Black Feather Chamber of Commerce and Haimen Gang each have 40%, and the Liye family has 20%. This will also improve their status in the entire industry chain. At the same time, within the family, it is also exciting to regain the share of light manganese ore. thing.

No matter how stupid Tang Hua is, he has thought of the pros and cons. To put it bluntly, this is not called cooperation at all, but called investment.

As long as Xia Feng didn't lie to him, there would be almost no risk. The benefits of smuggling light manganese ore would never end, and the money to build the factory would be recovered sooner or later. The question was whether he dared or not.

"Brother Cousin, you should understand now. Although I, Heiyu, have no money, I can still get the money to build the factory if I force myself to do it. At worst, I can use some tricks or borrow more from the Glasgow Gang, but If I really do this, nothing will happen to your Liye family."

Tang Hua finally understood at this moment, just like Xia Feng said before, he could not make the same mistake as his father again. If he did not choose to wear a pair of pants with Xia Feng, then this guy would fly higher and higher until he finally succeeded. The Ye family is no longer important to him and can be kicked away at will.

"I agree."

Tang Hua blurted out, but immediately hesitated and lowered his head.

"Wait a minute, this is not a trivial matter. I...I want to go back and hold a family meeting to discuss it."

Xia Feng stood up from the chair.



"Look at these people in front of you."

Tang Hua raised his head and looked at the people in front of the desk at the moment, Reddy, Nanfeng, Prue, Turtle on the sofa, Ifrit, Hongdao, and Lapland at the door. The expressions of the individuals are very confident, as if nothing can be an obstacle in their eyes.

"Care and prudence are good things, but they can also be obstacles. It is precisely because they choose to believe in me that even if I seem to take risks countless times, they have never backed down. Because of this, these people in front of you are sitting here. , and I will use my current identity to say these words to you."

Xia Feng reached out to Tang Hua.

"Your father only has interests and family in his eyes, but if you set your sights higher, you may be holding onto a whole new era."

"An era?"

"Yes, nobility is not eternal, and money will always be spent one day, and natural disasters will take away everything without mercy. Only when you lose everything will you understand how important your companions are. "

Tang Hua is not a scheming old man, on the contrary, he is still very young.

The younger you are, the more likely you are to be deceived by external factors, especially what a very successful person says to you. Of course, he does not blindly believe in Xia Feng, he just feels that what this person says seems to make sense!

Looking at Xia Feng's eyes and hearing his arrogant words, for some reason, Tang Hua's heart actually ignited a passionate spirit of being a middle school student.

He clenched his fists, his heart sank, and then held Xia Feng's hand.

"Brother Feng, I will work with you from now on. Let us create an era together."

Tang Hua agreed to build the factory on behalf of the Liye family.

After discussion, Xia Feng planned to build not only a factory in the Kilt neighborhood, but also a light manganese ore processing plant in the infection-concentrated area of ​​Notting City.

Although light manganese ore processing can produce normal production, his real industry, the Origin Stone Processing Factory, is hidden in the inner core of the factory.

The things he promised to the Liye family were all illusory. Whether it was 20% or 50%, it was all in the future. Of course, he would not be lazy. When the time comes, he would not lose even a penny of his share of the money earned. .

However, if you use future money to do things now, this business is not a loss.

At the same time, there is a special meaning for him to win over the Riye family. Tanghua is not as suspicious and cunning as his father. After a strong relationship is established, the title of noble will become one of Kuroba's weapons.

With the army, gangs, chamber of commerce, nobles, and the Glasgow Gang, the strongest ally in the north, Xia Feng must make Black Feather invincible before unforeseen changes occur in the future.

It's getting dark outside.

Sitting at Xia Feng's perspective, looking through the lobby of the barbecue restaurant, he could just see the scene on the street.

In the middle of the street, Xina stood alone on the road, while Xiao Yunye stood quietly under the tree a few meters away from her, holding a black umbrella.

Standing in the middle of the dead street when night falls has almost become Xina's daily routine since her arrival. No one understands why she does this.

In the empty and cold street, a little girl closed her eyes and raised her head slightly. Then, her whole body seemed motionless as if she had melted into the night.

In Xia Feng's eyes, Xina's move had its own purpose, like a ritual, a prayer, or some kind of silent call to find resonance.

On this day, the world is still peaceful.

But those unforeseen things will undoubtedly happen quietly in the future.

Xia Feng didn't know what it was, let alone the specific time.

It might be a week later, it might be a month later, it might be a year later.

Or maybe, just in the next second.

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