Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 433 Invisible Bond

Only you know whether what you wear is cold or not, others are just guessing.

Looking at all the guests on this floor, they are all dressed up in a variety of ways, and the ethnic diversity is even more like coming to a zoo. The people at the table wearing pieces of white cloth are not too unusual, but in Xia Feng's eyes, these people But it's not just as simple as dressing strangely.

The strange thing about them is that since Xia Feng's observation, there has been no conversation among the guests on the entire table.

At this moment, the familiar voice next to him came over again, and Curly Hair walked to Xia Feng with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Boy, I see you are quite calm. What kind of path are you in?"

Xia Feng glanced at him.

"Black Feather Chamber of Commerce."

"Black Feather Chamber of Commerce? I've never heard of it. It's from foreign countries."


Curly held the wine glass and thought about it.

"Victoria, I only know about the Glasgow Gang and Fredo's business. I haven't heard of the black and white feathers."

Xia Feng put down the teacup and chatted with him casually.

"I've never heard of it. Isn't that normal? By the way, what kind of profession are you in?"

Curly raised his thumb.

"Eastern Casimir, leader of the Venomous Rat Gang, Li Shu."

This name amused Xia Feng.

"The Poison Rat Gang? I'm better than the Poison Rat Gang. The name of your gang is unlucky. How can you hang out after being poisoned?"

The curly-haired man who calls himself Rat Mouse looks proud.

"The Poisonous Rat Gang means that we are very cruel to our enemies and will never be merciful. What do you think? It sounds scary."

"Just make do with it."

This curly man is not tall, and his characteristics are undoubtedly those of the Zarak tribe. Casimir is a country several times larger than Victoria. If he makes friends with the gangs there, he may have some influence on the Origin Stone business that he wants to develop in the future. help.

However, Xia Feng, a member of the Poisonous Rat Gang with a particularly low-name name, has no interest. It’s not that he is arrogant. With Heiyu’s strength, there is really no cooperation at all, and the current situation is not suitable for cooperation and making friends.

Just kidding, tomorrow we will enter the natural disaster area and fight for our lives. If we want to cooperate, we should wait until we come out alive.

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't like to talk to him, Li Shu stabbed Xia Feng with his hand.

"Hey brother."

"What are you doing? Don't touch me."

Li Shu lowered his voice.

"We Ming people don't tell secrets. Seeing how you are acting, you should be going for that one."

As he spoke, Li Shu made an internationally accepted gesture that represented the Origin Stone. He had clearly said the four words "natural disaster area" just now, but now he was getting into a serious game.

Xia Feng glanced at him expressionlessly.

"Yeah, what's wrong? Isn't it okay?"

"Of course, to tell you the truth, our purpose is the same."

"None of my business."

Li Shu glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation, then continued in a low voice.

"That's right, brother, I see that you are also weak, so I would like to discuss an alliance with you."

"What covenant?"

"It's very simple. Although everyone is here for the Origin Stone, money must be spent with lives after all. No one wants to lose their lives. A small group like ours will definitely not dare to enter the core area and encounter powerful organizations and armies. We have to take a detour, so we can make a gentleman's agreement, why should the weak embarrass the weak? If we bump into each other in a natural disaster area tomorrow, no one should embarrass the other, how about that?"

Xia Feng originally thought that this guy was going to tell him some secret, but after hearing the contents of this "covenant", he finally understood why this guy was looking around just now for fear of being overheard. It turned out to be because he was afraid of embarrassment.

"You're such a coward and you dared to mock me just now?"

"Oh, I don't dare to ridicule others. I think you seem to be more timid than me."

"I can do it, I'm scared."

The Rat raised his glass symbolically.

"Then our covenant is settled, don't go back on it, and don't embarrass anyone if we bump into it."

"I will try my best."

"Don't try your best, be kind."

"Okay, okay, don't be embarrassed."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Li Shu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Then I will go back, don't forget our covenant."

Just as Li Shu was about to leave, Lapland, who was sitting next to him, grabbed his sleeve, and then La Gouzi raised his finger at him with a playful expression.

After Li Shu moved his face closer, Lapland whispered something in his ear.

"I remember you. If you meet me in a natural disaster area tomorrow, I will definitely tear you into pieces, hahahahaha."

"Depend on!"

Seeing Li Shu's face turning green, Xia Feng waved to him.

"Don't listen to her, she's crazy. Go back quickly. We have a chance to see you tomorrow."

Li Shu did not return to his dinner table, but continued to look for the next "ally" who seemed to be weak with a cup in hand.

It seems that no matter how strong or weak each group is, each group has its own methods and means of obtaining benefits. Although it may seem a little humble or so-called cowardly, as long as it can get money, there is nothing wrong with it.

Interrupted by Li Shu, Xia Feng forgot to observe the people at the table in the distance. When he continued to look over there, he found that the group of people had already stood up from the table. It seemed that they had finished eating and were planning to leave.

The moment these people stood up, Xia Feng suddenly saw from his angle the appearance of the only one wearing a hat among the three black-robed people. Because of the angle, her appearance flashed past.

But it was this moment of observation that made Xia Feng's expression stunned.

This was a face that was both unfamiliar and familiar to him in a sense.

Strange because he had never seen her in person, and familiar because he had seen information about her in some channel in another world.

The silver-white hair, red eyes, and the strange pendant hanging on her chest all convey this sense of familiarity to Xia Feng. The red eyes contain piety, but deep in the eyes, there is something vaguely hidden. Some kind of twisted madness.

Xia Feng stared blankly at the face that flashed by and murmured.


Suddenly, an angry voice came from the side.

"Get away, you coward!"

Li Shu, the leader of the Poisonous Rat Gang, who was making his next "ally", was violently rejected. Not only did he have wine thrown on his face, but he also had a big shoe print on his stomach.

Seeing the boss being beaten, Li Shu's younger brothers stood up angrily, and then, two tables of people armed with weapons started a confrontation in the restaurant.

Of course, at this juncture, no one wanted to cause meaningless casualties, let alone attract the attention of the military and police due to a conflict in the town. Therefore, the confrontation was mixed with fierce wars of words, but no real action was taken.

"Are you tired of living? How dare you provoke our Poisonous Rat Gang?"

"I've never heard of that bullshit Poisonous Rat Gang. A bunch of cowards dare to come and steal the Origin Stone. They think they have a long life, right?"

"Say one more thing, and it will tear your mouth apart!"

"Hey, do you dare to do it? If you have the guts, try it and see who rips off whose mouth!"

"I bother!"

"Oh, you still dare to spit, bah, bah, bah, bah!"

Xia Feng was distracted by such a commotion. When he returned his attention after analyzing the situation, the group of strangely dressed people had already gone downstairs.

The noise next to them continued, but Xia Feng had countless speculations in his heart at this moment.

What he saw just now was not very clear, and he was not even 100% sure that the person was the "nun holding a chainsaw" that he associated with him.

Xia Feng sat on the chair blankly.

At this moment, his mind suddenly thought of a seemingly unrelated person, that was Skati, whom he had met at sea.

He finally realized that the mysterious religious organization in Wei Na's intelligence might not have nothing to do with him, or, perhaps, it might not have nothing to do with the people he knew.

Natural disaster, religion, source stone, nun, bounty hunter, Agor, deep sea.

Those fragmented information seemed to have some kind of connection at this moment.

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