Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 480 Early Winter

Winter comes very late in Victoria, but no matter how late it is, it will come eventually.

The sky in early winter is covered with thin clouds, and the sun is no longer hot, just like a weak fluorescent lamp, tepid.

Black Feather Grill.

I don’t know since when, Baigui Street has become no longer deserted. Of course, it has not become very lively either.

But in addition to regular neighbors, you can see strange faces every day. These people have a common name, infected people.


A skinny old man walked in timidly and asked Xia Feng in a low voice who was sitting behind his desk.

"Well, young man, let me ask about the clinic."

Xia Feng raised his head and gestured to the stairs next to him.

"Go upstairs, it's upstairs."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I finally found the right place."

After that, the old man walked up to the second floor slowly.

At first, Xia Feng had no intention of turning the clinic into a charity clinic. He had agreed with Dr. Kane that he planned to collect money, and Dr. Kane agreed.

Paying for medical treatment is a matter of course. Special treatment can be given in special circumstances, but the principle must still be followed. This is also for long-term considerations.

However, as more and more infected people came here, Xia Feng gradually discovered that most of them needed special treatment. To put it bluntly, these infected people had no money.

Of course, it's not just free prostitution. Most people have brought all their belongings with them in order to suppress ori disease, but the money is not even a fraction compared to the medicines consumed.

Looking at the old and thin faces, Xia Feng couldn't bear to kick them out because he didn't have enough money. Moreover, this also went against Dr. Kane's original intention. [Azazel] exists to assist the infected. It's not to make money, the reason why we collect money is to maintain operations and help more people.


After Dr. Kane sent away the last few patients, he also walked down from the second floor. It was obvious that Dr. Kane was very happy to be able to help these infected people.

Walking to Xia Feng's desk, Dr. Kane said.

"Xia Feng, our reserve medicines may be a little short."

Xia Feng replied without hesitation.

"If it's not enough, let Nancy take the money from the account to buy it. The clinic doesn't have to make a profit. I will leave the headquarters temporarily tomorrow. From now on, Dr. Kane, you can make the decision yourself."

Dr. Kane put a list on the table.

"But Victoria doesn't have these medicines we are lacking now."

"Where did you buy it from before?"

“Before, it was the seller that ACE went to find abroad.”

Xia Feng picked up the list and looked at it. He had never heard of the names of the medicines on it.

"Okay, then I have to ask Brother ACE to make another trip. Which country did you go to buy it from last time?"

"It's Sammy."

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, then patted his thigh as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Damn, I almost forgot, we now have allies with major pharmaceutical companies!"

Xuedi Group has almost monopolized the pharmaceutical industry in northern Sami. Maybe Brother ACE bought it from their distributor before he went to Sami.

Afterwards, Xia Feng confidently called Yi Nanxue. The content of the phone call was very short and straightforward. The general meaning was that if Yi Nanxue couldn't even help him get some medicine, then as an ally, it would be too much. Vina was disappointed.

There are several rare drugs on the drug list, but this is not difficult for Yi Nanxue. He can even get the Breathing Flame Flower, so several drugs can definitely satisfy him. Besides, the amount Dr. Kane needs is not large, and Will also pay.

Carrying out Vina really worked for Yi Nanxue. This trick had been tried and tested many times, and Yi Nanxue readily agreed to supply it on a long-term basis.

After a stable supply channel for the drug was secured, Dr. Kane went upstairs with satisfaction.

Xia Feng has never felt bad about the investment in the clinic. When Heiyu first established it, he had no money, but he was willing to engage in medical care. Now that he has money, he will not begrudge such life-saving investment.

Of course, oriopathy cannot be completely cured, but suppressive drugs can delay organ failure.

Life is priceless, and extending life is a great thing. Looking at the infected people who came to seek medical treatment with hope, Xia Feng seemed to see himself in the past. Regardless of whether he brought money or not, he still needed medical treatment.

Just like in Rhine Life, Helmer never asked him if he had any money.

Xia Feng sometimes wonders, if he had not inherited the Black and White Twins and had not founded Black Feather, then as an ordinary person, when he was tortured to the point of suffering from ore disease, would anyone be willing to save him.

If that's the case, Xia Feng believes that there will always be someone willing to save him, so he will now save these people who are strangers to him.

When you want to save a stranger, you may be saved by a stranger in another way. He firmly believes in this truth.

Kuroyu has now entered a stable period. The weather has become colder, and everyone's mentality seems to have become more settled along with the weather.

It has been almost a month since Ansel left. In other words, the Royal Academy has been in session for more than a month. If you don't report on it, you will probably have to wait until the next semester.

This matter has been planned for a long time. Turtle and Ifrit are like his biological sisters. They must do what they promise. Moreover, for Xia Feng himself, he also wants to systematically learn about the world of Terra. knowledge.

