Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 484 Writing to Someone

"400 years ago"

If the atmosphere at this moment wasn't too serious, Xia Feng would have wanted to say "I'm so stupid".

At this point, Xia Feng had already guessed something. It was obvious that the story about the tribe that Xiao Yunye told just now was what Zeng Xina told his ancestor Xiao Li.

Xina did not only live for 300 years, but she was only recorded in the book "Earth and Wind" 300 years ago. Her real existence time has long exceeded the length of historical records.

She was frozen in life and death, so Xina didn't need much talent in spells. As long as she kept researching, even if her spells couldn't surpass everyone, at least her theoretical knowledge would surpass everyone.

Xiao Yunye's story finally gets to the point here, and what follows is a traceable history.

Red Knife opened the new bottle of red wine and filled all the glasses.

"Senior Xiao, you probably don't mind me coming uninvited."

Xiao Yunye smiled handsomely.

"Of course, this is just a free conversation between friends. Now that Xiao is willing to tell this story, he no longer has any worries, but it doesn't hurt to listen."

Xia Feng tightened her coat tightly.

"Master Xiao, what happened next?"


In the night wind, the second half of Xiao Yunye's story begins.

Xiao Li was originally a carefree and carefree person, so he immediately agreed to such bizarre things that ordinary people would sneer at.

Afterwards, he handed over the major affairs of the sect to his disciples, and started a journey with Xina to find someone.

As time goes by, the relationship between the two becomes familiar. Xina is a master of esoteric magic. At the same time, she does not eat, drink, or even sleep.

This kind of fairy-like behavior made Xiao Li admire him very much. Xina's position in his heart became more and more important. After leaving Yan Kingdom, they spent several years traveling to many countries. During this period, they experienced various difficulties and obstacles together. Countless important memories were also gained.

Protection is relative, companionship is mutual, and feelings gradually sprout over time.

Xiao Li's meticulous protection made Xina gradually open her heart. She told Xiao Li all about her bizarre life. She said that she was an immortal monster.

After hearing her story, Xiao Li just laughed it off. He said that all the kings of the Yan Kingdom wanted to seek immortality, but people like them were not worthy of eternal life because they did not understand immortality at all. meaning.

True eternal life is an endless road of loneliness.

A few years later.

Xiao Li still didn't help Xina find the person who froze life and death.

Time has left traces on Xiao Li's face, but Xina beside him still looks the same as before. Perhaps it was inevitable by chance that they came to the cherry blossom island where Xina once said goodbye to someone.

Time passed, and cherry blossoms bloomed on the island again. At the same time, the island country also had its own name, Dongguo.

Under the cherry blossom tree.

Xina raised her hand to catch a petal, and the past was vivid in her mind, as if it was yesterday.

"Ali, let's stop here."

Xiao Li didn't speak, he stood quietly next to Xina and looked at Sakura.

"Ali, life is like this cherry blossom. Once it starts to fall, it cannot return to the branch. It will eventually be buried in the soil. Our fate ends here. Thank you for accompanying me in my search for so long."

Xiao Li understood what Xina meant, but there was a meaningful smile on his vicissitudes of face at the moment.

"No, not long enough."

Xena turned to look at him.

"How long is long enough? 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years? Don't be naive, as long as we are destined to be separated, no matter how long it takes, it doesn't matter."

Xiao Li did not refute, he gently drew out the Xuan Qing Sword from behind.

The gentle wind suddenly became wild, and with his movements, the overwhelming sword energy completely covered the cherry blossom forest.

The direction of the wind was changed by the sword, and the petals that had fallen were stirred up again, flowing in mid-air with the sword's edge.

At this moment, Xiao Li's sword didn't have the slightest killing intent, but the look in his eyes as he danced the sword was more persistent than when he faced any enemy in his life.

Xiao Li's movements were smooth and flowing, and the sword energy was swirling in the wind. As the last movement was completed, he inserted the sword deeply into the soil under his feet with an aura that surpassed all the strong men in the world.


