Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 504 freestyle

After getting the address, Xia Feng and Hong Dao immediately left Lingshi Park and stopped a taxi on the roadside.

In the car, Hongdao lowered his voice and said.

"Xia Feng, will the other party take advantage of others?"

Xia Feng shook his head.

"Probably not. We're not here to sell Origin Stones. We're just here to buy information. We don't have anything to eat at all."

"What if?"

Hong Dao's caution was natural, Xia Feng comforted him with a smile.

"Relax, it'll be okay."

Sunset Boulevard is the most prosperous area in Xicheng District and one of the areas with the richest nightlife. Various bars and nightclubs can be seen everywhere. On the street, bloated men hugged seductive women and laughed from time to time.

The taxi stopped on the roadside.

"Here we are, here is the address you gave us."


Xia Feng and Hong Dao got out of the car and soon discovered the bar called [The End of the Earth].

Xia Feng tightened her scarf.


The bar was not large in size, and there were many customers inside at this time. After Xia Feng and the others opened the door and entered, a waiter immediately greeted them.

"Hello, how many are there?"

Xia Feng said in a deep voice.

"Your boss and I have made an appointment. My name is Xia Feng."

The waiter nodded and immediately turned around and walked into the corridor deep in the bar.

Hongdao casually pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Xia Feng, this place is pretty good. The decoration style is much classier than your bar in the East District."

Xia Feng said while standing next to Hong Dao.

"Needless to say, this is Longmen. Compared with this place, Hapi City is just a rural area. It's weird if it's not high-end."

Hong Dao took a look inside.

"Hey, their boss is quite mysterious. I'll probably invite you in for a private chat soon."

After getting along for a while, Hongdao finally opened his heart to Xia Feng. He usually has a ruthless persona in front of outsiders, but he talks a lot when alone with him.

Xia Feng nodded.

"Probably, after all, this kind of transnational trafficking of information is quite sensitive, especially natural disaster information."


At this moment, the music in the entire bar suddenly stopped.

All the guests looked confused and didn't know what was going on. Then, a shaky figure walked sideways from the bar to the DJ stage.

The creature had a pointed beak like a bird, wore sunglasses, a hat on its head, a loose T-shirt with a face on it, and several large gold chains hanging around its neck.

Seeing him appear, the whole bar immediately went into a frenzy.


Dadi stood on the DJ stage and waved his hand.

"Everyone, welcome to the bar at the end of the earth, but I regret to tell you that the bar's business hours will end tonight. I'm very sorry. Please give me a favor today, everyone. Please come back."

Voices of disappointment immediately came from the crowd. Although it was disappointing, the guests did not complain and left the bar one after another. It seemed that the Emperor's reputation was very important.

The entire bar quickly became quiet, and only Xia Feng and Hong Dao were left in the hall.

This set of operations confused Xia Feng.

"Gitui, where did this song come from?"

Dadi stood behind the DJ booth and looked at Xia Feng below, and said in front of Mai Fengke.

"My friends, now the real party begins."


The rolling shutter door of the bar was pulled down with a bang, and the escape route was blocked.

Xia Feng turned around and looked at the man who had touched the door at some point. After a closer look, he saw that he was actually a bread man.

Croissant smiled and gave Xia Feng a thumbs up.

"Guest, don't worry, your safety will be guaranteed tonight. This is our Penguin Logistics tradition of welcoming big customers. Please have fun!"

Stirring music blasted in the bar, and a guy with a halo on his head appeared out of nowhere and jumped onto the table.

"Yeah, the party has started. In a perfect life, you can't stop partying, Apurupa!"

Under Xia Feng's confused gaze, this guy pulled out a handful of Victor from his back and hit the table below.

"Snap, snap, snap, snap!"

In an instant, the wine bottles and cups on the table were hit and exploded, with glass shards flying everywhere.

"Holy shit!"

Xia Feng reflexively lay down on the spot. Then, he saw a bullet rolling in front of him. It turned out to be a rubber bullet.

The emperor's voice came.

"Aneng, don't destroy the tableware. If you shoot again, your next month's salary will be deducted!"


Later, Xia Feng finally understood. It turned out that this was a private welcome party specially organized by the emperor for his arrival.

All kinds of high-end wines were placed on the table. The emperor's enthusiasm made Xia Feng a little cautious at first, but after a few glasses of wine, he immediately became more relaxed.

He even went so far as to shut down the bar to welcome him. This was a big deal. Xia Feng was not a face-loving person, but this level of attention still made him very happy.

Gradually, Hongdao also let down his guard, and started drinking one cup after another under the persuasion of the bread man.

The music in the bar had such a strong rhythm that people couldn't help but shake their heads along with it. Xia Feng picked up the wine glass.

"Mr. Great Emperor, thank you for your cooperation."

The emperor's head squirmed back and forth, as if his whole person had entered a state. Following the rhythm, he held a wireless microphone and made a sound.

"Yo yo~~ Don't talk about cooperation today~ We just want to be happy~ Life is short and we need to have fun~ We will have a blast tonight~~ Yo yo, my friend, raise your hands and sway with me~"


The capable angel screamed and jumped onto the table again.

The emperor was in high spirits and continued to sing along with the music.

"Yo~ I am the king of the Longmen Realm~ Who dares to be crazy with me~ Penguin's intelligence is all over the world~ Including your Victoria~ Partners will be together for life, I will always treat you as a friend~ Yo yo!"


The capable angel has gone crazy.

Infected by the atmosphere, Xia Feng also put aside the matter of cooperation. He raised his head and blew half of the bottle in one breath. He took the microphone from the emperor unwilling to be outdone.