There are too many secrets in this world. If you don't broaden your horizons, you will never be able to discover the exposed clues.

Before leaving, Xia Feng had to arrange everything for Hei Yu.

The barbecue restaurant has Xiao Yunye in charge of the overall situation, so you can rest assured whether it is safety or life. Leidy is fully responsible for the business in Hapi City. Xia Feng has not interfered for a long time and only collects money.

The Nanfeng Association, the Chamber of Commerce in Notting City, handled the matter very well, including the cooperation with the Haimen Gang. Nanfeng Association made proper arrangements. Cargoloads of light manganese ore were pulled out from the chemical factory, and large amounts of money were steadily credited to the account.

After Aguang arrived in Syracuse, he called and said that Huang Xuanshan was willing to come to Victoria. Mr. Huang said that the world was very big and he wanted to see it.

Xia Feng can't wait for Huang Xuanshan to come. He will leave with Guigui and Ifrit tomorrow. He can only let Xiao Yunye make the arrangements. He will stay at the barbecue restaurant first. If Huang Xuanshan is willing, he can go and help Lao Pu. busy.


A familiar old friend came to the barbecue restaurant. He was the young master Tanghua of the Liye family. Of course, the young master was once and now the head of the Tanghua family.

As soon as he entered the door, Tang Hua quickly walked to Xia Feng's desk and held his wrist.

Xia Feng raised his head.

"Cousin, what are you doing?"

Tang Hua's expression was serious.

"Xia Feng, I heard that you are going to run away?"

"Why are you running away? I want to go to the Royal Academy."

Tang Hua had no intention of letting go.

"Okay, I don't care what school you go to. You have to pay back the money you owe our family before you leave."

The previously negotiated price for acquiring light manganese mining areas and chemical plants was 750 million. At that time, Xia Feng paid 200 million in a patchwork manner, and now he still owes 550 million.

Xia Feng looked at Tang Hua expressionlessly.

"Are you short of money now?"

"There is no shortage of it."

Xia Feng pulled his arm out of Tang Hua's grasp.

"You're not short of money. Why are you so anxious? Leave it to me first and I'll save it for you."

Tang Hua was still a little unwilling.

"You don't want to run away. You say you are going to the Royal Academy. Who knows where you will go."

Xia Feng waved his hand exaggeratedly.

"No, no, this time I really just want to go to school, study hard, and make progress every day. You forgot that I asked you to help me find a relationship last time."

Ansel's admission was really helpful. At that time, he helped Xia Feng find a noble named Maren Laige. The Maren family was one of the major shareholders of the Royal Academy. However, Xia Feng later did not adopt this method. The Lun family instead used a teaching director from Nanfeng Contact and stuffed money into it.

Tang Hua didn't look like Xia Feng was lying.

"Do you really want to go to school?"

"Really, we'll leave tomorrow."

Tang Hua took back his hand and had no choice but to compromise.

"Well, as long as you don't run away, I won't be in a hurry to ask for the money. Mullenleg is my poker friend. If you encounter any difficulties at the Royal Academy, you can come to him and ask me for help."

Xia Feng sighed.

"I'm just going to learn some knowledge, so I won't get into any trouble."

The Liye family and Xia Feng were enemies at first, but after so many things, Tang De abdicated, Tang Hua turned enemies into friends, and has long regarded Xia Feng as the backbone of Hapi City.

"Xia Feng, what should I do after you leave?"

"You? Just continue to build the newly planned factory."

"Then what?"

"Then? Then you can do whatever you want. Why, you still want me to arrange some work for you?"

Tang Hua curled his lips.

"Okay, then I'll go back and won't see you off tomorrow. I wish you success in your studies."

"Wait a moment."

As soon as Tang Hua turned around, he was stopped by Xia Feng.

"Tang Hua, I suddenly remembered something that I might need you to do."

"What's up?"

"In this case, you help me go to the Ministry of Urban Development and ask them to approve a piece of land in the city center. I plan to invest in building a playground."

Tang Hua was a little suspicious that he heard it wrong. The gang actually wanted to build an amusement park, and the casino was not that bad.

"Playground? You mean for adults?"

"No, no, it's a children's playground. I'm going to invest 50 million. I'll leave it to you to help me implement it."

Xia Feng shouted towards the door at the top of his lungs.

"Ifrit, what do you want the playground to be called?"

Ifrit's voice came from the direction of the oven outside the door.

"Call a fire to kill you buggy playgrounds."

Xia Feng sighed, thinking that going to school is indeed a very important thing.

Then he stood up and patted Tang Hua on the shoulder.

"You didn't hear anything just now, just call it Eve Turtle Playground."


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