The earth trembled slightly, and the petals of the entire cherry blossom forest soared into the sky, flying to the sky like a river flowing backwards.

Bathed in the surging cherry blossom rain, Xiao Li retracted his sword and slowly walked to Xina.

"100 years is not enough. What I want is eternity."

Xina stared blankly at the cherry blossom rain rising into the sky and murmured.


After a moment, Xina shouted excitedly.

"Impossible! No matter how powerful your swordsmanship is, you can't beat the limit of lifespan. No matter how inseparable the feelings are, they will eventually part ways. All true feelings will be diluted by time until they disappear without a trace!"

Tears of collapse flowed from Xina's eyes.

"Many, many years later, no one will remember any trace of your existence. Those who have seen you with their own eyes will disappear. I will be the only one left. You will only live in my memory. The more precious memories you have, the more precious memories you have." , the lonelier I feel in my heart, I don’t want to have this kind of fate anymore, from now on, just let me wander alone."

Xina's cry was heartbreaking, and the tears seemed to span history, and the loneliness in them had been precipitated for centuries.

A vicissitudes of hand gently placed on Xina's head, and Xiao Li stood with his sword in hand.

"The body will die, but the heart will never die. My companionship can be passed down forever!"

Time flies and everything flows.

20 years later.

In front of Xiao Li's tombstone, a handsome young man stretched out his hand to Xina.

"My father told me not to add any title after your name. From now on, I will always protect you, so I will just call you Hina."

Xina looked at this young man whose face was 90% similar to Xiao Li's and asked aloud.

"May I have your name."

The boy grinned.

"My name is Xiao Heng. My father said that Heng is eternal Heng."

After saying that, Xiao Heng handed a pony-shaped wooden toy into Xina's hands.

"My father asked me to give it to you. He said that this thing is for the body and the mind is inherited."

Xena held the pony in her arms, and when she raised her head again, there was no sadness in her eyes.

"Ah Heng, let's go."


From that day on, Xina and the young Xiao Heng once again embarked on a journey to find an adult.

With the development of the times, a powerful country in the western part of the world of Terra was unified after the war. This country was named the Victoria Empire by the first generation king.

Subsequently, more national governments were born one after another, such as Colombia, Ursus, Rembiton, Casimir, Syracuse, and Lateran. It was also from that time that the mysterious sea of ​​Agor entered. people's vision.

Originium technology has begun to sprout, and time is changing the original appearance of the world, but what remains unchanged is natural disasters.

A few years later.

Xina and Xiao Heng's search gradually turned into a journey.

During the process, they would occasionally live in a country for several years, and Xina would concentrate on studying spells and communicating with some local spell masters.

By chance, Xina established a non-governmental organization in Ursus. The founder of the organization was writing a book called "Earth and Wind".

Xina provided many profound magic theories for the writing of this book, but even for her, other contents in the book still exceeded her imagination. Never appeared.

Xina once asked that person if the content in the book really existed.

The man's answer was, maybe in the past, maybe in the future.

Hina couldn't understand this sentence, and the person who said it was equally mysterious. In the few months they had been together, Hina had never seen his true appearance. This man wore a hood and scarf from beginning to end. Cover your face.

At the end of "Earth and Wind" there is a string of mysterious numbers. The man said that this string of numbers represents the truth. In addition to the numbers, there is a short sentence.

This sentence seems to be written to all readers in the future, but Xina feels that it is written to a certain person in the future.

Or perhaps, this sentence was written to himself.

[Are you awake? Or are you still dreaming? 】

The roof of the barbecue restaurant.

Hearing this, Xia Feng fell into deep thought.

He seemed to have seen this sentence before in Sister Mira's book "Earth and Wind".

Under the moonlight, Xia Feng murmured these words repeatedly.

"Are you awake? Or are you still dreaming?"

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