Xia Feng didn't understand rap, but he couldn't help but think of a few lines when he was in high spirits.

"Yo yo, are you ready~ Hey, look at this wine bottle. It's thick and tall, just like this microphone, it's long and heavy. Let's come here and drink. I think the wine tastes good. I think it's OK~ We, come here, drink, just like you rap for us, we are very happy, yo~"

Hong Dao agreed cooperatively.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?"

Dadi was stunned by Xia Feng's freestyle performance. At this point, the atmosphere of the party was completely ignited.

All kinds of good wines were brought one after another, and the emperor's impromptu rap was one after another, interspersed with the impromptu dance of the capable angels. Xia Feng followed along with the wine bottle and shook his head, even Hong Dao was drunk.

The party lasted until late into the night, and Xia Feng couldn't remember how much he drank until finally, he was completely broken.

Longmen is such a great place.

When Xia Feng opened his eyes in a daze, it was already dawn outside.

He was lying on a sofa, and as soon as he sat up, his brain felt dizzy. It seemed that the drink had a lot of staying power.

"Red knife."

Xia Feng rubbed his eyes and shouted, but no one responded to him.

After waking up for a moment, Xia Feng took a closer look and saw that this was not the bar last night, but a dilapidated living room.

The ceiling in the room was very low, the furniture was very worn, and the leather on the sofa was peeling off.

"Where is this, where are the people?"

Xia Feng checked his belongings. His clothes were intact, his scarf was around his neck, and nothing else was missing.

"anyone there?"

At this moment, an urgent siren suddenly sounded outside!

Xia Feng was startled. As the saying goes, if you don't do evil things, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Although what he did was not evil, it could not be said to be reasonable and legal. When he heard the siren, Xia Feng's heart tightened subconsciously.


The door of the room was pushed open, and the emperor rushed in from the outside.

"Xia Feng, run quickly, the police are coming!"


Xia Feng didn't even have time to think, and he was pushed into the corridor by the emperor.

"Well, what does it have to do with me when the police come?"

"Don't ask, you run first and I'll cover you."

Xia Feng took a look at the dark corridor of this obviously old-fashioned building.

"Where am I going?"

"Jump out of the window."

Without giving Xia Feng any extra time, Dadi pushed open the corridor window and pointed at the window.

"Jump quickly, don't get caught."

Although Xia Feng doesn't know what happened, his personal identity is still relatively sensitive anyway. He has a Victoria citizen certificate, but he is an infected person. This kind of thing will definitely be exposed if it is medically identified, and he He is also suspected of international smuggling of source stones. Who knows whether the Longmen Guard Bureau is lenient in controlling this.


Xia Feng raised his legs and climbed onto the window sill. Just as he was about to jump, he stopped again.

"Nima, this is too high!"

"You can't die, run quickly, it's too late!"

Xia Feng gritted his teeth.

"Let's go!"

Xia Feng jumped from the third floor. At this height, it was still acceptable. However, because he was hungover, he didn't grasp the landing posture well. He fell directly on his buttocks and almost protruded his waist disc.


After standing up, Xia Feng found that he was in a dark alley, which looked like an old residential area in Longmen.

Looking up, the emperor had disappeared from the window.

No matter, let’s run away first.

Xia Feng kicked up his feet and ran wildly along the alley.

However, as soon as he rushed out of the alley, he ran into a group of heavily armed people's servants. Without saying a word, a dozen big men stepped forward and pinned Xia Feng to the ground.

"Don't move, Longmen Guards Bureau!"

Moments before Xia Feng was tied up and pushed into the police car, he saw Dad quietly walking out of the corridor and then running away from the other side of the alley.

Longmen Guard Bureau.

Xia Feng was handcuffed to a pillar in the detention room, and he was locked up with a group of young and Dangerous people. He actually knew these people, the same group of gangsters he met in the park last night.

Xia Feng looked depressed. Why did he get into trouble without doing anything?

Seeing the police guard in the distance, Xia Feng shouted to him.

"Officer, why are you arresting me? I don't know these gangsters."

The officer glanced at him.

"I didn't say you knew them. They just got caught fighting last night and are temporarily locked up with you."

"Then what did I do?"

"Stay there for now. Someone will interrogate you later."

After squatting on the ground and pondering for a long time, Xia Feng finally came to a conclusion.

He can guarantee that he hasn't done anything bad since he came to Longmen, so there is only one possibility. His grandma is a jerk, and he took the blame for the emperor, and that stinky penguin sold him out.

At this time, a police officer came outside to change his shift.

Later, Xia Feng heard their conversation.

"Hey, Abin, I heard that Sir Chen is going to wear a cheongsam at the New Year dinner, tsk tsk."

"Who did you listen to?"

"I heard what Sir Xing said, it should be true. We are blessed."

"Shh, keep your voice down. If Sir Chen hears this, he will make you patrol all night."

"Hey hey hey."

Xia Feng's ears stood up. After listening to their conversation, he immediately shouted to them.

"Police officer, who was Sir Chen you were talking about just now?"

"It's none of your business, just stay still."

"If you don't tell me, I will tell whoever you are talking about about her wearing a cheongsam."

The policeman's expression immediately changed, and he walked towards Xia Feng with his baton in hand.

"Are you tired of living? Don't you know what your situation is now?"

Xia Feng chuckled.

"Officer, please calm down. I just want to know the name of Sir Chen?"

The police officer glanced back and forth and whispered impatiently.

"Sir Chen's real name is Chen Huijie."

Thanks to book friend The-Devil for the tip, I’ve added an additional chapter, followed by Fengfeng’s year-end summary.

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