When mentioning Agor, some residents of the world of Terra will think of the sea. Of course, there are many more people who have not even heard of the name Agor.

Someone asked, what do the three words Agor represent?

Those who thought they knew something about Terra's geography would answer that Argor represented a northern sea.

Adventurers will tell that Agor not only represents the sea, but also that at the northernmost end of Sami, there is a piece of land connected to the sea, also called Agor.

That mysterious land connected to the ocean may have cities, it may have rule, or it may just be deserted, but it is undeniable that looking back on history, there is definitely a civilization belonging to Agor.

However, what people can find today is only an ancient language that has been handed down. This is a complex language used by a very small number of people. This language is mostly spread in the form of ballads. People who cannot understand the lyrics call it Ago. Er language.

However, Agor represents not only the sea and land, nor just songs and languages, but also the "deep sea".

People don’t know much about Agor, but they are fairly familiar with the huge country of Sami.

Like Ursus, Sami is a very cold country with very short springs and summers and long autumns and winters throughout the year.

The national flower of Sami is called [Flower Flower], which is a flower that can bloom in the ice and snow.

When the dying flame flower blooms, the nearby ice and snow melt. An "Adventurer's Survival Manual" once mentioned that if you get lost in the snowy mountains of Sami, you can even borrow the dying flame flower to keep warm.

The Breathing Flame Flower is sacred in the hearts of the Sami people. According to folklore, the Breathing Flame Flower is the remnant of the power after the breath of the dragon, and the dragon is a creature that can compete with the gods.

As a country with a very popular religion in Sami, it is not unusual for this kind of statement to be spread among the people. If it were placed in Colombia, scientists would definitely use experiments and data to understand the heat dissipation principle of the flame flower.

However, not understanding it does not mean that it does not exist. The theory of gods is too outrageous, but creatures like dragons can still be traced in the world of Terra today.

The characteristics of most races in the world of Terra correspond to certain animals. For example, Caprini is a sheep, the Luper tribe is a wolf, the Fengho tribe is a cow, the Ursus is a bear, and the Kuranta is a horse, etc.

These races inherited the characteristics of the corresponding animals, and some even retained some of the habits and instincts of these animals. At the same time, these animals can also be found in the world of Terra today.

However, there are a small number of races whose animals are somewhat elusive.

For example, Sakta, Sakaz, Vaifan, Mantic, Dragon Clan, Ghost Clan, etc.

There may be some undisclosed races, but these races all have the same characteristic, that is, the characteristics inherited by their bodies, the prototypes of which are nowhere to be found in the world of Terra.

People can't see real angels in the world, let alone sky dragons and so-called ghosts, but does this mean that these things really don't exist?

The detailed history of the world of Terra is only a few hundred years old. Due to the closure of information, some history is still hidden today.

There is no truth in history, and the truth can be tampered with, and even truths that touch certain bottom lines can be erased.

Therefore, no one can boast that these creatures have existed in history, and at the same time, no one can conclude that these creatures have not existed in history.

Did it exist or not?

Judging from the existing races in the world of Terra, the truth should be biased towards the former, because if they did not really exist, where did the blood they inherited come from?

Just like gods, some people think they exist, others think they are nonsense, and it is because of this disagreement that a whole new concept is born.

That's religion.

Religion is an inevitable ideology born on the development trajectory of civilization, and it has nothing to do with whether it is scientific or not.

Technology is limited, but human spiritual world is infinite, and equally infinite is the universe.

In other words, the human spiritual world is a universe, and it is also an extremely detailed microscopic world.

The birth of an idea, the formation of a way of thinking, and even the so-called three views are changes in this spiritual world.

However, the human spiritual world is not unified. From birth, the human spiritual world is like the newly formed universe, expanding infinitely at an explosive speed, and its trajectory is simply unpredictable.

A scientist can predict how tall a tree will grow, how long a desert will exist, and even the lifespan of a planet, but he can never predict what a newborn baby will be thinking 20 years later.

In the modern era of advanced information, this disunity in the spiritual world can be effectively resolved. Schools, books, parents' teachings, and society's polishing will build a person's three views in line with this era.

However, in an era when the prototype of civilization has not been fully formed and information interaction is completely closed, it is difficult for the spiritual world to be efficiently unified.

People living in the Western Continent cannot tell people living in the Northern Continent what they are thinking, nor can they tell them what they think is the correct way of thinking. The range of information dissemination radiation is very limited.

If you want to unify the whole world, you must first unify the same kind within reach. This unification is not the unification of behavior, but the unification of the spiritual world.

Driven by this situation, the concept of religion was born.

Some people say that religion believes in non-existent gods and uses language to incite ignorant people to follow blindly. But in the earliest times, religion was not like this.

Religions do have gods they believe in, but this god has its own meaning. As long as the god is powerful enough, it will make believers feel awe, which will help them accept the concepts and thoughts expressed, and there is also a professional The word is called soul.

Religious believers believe that souls exist.

If this religion is recognized by you and you become a devout believer, then the souls of the co-believers will be connected and their views will be similar. Therefore, the external voice on major issues will be basically the same. This is the power of religion. .

Through the influence of gods, a group of chaotic people can achieve the unity of the spiritual world. In the process of civilization moving from primitive to a higher stage, this will produce a very large driving force on another level.

Religion is a kind of thinking, and the difficult questions that have always puzzled you will be answered, such as where you come from, the meaning of your existence, the final destination of your soul, the value of your life in this world, etc.

The ideas it spreads and establishes have always been a kind of "positive energy", such as truth, goodness and beauty, God's love for the world, stopping sinful behaviors, etc.

If you just use language to teach it, it may not be able to effectively restrain it, but religion will give the importance of these ideas from a higher level and make you feel awe.

Therefore, religion is an inevitable ideology born on the development trajectory of civilization, and it is also its initial form.

It can be found that no matter what god you believe in or what rules the religion has, the core idea it conveys is the same, which is the so-called origin.

People's pursuit of soul liberation creates awe and worship of mystery in their hearts, which constitutes the so-called belief cognition. Each sect has its own gods and its own system of myths and legends. However, the origins they pursue are mutually exclusive. The connection is essentially a kind of spiritual sustenance.

The core ideas of religion will not change with the times, because its realm has transcended time and space.

However, the original religion itself will not change, but it will be used, because it has created a very evil trick for intelligent creatures, which is a method of unifying the spiritual world.

Sami is a country where religion is very popular. There are many other countries where religion is also popular, such as Kjerag and Yan Kingdom. However, the religions of other countries are not as complicated as Sami's religion.

With the development of the times, just like the gangsters in Victoria, certain twisted religions emerged from the dark side of society.

God loves the world, so His believers will treat the world with a kind heart.

But if the god believed in by some religion does not love the world, similarly, its believers will also be distorted in their hearts and do what they think is right.

Of course, God is just a concept, but in this world of Terra where history is buried, those things that are believed to be gods may have really existed.

Perhaps in some distant era, there were no words or records, and people could only perpetuate them through memories formed by songs and oral narratives. Nowadays, these remaining fragments captured in history are amplified by believers and call them For God.

God does not want to save the world, but wants to destroy it. Or perhaps, destruction in God's eyes is a kind of salvation.

And its believers will fight for this "salvation".

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